The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
A podcast where you come for the ultimate makeover for your life. We talk all things healing and manifestation.
The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
💸 Manifest Money Series: Part 3- Enter The Wealth Frequency
This episode explores the distinction between being wealthy and merely having money, emphasising the importance of cultivating a wealthy identity. We discuss the concept of the wealth frequency, how wealthy individuals think differently about money and investments, and the significance of feeling complete regardless of financial circumstances.
• Explanation of the wealthy identity versus simply having money
• Discussion of how wealthy individuals perceive abundance
• Insights on entering the wealth frequency
• Importance of assets and investments over cash
• Exploration of how to think like a wealthy person
• Regulating one's nervous system during financial stress
• Invitation for reflection and personal empowerment
Welcome back, guys, to another episode of the Hot Genius Guide to Manifesting. As always, I'm your host, christina Modafari, and this is a part of the Manifest Money series. This is part three of the series. Okay, so if you haven't already listened to the other ones, I really recommend you listen to them. There's no specific order, although the way that I have structured this series is that if you were to do it in order and literally treated it as like a course, it will create the best benefits for you. I have done it in order, but for you, it's completely up to you what you do with it.
Speaker 1:So today's episode well, this part of the series is really focused on the wealthy identity, because a lot of the time, people can confuse money itself, like being rich and what that means, and wealth and all the things, and so this is a big conversation, but we're only going to do it in, you know, fun, digestible pieces. So today we're specifically focusing on the wealthy identity and mindset, like how do wealthy people think versus non-wealthy people? And so, naturally, what I want you to first understand is that when you become someone who's wealthy, that is different to being someone who has a lot of money, because there are people out there who have lots of money but are still broke, and a lot of examples. The example that I use very frequently is lottery winners, where they overnight get a hundred million dollars and they go bankrupt statistically within the first five years. You know 80% of them anyway, and so there's that.
Speaker 1:There's also less dramatic examples of where this happens, such as, say, someone you know grew up in a middle-class family. You know it wasn't like they were poor and in poverty, it was just normal, right. And let's say their average. You know their parent each earned like, say, 50k per year. You know just average income and whatever else. And so that same person becomes an adult and let's say they start to make double what their parents made put together, right. So let's say that individual. Let's just say you know a 31 year old woman works in corporate and now she makes $100,000 per year. Now she is quite literally making double of what her parents made put together, right. And so she was making the around her family because she might now have literally more money, she might have literally doubled her income, but she stayed a middle-class person, she stayed as a black person. So she would just find that, no matter what she does, no matter how much she gets, pay rises and increases her salary like nothing really changed. You know, she's still living paycheck to paycheck. She's still feeling like she doesn't have enough money, she still feels like the bills are never ending.
Speaker 1:And so this is the importance of today's episode we're going to understand why that is happening, you know so this is a very, very common thing that takes place, and the reason for this is because of what I prefaced this episode with, and it's that being wealthy does not mean you have lots of money, because having lots of money, you know you could be a broke person and have lots of money, and we don't want that. What we want now is to actually start learning the difference between having lots of money and being wealthy, and then you can decide if you want to be wealthy or not, because maybe you don't care, maybe you just want to be someone who just manifests lots of money, and if that's what you want to do, there's no shame. You know it's your life. You do you boo. However, I'd want to give you the chance to decide who you want to be, because how you're going to move forward with your money journey and your manifesting journey will be dependent on whether you want to be a wealthy person or not. Okay, so we're going to go over, like I said, some things that wealthy people see differently how they think. And also, yeah, we're going to enter the wealth frequency.
Speaker 1:And through entering the wealth frequency just means that anyone, including yourself, including me, including the person who's currently homeless has the ability, the potential to enter the wealth frequency. Because when it comes to changing our lives, be that financially or anything else, it's not about, you know, this linear point A to point Z thing. It's not like that. It's all based on vibration, you know, and it's like what dominant vibration are we in? And what we want is to be in the wealth frequency, that wealthy vibration. And you do that through understanding the energetics of wealth and abundance, which is essentially always feeling like you're enough. It's realizing that you can feel free and relaxed in the absence or the presence of money.
