The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting

🎬 Fake it till you make it

• Christina Modaffari • Season 5 • Episode 65

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This podcast episode delves into a fresh perspective on the phrase "fake it till you make it," challenging listeners to understand how to embody their desired selves genuinely rather than merely pretending. By focusing on self-acceptance and practical emotional shifts, we explore how to manifest true success aligned with authentic identity. 

• Exploring the pitfalls of faking confidence or success 
• Discussing the importance of acknowledging one's current state 
• Understanding how self-deception can hinder personal progress 
• Introducing incremental shifts towards a more empowered self 
• Practical applications for embodying your desired identity 
• The transformative nature of the "billion-dollar question" 
• Encouraging genuine connections between desires and present reality

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Speaker 1:

Hello, welcome back to the show. I hope you've had a beautiful break. It's been a couple of weeks. Welcome back to the show. This episode today is called Fake it Till you Make it, and it's going to be a really good episode, as always.

Speaker 1:

As always, I'm here to deliver, but I'm going to share with you my take on Fake it Till you Make it in a way where I think it's a very fresh perspective that is going to be very useful for you and it's not going to make you feel like you have imposter syndrome because, yeah, let's get into it. Let me explain, okay. So, as you can see, we're not doing any small talk today. We're going to go straight into it. I just want to. The only small talk I'm really going to say actually is like I really do hope you had a beautiful new beginning so far in the new year. I hope you had an amazing holiday and I'm just. I don't know about you, but the energy of 2025 is just, it's hitting differently and if you'd like for me to maybe make a podcast episode describing the energies from a more spiritual perspective, let me know, because I'd love to share that with you guys. All right, so Fakency Maker my perspective.

Speaker 1:

How to make it practical would be that a lot of the time, like I was saying earlier, is that when people usually attempt to fake, you know maybe confidence or fake success or something, but until they make it where they go you know maybe confidence or fake success or something, until they make it when they go, quote, unquote wrong is that while they're doing it, they're feeling like imposters, they feel like a liar, and this is when fecacy and make it, I guess, is something. It just doesn't work. Do you know what I mean? It actually causes more harm than good. But the reason why I've recently changed my mind.

Speaker 1:

I used to hate the phrase fake it till you make it. It used to piss me off so much, but I recently changed my perspective on it and I realized that it really is like everything else in life. It's really your perspective on it. Everything itself is neutral, even the phrase fake it till you make it, and we're the ones who give it meaning. We're the ones who have the power to either make this phrase something that works for us or works against us. So I'm going to first share with you how to fake it till you make it in a way that's you're going to. Not, it's not going to work for you, and then afterwards I'm going to share the proper way to do it.

Speaker 1:

So what not to do is well, when you're faking it till you make it, let's use an example for the sake of this episode. Say you want to, you know, triple your income, like you really want to get into that, the wealthiest version of yourself, let's say right, and what that would look like is the wrong way to do it is you go all right, well, let me just fake it till I make it, let me just act rich, let's say. And most of the time the way people kind of think of that is they maybe start overspending and like buying things they can't afford, and you can see how problematic that is. But that's because you hear fake it till you make it, and it kind of it's very easy for us to think that that's what it would mean when really nothing's really changing, when really you are actually making yourself more poor instead of making yourself more rich, and the reason for that is simply because we don't manifest what we want. We manifest and create who we are being. We are just amplifying the energy that we are asking for the thing.

Speaker 1:

So in this case, if you are desiring to be rich but you are feeling broke and you stay a broke person mentally, habitually, behaviorally and emotionally, then it doesn't matter what you do. You're going to keep getting more broke. And then you will accidentally make it 10 times worse when you're also trying to fake it, so to speak, till you make it. And that's where, again, a lot of people go wrong. Alternatively, if you like, if your current income in this case was exactly the same and like let's just use like a random example you know you make the average like $60,000 per year salary and you know you want to go from that to being richer, like three times more richer, let's say. But if you already feel broke now and then you're like I'm gonna fake it till I make it, like I'm gonna start, you know acting richer than what I am and I'm going to tell people you know lies like that's not, that's not how you fake it till you make it in a way that's gonna work in your favor. That's just actually gonna cause more problems for you. Like I said earlier, one of those problems is you're now going to actually overspend because, well, you're, you're acting above your means, which is actually, ironically not what rich people do.

Speaker 1:

Rich people generally, um, live below their means, right? Um, it's a very different thing, um, but like, but like. That's one example. That's one problem that you can cause. The other problem you can cause is that, with the brain, how it works, is that. This is actually also the reason why, um, affirmations, um, sometimes don't work for people. Um and so, with affirmations, it's a whole skill in itself.

Speaker 1:

Okay, um, and what I mean by that is that if you have a belief, okay, if you strongly write this moment, let's say, you believe that you are broke, okay, and right now you say I am a millionaire. You know what's going to happen. That's not going to make you feel good. That's going to make you even more aware of the fact that you're not a millionaire. It's going to make you feel more broke. Does that make sense? Like, really hear me? Like, if you already think of yourself as broke, right, and then you go ahead and say I am a millionaire and you fake it till you make it. You feel more broke now because you're more aware of the distance between your current income and being someone who has multiple seven figures.

