The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting

šŸ¤“Manifest King Treatment

ā€¢ Christina Modaffari ā€¢ Season 5 ā€¢ Episode 64

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Unlock the secrets to manifesting king treatment and discover a transformative path to connecting with your most powerful self. Join me, Christina Modaffari, on a journey that challenges the societal misconceptions of masculinity, revealing its true essenceā€”groundedness, softness, and structure. We explore the delicate dance of masculine and feminine energies in relationships and how mastering this balance can lead to a life of respect, admiration, and deeper connections with others, regardless of gender.

Picture yourself confidently navigating social situations, using acts of generosity and kindness to elevate your presence and influence. By embracing rejection as a stepping stone rather than a deterrent, learn how to manifest king energy in everyday interactions. Whether it's offering a helping hand in unexpected places or mastering the art of giving, this episode uncovers the leadership qualities that lie within you, waiting to be harnessed.

We also tackle the barriers that keep many from stepping into their king energy, shining a light on the pitfalls of people-pleasing and seeking external validation. Discover how taking personal responsibility and transforming negative emotions into strengths can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and empowerment. With insights on routines, structure, and self-mastery, this episode empowers you with the tools to consciously create a life aligned with your true potential, fostering emotional well-being and personal growth.

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Speaker 1:

You're listening to the Hot Genius Guide to Manifesting. As always, I'm your host, christina Modafari, and today's episode is called Manifest King Treatment. Okay, so if you listened to the episode called Manifest Princess Treatment, you know that I promised you one for the boys. I promised you Manifest King Treatment, and so here we are. Better late than never, right? And so I want this to be clear.

Speaker 1:

Obviously, whatever gender you identify with, everything's inclusive. But for the sake of this episode, to keep things simple, for the sake of you actually getting value out of this conversation, right now, I am going to refer to the standard gender. I guess biases, so I'm going to refer to the man as a man and you do what you want with that. Okay, so, okay. So let's manifest King treatment. And if you, for all the ladies out there, if you're not wanting to manifest King treatment, I still recommend you stay here, because you get to learn this from the other side. You get to see you'll be able to take a lot away from this. So what you can benefit from this is like you can actually use this as a way to spot out a man that you actually want to be with, if you are hetero, in a man, a high value man as well, and also this is a community, remember. So I would love for all of you, all of you feminine identifying people, to leave your comments and share your thoughts that what you learned today, what you hear, will you agree with it, what are your ideals on it, what is your experience with this?

Speaker 1:

And in saying that, without further ado, let's get into the episode, all right? So first of all, I want to say this that when it comes down to manifesting king treatment, we need to know what that looks like. What that looks like is for you to connect with your masculine energy, your masculine power, so that you feel powerful, in control, in a healthy way, where you have respect, where you build a legacy, right? So the, whatever you have in your mind, that is your ideal of being your version of the, your idea of the perfect man for yourself, your ideal of being your version of the, your idea of the perfect man for yourself being who, like that version of you, right, your most powerful version of yourself, that is you manifesting king treatment. So, to talk about what this really looks like, we need to understand what this is not, for example, a lot of men with big egos. Honestly, they are laughable. I laugh at them and and this is coming from a feminine woman who is happily wanting to treat someone like a king, like I'm all for it, right, as a feminine woman.

Speaker 1:

That makes sense for me, um, and let me tell you that I am 100% repulsed by egotistical men because, naturally, in my energy, me being in my feminine, where I actually seek to be taken care of, I I, I might be, I have to step into my masculine energy for my work, that's normal, but my energetic home is being feminine. I love being taken care of, I love relaxing and switching off my brain and knowing that you know my potential, my future partner, um, will take care of me because he a king and I'm a princess or a queen, right, that'd be weird if it was a princess, but you know what I mean, right? And so, for the sake of the archetype, I'm just putting it out there that it is being egotistical, acting like a tough. You know, hey, I'm so tough, I'm so heavy, or whatever it is. You know, like, no, that is not king, like that is just not it.

Speaker 1:

And so, unfortunately, though, a lot of people you know, maybe yourself have been affected by the way society has sort of brainwashed us into believing that being a king, being a powerful man, it means that you got to be violent or aggressive or everything else, when that's literally just feminine energy. By the way, feminine energy is actually wild, unstructured, really messy, even where the violence comes from. You know, because feminine energy is actually wild, unstructured, really messy, even where the violence comes from. You know, because feminine energy is the darkness, guys. Yeah. So when you want to, if you want to manifest king treatment in other words, you want to master your masculine energy, learn how to live there with so much power and have people respect you and expect you to be dominant in a healthy way, not in a controlling way. Expect you to be dominant in a healthy way, not in a controlling way then understand that if you choose to be aggressive, if you low-key, wish you were more fucking, you know, I guess obviously tough then you're low-key, desiring to be feminine Because, again, feminine energy is the wild chaos of aggression and the darkness and all the shadow parts of us.