Speaker 1:And now this brings me to what happens when you are entering the wealth frequency, because you probably have entered it, maybe you have entered it for five minutes and not known right. Or maybe you've, you've, you're in it right now and you just had no idea. And when you don't know what frequency you're at, you can't recognize the signs and whatever else, then it can't last as long as you want it to, or you also just don't get to enjoy yourself the way you could. And so you'll find that when you've entered the wealth frequency which really just means that you are not focused on what you're lacking, so you're not focused on you know how you don't have enough clients or customers. You're not focused on how you don't. You have never ending bills.
Speaker 1:When you're focused on what you do have, when you feel like you have more than enough, that is when you're in the wealthy frequency and you will naturally learn and have access to the same information, the same collective wisdom as someone who has that external reality of wealth, be that a millionaire, billionaire, whatever else right. And so first things first is don't put people who make way more money than you, who have a higher net worth than you, on a pedestal, because by you putting, say, warren Buffett above you, making him superior to you because he's a billionaire and you're not, then you are number one, quite literally making it separate from you. You're not seeing it clearly. Making it separate from you. You're not seeing it clearly. If you want to actually be there you got to realize that he might have more money than you, he might have better wealth skills than you, but he's literally not better than you. No one is. No one is above anyone else.
Speaker 1:So you want to start ending this whole superior inferiority complex, this whole pedestal shit. This is all mommy and daddy issues, right? If you want me to create a podcast about why people put people on a pedestal in the first place and where it comes from and how to change it, just let me know, anyway. So you want to begin there. You want to stop putting wealth on a pedestal, because I'm going to tell you something that's actually how you very easily access that frequency.
Speaker 1:Because a wealthy person does not see that like they don't see anything or anyone as above or below them. Right, and I'm talking about proper wealth. I'm talking about self-made, sustainable wealthy people. I'm not talking about people who hustled their way over 15 years and manipulated people and were like really unethical business people and then made a fortune and then now they're depressed on a yacht and now they have a gambling problem and drug addiction. That is not wealth, guys. That is not wealth. That is someone who just made lots of money, lots of money and is still broke in the mind, still broke in the heart. That is not wealth okay. And is still broke in the mind, still broke in the heart. That is not wealth okay.
Speaker 1:So what is wealth then? Well, first of all, let me tell you that wealthy people do not perceive money, piles and piles of cash and money as wealth. Let that land for you. Take that in for a moment. I am purposely slowing down so that you take a moment. I do not if you tuned out a little bit before you ain't tuning out right now, because this is probably the most important thing you'll honestly ever learn ever.
Speaker 1:Because most people think that being wealthy and financially free means having a large pile of cash. It means having a large pile of cash, a never-ending supply of cash, or having multiple seven figures in their everyday banking account. No, that is not wealth. That is not wealth. What wealth really is is assets and investments that are constantly returning and creating a return. It's about assets. It's no longer putting money on a pedestal, because money in itself literally decreases in value, in monetary value, every year by three to 5%, depending on what country you're in. In America, I think it's like 5%. In Australia, it's like three to four, right, you'd find out your own country's inflation percentage rate. But so that means, on average, that your $100 note right now that you're holding, if you're holding a $100 note in your hand this time next year, that same $100 note is now worth $97. And the year after that the same note will be worth $94. $94, right?
Speaker 1:That is why wealthy people do not put money and cash on a pedestal, because money depreciates in value. And so that is why, if you think that wealth is having a pile of cash, well, that pile of cash, even if you left it in your drawer, did nothing with it, it's literally decreasing in value. Which is why the wealthy identity, when you enter the wealth frequency, you either you, naturally, will learn this, but also sometimes you won't. Sometimes, if you don't have accessibility, if you don't have access to people who are wealthy and whatever else, or you've got too many limiting beliefs, you can't enter that frequency right. And so that's why I'm here to fill in that gap, to either confirm what you already know, to reinforce what you already know, or to educate you what you didn't know. So you know what you didn't know. So things start to change, right.