Speaker 1:

Do you see that? And your subconscious mind doesn't like it when you lie to it, see that. And your subconscious mind doesn't like it when you lie to it, it doesn't like it. And when you're saying affirmations, they are you like. That is from your conscious mind, you know. And just remember to remind you, our conscious mind makes up of only like one to five percent of our entire mind, you know. So it's just really important that you understand this as well.

Speaker 1:

Like that's the other problem and that's another reason why you know, fake it till you make it can be problematic. And you know the affirmations have to be used properly, you know. And to use affirmations properly is not to go from someone who feels broke to instantly be like I am wealthy, it's going okay. I'm going to acknowledge right now that, like I fucking feel broke, no matter how much money I make, like whether I was making 40k per year, 70k per year, like I constantly feeling broke, oh my god. You gotta acknowledge that. You gotta own that truth first.

Speaker 1:

If you don't, if you don't accept the present circumstances, you can't truly change the circumstances, because you're just going to be in a constant battle and you'll just be in constant denial. Um, and that doesn't get you anywhere. And then, and the reason why it doesn't get you anywhere is because it will just cause you to chase the future, which is problematic again, because all of your desires, your dream life, every single part of that reality, everything it exists in the present moment. The past doesn't exist. The future doesn't really exist, they are just. They exist in the figments of our imagination and it expresses itself in chemicals in our brain. It's not real. The only thing that is real is now, and so when you can accept what's happening right now, you can change what's happening right now, which will, you know, conceptually change your future as well. So, instead of saying of going from like 180 overnight, you go, okay, I accept where I'm at, this is where I'm at.

Speaker 1:

Okay, feel. You should feel emotions If you are broke and you truly own that. You're radically honest with yourself that you're broke right now and you have been probably your whole life. Let's say Just so we're clear. If you don't feel any emotion, you're lying to yourself. Your nervous system is dysregulated. You're probably in a numb state, like you're in a collapsed state. Maybe you is dysregulated. You're probably in a numb state, like you're in a collapsed state. Maybe you're in a freeze response. You're supposed to feel emotion. Okay, we're humans, we're supposed to be, we're supposed to feel things and we've got to stop avoiding these feelings because they're actually just causing more problems, you know. So again, please be aware that if you're not feeling anything, you're doing it wrong and you should probably regulate yourself and give yourself permission to feel what you've got to feel, because the only way out is through.

Speaker 1:

So once you felt those emotions right of you acknowledging the truth now, now you can slowly, bit by bit, climb the emotional vibration scale right. So you go from feeling maybe fearful, maybe you're feeling ashamed, or maybe you feel a bit guilty, whatever. So then, from then, you adjust and you go from okay, I'm willing to believe that I'm capable of being rich, I'm willing to believe is very different to saying I'm rich or I'm a millionaire, isn't it? Your subconscious mind can't really reject that as much. And obviously this is all by case by case basis. It's a whole thing. Maybe I should create a whole episode on this If you want me to do that like affirmations, specifically how to use them properly, how to use them so that it can work instantly.

Speaker 1:

When I say instantly, I mean like emotionally and energetically, you know, in alignment, blah, blah, let me know, let me know, guys. This is a two-way conversation, anyway, but for now, my point here is that it's about shifting incrementally. So, like today, you say I'm willing to believe that I'm capable of becoming rich, and then you feel good. And then from here you know, when you feel like the next step you go, you know I'm open to seeing new possibilities and how I can make more money, blah, blah, blah. You get my point. That's when, now, if you want to fake it till you make it, okay, you can. This is like the right way to do it.

Speaker 1:

And now this brings me to the next part, the last part of the podcast, which is I now want to tell you, as I promised, like how to fake it till you make it in a way that actually works. And it's now pretty much not doing what you, what we just said before, and it's it's truly starting with understanding that, well, who would you be if you already had what you want? It's really getting clear in this question and, although this might sound like a very, you know, simple question, please don't underestimate the power of it when you answer it properly and then apply the answers that come with it, because, for example. I bet that, if you like, again, we're just going to use money for the example. But you can think of whatever it is that you're currently looking for, be that you know, a healthy relationship, your dream man, dream woman, a new home, a new job, whatever.

Speaker 1:

For now I'm going to speak about money. If you did have like triple the amount of income like you were rich, to your standards, whatever who would you be right now? I'm guessing you'd be more of a calm person. I'm going to guess that you'd feel more relieved. I'm going to guess that you are going to be kinder to yourself. I'm going to guess that you'd probably stop making excuses about taking care of yourself. You'd probably start prioritizing your health more. You'd probably go for your daily walks more. You probably wouldn't feel really sad and envious towards other people who have lives that you want. Am I right? Or am I right? If you had what you wanted right this moment I don't mean in 50 years, I mean today who would you be this moment? I don't mean in 50 years, I mean today who would you be? And whatever answer you have for yourself is the right way to fake it till you make it. Enter mind-blowing sound effect here. It's really that simple. It might not be easy at first, but it's really that simple.