Speaker 1:

And masculine energy is softness, it's gentleness, it's groundedness, it's structure right. Masculine energy gives and initiates and feminine energy receives and runs free and wild right. So if you don't know how to connect with your softness, then that would explain why you actually struggle to have people respect you the way you want to be respected, why you know you're maybe attracting very masculine women. It's because of that reason. Because if you want to attract, say, a feminine woman who also has that queen archetype, because if you want to attract, say, a feminine woman who also has that queen archetype, so to speak, then she's looking for a man who has got that king energy and king energy and real power. What makes her hot. Right, the same thing that makes me hot is someone with groundedness and softness, who has the ability to stay grounded, who knows how to regulate his emotions, who can handle his own feminine wildness. Because, no matter what gender you are, no matter anything, everyone's got part feminine energy, part masculine energy. How it differs between individual to individual is just solely based on what you identify as what feels more natural to you. And just generally speaking again generalizing here men generally feel more comfortable in their masculine energy Generally I'm being very general here and women are more usually, stereotypically more comfortable with the feminine.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, like in order to be powerful, in order to actually manifest, becoming like getting king treatment wherever you go as a normal part of your life, moving forward. You need to understand that real power and control comes from the balance of your softness and your wildness and living and leading, because that's what masculine energy is and what being king is. It's leading from that softness, leading from that gentleness, because if you want someone to respect you, you want people to respect you like a king. Right, you got to be someone worth respecting and that means that you need to have integrity, you need to actually control your emotions. You need to have emotional intelligence, right. That doesn't mean being like a child who can't regulate their anger or can't regulate their sadness. You know that's a child. Right, that's a boy. You can manifest boy treatment.

Speaker 1:

But if you want to manifest being a king, being a man, being powerful, you got to be really disciplined. You got to be disciplined in your mind, in your emotions, in the way you show up for yourself, right, because you can't just expect people to treat you with respect if you can't even honor and respect yourself. You know. So, yeah, and when it comes down to you honoring yourself, when you honor yourself as you would a king, right, and you have that identity, you walk around like you're the shit with like a sense of humble arrogance, which is what I call it. Then other people have no choice but to treat you the same right and this can even help and work for you. Even if you've never seen yourself as an alpha right and, honestly, even if you don't want to be an alpha and you kind of identify more as like the beta sort of personality, you can still manifest king treatment without losing who you are right.

Speaker 1:

But manifesting king treatment is like, like I said, it's understanding and being your authentic self, whatever that looks like for you. Again, you could have an alpha personality or a beta personality, but it doesn't really matter. But it's actually understanding what it really is, what it looks like. And it's again understanding what it really is what it looks like. And it's again masculine energy, powerful energy. It's disciplined, it's structured, it's calm, it's soft and it's gentle. And that means that you need to create a space within yourself, all those structures and discipline, so that part of you, the way you have feminine in you, which is again your shadows, it's all your darkness, it is your wildness, your spontaneity, your sexual energy, it is able to be controlled by the frames and the structures of your masculine energy and you've got to live in your masculine energy, meaning you've got to live in your discipline, you've got to stay there, you've got to value it, you've got to understand what it really means, because those men out there who walk around like they're the shit, in a way where it's just arrogance, without the humble part of the recipe, like I said, that might attract. You know, that will attract people who have daddy issues. That will attract masculine women If that's what you're into, then I don't know why you're in this episode and that will also attract people who aren't going to respect people in a healthy way and, like, give you that king treatment, you're just going to actually attract people who kind of, are needy over you as well.

Speaker 1:

So, and also, like I said, having a big ego and just having arrogance is a signal of pure insecurity, whereas someone who is secure and confident, well, that's a king, right? That's the king archetype. That person is secure and confident, that they're so secure and confident in their sexuality, in their masculinity, in who they are as a person and et cetera, et cetera, that they don't need to prove it. They absolutely do not need to prove it. It's just emanating, based in their aura and who they are, because, remember, your energy speaks before you do. Okay, no one really gives a fuck about what you say. They care about, like, who you are, how do you act, how do you behave, how do you carry yourself. And remember that like things attract like things.

Speaker 1:

So if you see yourself as that king archetype, right, with that balance of that humble arrogance you could say, and you understand that being both of those things is important, and you understand that masculine energy is really about structure, discipline and you know respecting yourself and whatever else, then like attracts. Like you will attract people who see you the way you see yourself. That's why self-concept work is everything you know. Like you don't you want people to treat you differently. Stop trying to change other people. You got to change yourself and then, by changing yourself, changing how you perceive yourself, thus changing how you show up for yourself, automatically will change how other people show up for you, how other people respond to you. Yeah, you got to go first. Remember the world is your mirror. And if you haven't already listened to the episode called the world is mirror, what are doing?