Speaker 1:And so when you can see that number one that's really important, that it's about assets and that wealthy people, instead of buying material things as a priority, actually buy assets that create income. They buy income generating machines. For example, if a wealthy person had a million dollars versus a non-wealthy person, the average non-wealthy person would use that million dollars to buy a property, buy a dream home like a mansion or something right, and they would think, oh, and then also pay off all their credit card debts and their finances off right. So a lot of the time, the unwealthy person, as an example, would buy that million dollar property with that million dollars because they think it's an asset. They mean well, and it's not their fault. This is not to judge anyone, this is just, unfortunately, you know, society kind of brainwashing us to stay small, right, but a wealthy person who was given the same million dollars would not go buy that because they understand that real estate, yes, it can be investment, but not in that way. It's all about context, it's all about timing, it's all about where you're at, it's about your goals. There's so many things to consider, whereas most people don't even realize there's anything to consider and they see it as black and white.
Speaker 1:So again, going back to the wealthy identity, the wealthy mindset, the wealthy frequency would go, okay, how can I turn this million dollars into an income generating machine? And so that they'd sit there and they'd be like, okay, maybe I will. You know, invest, invest this into, let's say, the, into ETFs or into the stock market, right, and just buy those things. I'm just giving you a random example, right? And then they'll find out, oh, okay, roughly, that person needs to have three to $4 million in investments. You know, I'm just giving you a random example. This is not a financial advice. I'm just telling you ideas of how a wealthy person might think. It's examples. They would go and see that and they go, okay, wait a second, I'd need, you know, three to $4 million in my portfolio in order to make a hundred K per year. I'm just giving you random shit and they'd be like, okay, so what are my goals? And can you see what's happening here?
Speaker 1:The wealthy person is sitting there really thinking it. They're not attached to this money, they're sitting there going. How can I make a grow? What are my options? Do I buy a business instead that actually can generate me income? What can I? Where can I put my money so I can get more money right. And they literally are acting from that truth, from that abundance, because energy and time is the highest resource. A wealthy person knows that. A wealthy person sees the real currency in life. Again, it's their energy, it's their time, it's their health. So, instead of, you know, buying a lamborghini straight away, they're going to find a way where they can buy that lamborghini within a smarter way, where they're going to buy an asset, an income generating machine. You know, and there's so many things around that I'm just giving you these examples.
Speaker 1:Right, I really want you to start getting curious as to the difference with the frequency. See, the energy is different. See how, like you know, being someone with lots of money being broke, it's like material things, it's impulsion, it's like being too attached to money, it's putting, treating money like it's like the superior of you and not realizing you are my money's superior. You know you as a powerful, limitless being. You. We are one with source. All things start from God or source. Everything was created from that right. So are you. When you know that and you see money as neutral, you feel neutral towards money. You have entered the wealth frequency. When you have entered the wealth frequency.
Speaker 1:You naturally start attracting information, mindsets, information, books, people, knowledge, whatever to start filling in this frequency and vibration. And you know what? That's actually how it happened for me, right? I literally came from poverty. Okay, all I did over these last 10 years was like I had so many limiting beliefs and I'm still working through them to this day. I'm always going to be transparent with you, guys.
Speaker 1:But when I had mastered the beginning of, like, my wealth frequency, all of a sudden I'm getting educated. I'm finding these books that were right in front of my nose that I never thought to read because my broke frequency, my lack frequency physically, was repelled by those wealthy books. I was being educated by that. I started finding wealthy mentors who could coach me, who could guide me. Like, without even trying, guys, I was in a state of an abundance of guidance, an abundance of resources, an abundance of wisdom, because before someone becomes wealthy and you can ask any self-made wealthy person this before literal money and assets come rolling in, they start to experience the first wave of abundance and wealth and they receive a wealth of knowledge, a wealth of good quality knowledge anyway. And so that's what happened with me. And then I started learning this and I started learning that. And then I just became a different person. My identity shifted and now I feel differently about myself. I'm not attached to money. I love money oh my God, I love it. I see the purpose of it. But I'm free from it. You know, I'm free. I choose to be wealthy, which is long-term, which is freedom, which is not valuing money and numbers over my health, over my energy, over my peace of mind. All right. And so that brings me to the next thing. A wealthy person feels wealthy, whole and complete. Listen to this A wealthy person feels whole and complete in the absence of money as well as the presence of money. Write that down, if you have to right.