Speaker 1:

You need to stop putting your dream life on the pedestal. You need to start understanding that if you already had your dream life, if you already were rich to your standards of satisfaction today, it wouldn't actually feel like a big deal. It would feel fucking normal. The same way that when you were 16 years old, the thought of you getting your own car and having your own license felt like the biggest deal in the world. And now, as a 30 year old, you're thinking about your car and it's like, duh, I have a car, no big deal. Like I'm grateful for the fact that I can drive, that I have my car, but like it's not a big deal. Same, same with everything else you want, same with your dream body. When you actually have your dream body, you're just going to be like it's no big deal, like I'm grateful, but like whatever. If you had your dream relationship, you'd be grateful, but you'd be like, yeah, I have like my dream man, my dream woman, like whatever, like it's not a big deal.

Speaker 1:

This is normal for me because, guys, we manifest what we perceive as being normal and this is the right way to fake it till you make it. Because when you fake it till you make it, from that energy of the answers that we just asked you that who the fuck would you be right now, today, if you already had what you want? Do those things, that's you faking it till you make it in a way that works. Do those things, that's you faking it till you make it in a way that works, because whoever you believe you'd become, when you become them today, right, this moment, that's when you will attract whatever you want to you. You will like. Please hear me, you will literally be a magnet that's pulling it in. And when I say pulling it in, what that would look like in practical terms is you'd get opportunities, you'd get synchronicities.

Speaker 1:

You just bump into people who can connect you to the other person. You can connect you to the other person. You know for you, if you're someone who wants to start a business, maybe for you, as you're faking it till you make it, so to speak, and you're already acting like you already are rich and successful in your business and you're just going about your day, and how you go about your day is that you actually go for your walks, you actually meditate, you actually read the fucking book that you left in your nightstand right and you start enjoying it and being present, realizing that all that exists is now. And then the next day you go to the cafe because you felt like it after work, and then you bumped into someone who's looking for a position that you would be perfect for to possibly start a business, and then you bump into another person who's the perfect business partner, I don't know, but that's what it starts to look like. That's what they mean when they say I don't chase, I attract. That's what it means.

Speaker 1:

And this is how to faggoty, make it correctly. All right, please never forget this. Do not forget that most like this is I want to call this the billion dollar question because it quite literally is, and I say billion because it's just a big fucking number, and I find the brain quantifies money the easiest. And I say that to represent as a symbol of value, meaning that when you can answer the question of who would I be right this moment today, moving forward like who would I be, and then be them when, whatever you will be in that moment, like that to me, and it should be to you as well, just saying is like the most valuable thing you could ever get, and this is very.

Speaker 1:

This episode is very similar. It's sort of like adding to the other episode that I created called the billionaire theory, which, by the way, if you haven't listened to that episode, what are you doing? Cause it really goes deeper into like this, but it's more around like the money aspect of things, spiritual fulfillment and practical ways to start shifting your money, your money circumstances, but I mean this is, you know, for our manifestations, our desires in general. Okay, this is what I would call the billion dollar question that you need to ask yourself, because the answers have an infinite, limitless possibilities of what you can create in your life. When you can understand that we manifest what we believe is normal to us. When you can start making what you want normal, when you can understand that the only time that exists is right, this present moment, and everything else is a figment of our imagination that we create through chemicals in our brain. You are free and you get to actually call in what you want. Watch what will happen.

Speaker 1:

And let me tell you something. I'm going to end this episode saying this. I'm not just saying this because I read a couple of spiritual books. I'm saying this because I've read multiple books over the course of 10, 11 years. Yes, but I have lived and breathed this in my own life. I went from being someone who was overweight, unhealthy, had every freaking health issue that I could think of mentally, whatever, physically even. I went from that bitch um into someone who lost 25 kilos, is vegan with ease, right I I have essentially my dream body. I'm now creating my next version of my dream body and I've never looked back and I've sustained that for nine effing years. Do you understand? The statistics of people sustaining healthy lifestyles are, like it's very low. And I did it from impossible, from an impossible situation where, at the time, eight, nine years ago, I was told by the medical community by doctors, by psychologists, you name it that there was just no way I was going to have a healthy future. That's what I was told. And look at me now, right, and so this is just one example. I've done this in many areas of my life and I'm still doing it to this day.

Speaker 1:

And, when I can, when I say to you that by you applying this and figuring out, who would you be right now, when you already if you already have what you want today and then just be that person, and that's the true way. If they could see you make it, you will be the most powerful person you could ever imagine and you will absolutely get what you want. It's a guarantee. It is a guarantee that you will get what you want. All right, so hope you enjoyed today's episode. Guys, welcome back to the new year. What a really good way to start 2025. I don't know about you, but that was just fucking fire. We'd love to hear your thoughts and, as always, if there's anything that you feel like this episode could bring to someone you care about, please make sure that you share this with them. Love you so much. Take care Bye.

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