Speaker 1:And there was this story that I heard Joseph Dispenza say in one of his talks. He was explaining something very similar to what we're talking about right now, where essentially he had gone to meet up with a client who was who's a billionaire. But he walks up to the billionaire and he's just like demolishing his burger apparently. And then the billionaire says to joe very casually, very in a chill way you know, I lost all of my money today, I've lost billions today. It's all gone, wiped clean. And then joe was really confused. He was describing how I was like, uh, why are you so calm, is everything okay? Like he literally just lost billions. Like how are you not? How are you okay? Like like confused as anyone would be.
Speaker 1:And that billionaire turns around and he said why would I be worried? I am wealth. Oh right, oh, my God, this is. I'm electrified by this right, so fucking electrified Because it's true, because it's true, he is wealth. The person who created that money is wealth. And to further add to that, researchers have even fucking said if all of the wealth was taken away from the most wealthiest people in the world, within 10 years those people will make all their money back. Because it's you, you are the source. You need to learn how to access that part of you.
Speaker 1:And to make it so simple, guys, wealth energetics is so simple. Let me tell you it's. Can you feel whole and complete in the absence and in the presence of money? Can you be neutral? And I understand I'm not trying to invalidate the things you go through. I understand that there are things that financial troubles can be so fucked. I know that there's bills. I know that there's inflation. I'm not trying to invalidate the things you go through.
Speaker 1:I understand that there are things, that financial troubles can be so fucked. I know that there's bills. I know that there's inflation. I know that there's an economy that really is unpredictable. I understand the cost of living is changing. I get all that. I'm not trying to invalidate any of this. I'm just trying to tell you what wealth energetics are.
Speaker 1:I'm trying to say that worrying and losing sleep and not taking care of yourself ain't gonna pay your bills. You stressing out about money and feeling like you're not good enough and you being angry isn't gonna give you more money, isn't gonna fix your financial problems, is not gonna pay your bills. So if worrying is not going to pay your bills, you might as well learn how to feel free from that, how to feel calm, how to want to regulate your nervous system. Regardless of the amount of numbers and dollars, you have to start treating yourself as more expensive than money and you do that by doing what I just said that even when it gets hard, even when your natural, natural human biology starts to worry because it's money is a symbol of survival, when you start to understand that your body is just going into that stressed state because it cares about you it's. It sees that its survival is being threatened. It sees that its survival is being threatened right, I understand that.
Speaker 1:But when you can recognize that, you regulate yourself and you realize that your external world is a direct reflection of your internal world, that you are the source of your wealth and that the 3D circumstances don't matter, it doesn't matter where you're at today. If you're broke as a joke today, that does not matter. You can still be wealthy tomorrow. You can change your fucking life in a week. You can change your life in a day. You can change your life when you change yourself and you change yourself by realizing that you are the source of your wealth, even if it doesn't feel like it. Give your power back to yourself. Take back your power. Claim that back to yourself. Take back your power. Claim that Okay.
Speaker 1:So if you have any questions, if you want a follow-up on learning about wealth, consciousness, wealth energetics, the wealth identity, the differences between that and having lots of money, let me know, because I might actually do another one on wealth. This money series is so fucking powerful. It's probably the best series I've ever done. It's the thing I'm most passionate about and I most likely will. You know. I'm going to give you some insider juice. I might end up just focusing on Wealth Energetics.
Speaker 1:I don't know, I'm not sure. I'm currently at this point where I'm just like, fuck, maybe Hot Genius Society goes freaking niche, I don't know. I'd love to hear your thoughts on that, because you are a part of this brand. I want to know what serves you, because this is about you. Okay, as much as I'm passionate, more so I am passionate of reminding you of your power. If you want to know what makes me happy, that's what makes me happy. Nothing brings me more joy than knowing that something that I did made someone love themselves more and feel more powerful over their life. Okay, so I love you so much and I'll speak to you next.