Speaker 1:

Go back and listen to that episode. It is really juicy, um and but yeah, like going back to the the point here, and it's like when you want to manifest king treatment, you want to. I know that that means that you want to create a legacy. Okay, you want to provide. You want to be dominant in a healthy way, not in a controlling way. That's feminine energy.

Speaker 1:

As a side note, those men out there who are really controlling, with their partners, for example, that's feminine energy. Okay, masculine energy is so powerful. It doesn't need to control anything in an unhealthy way. It's actually very healthy because it is again so powerful and has so much capacity to hold so much, which is what that king energy is that you know there. There doesn't need to be any proof of that. There's no need to control anything.

Speaker 1:

Um, controlling something implies that you don't trust something. It implies that you're not enough, and a king knows it's enough. Therefore, it doesn't need to control anything other than itself. Um, and trust, naturally, that every, everyone and everything is going to show up in the way that you deserve. Um, so, yeah, that's really important to know. You know, um, and just think, just think that, when it comes down to the practical aspects, right, what this can now look like in your everyday life.

Speaker 1:

So, now that we understand the theory, the yeah, the theory theory of it is now time to bring this into real life. So I'm going to share with you some, I guess, very commonly relatable scenarios where you can start applying what we're learning into action steps. Because, as you know, this show isn't just about you listening. I, I, it's my intention every single time that when, when you listen to to an episode on this show, that you are transformed in a positive way, you know. And so let's go into some practical ways that we can apply you manifesting king treatment in real time, bit by bit, as well as the overarching theme of your life. But it does start with the moment to moment experiences that you go through in your day-to-day life.

Speaker 1:

So I'll give you an example. So let's say that you are at a cafe or a restaurant or something and you are maybe conversing, and you're at that cafe or restaurant and you're with some friends and there's like I don't know four of you and you're just doing a thing If you want to manifest king treatment, this is what it would look like in that time. So let's say you're about to go get water for yourself or you're about to go get something for yourself and then you ask the table, do you guys want X, y and Z? And let's say the people say no, no, no, I'm good Right now. Really, hear me. Okay, very, these little changes you'll make will change your fucking life if you're wanting to manifest king treatment.

Speaker 1:

So if everyone says no, okay, and assuming again, practice your discernment. This is based on case to case basis, but the overall general rule of thumb even if they say no, you're going to bring it to them. So in this case it was like hey, do you guys want a drink? Right, if it's like alcoholic drink or something and they say no, this is where the discernment will come in. Because it's like maybe they say no because they don't want to over drink and get drunk and that I'm going to go over the limit, that's something you respect. But that does not mean you don't bring them water. So you'd bring them water. So that's what I meant about always, even if they say no, bring them, bring it anyway. But I don't mean bring them the thing that probably isn't going to respect them, right, but that's in a, you know, unique situation.

Speaker 1:

But the general situation again, if it's like you're asking, do you want some more water, something that is good for them If they're saying, no, go and grab them fucking water, right, um? No, go and grab them fucking water, right, um? And if yeah, and what this is is that this is king energy, king energy asks gives them the option to to decide for themselves, but then also, despite what they're saying, gives them the option to choose again, right. And even if those people don't even touch your water, let me fucking tell you, as a feminine woman, and any of you other listeners who identify as a feminine, hetero woman or whatever, it doesn't matter what sexual orientation you have to be honest, because you'd still be attracted to the king energy, tell me how hot that would be. That, even because I know that's hot for me, like if I, if I sit there and like they ask you know, oh, like yeah, if a guy who has like the king vibe sort of ask, like you know, do I want some more water? And I say no, for whatever reason, and then he still brings it to me, even if I don't touch it, I'm like that is so hot, I want to marry him, like straight away. I'm just, I'm so attracted because it's like, oh, my God, like you're taking care of me, like water is good for me and in that moment, for whatever reason, I said no, I don't know why me the option to choose again, and even if I choose the same again, you still gave me that option. That's king energy and you better believe that how I treat that person is going to be. I'm going to treat that person like a king, right, because that just made me feel really awesome.

Speaker 1:

Now, in the same context, in the same scenario, instead of me being in this scenario, let's say there's another man right, and in this context it's a friend, it's your male friend, and you go and do the same thing. How he's going to perceive that is still amazing. It's still going to see you as a king, but in a different dynamic. It's not going to be the way that I see it. It's not going to be like I want to marry you. Instead, he's going to see it as wow, like in his mind I fucking respect this dude man. Like he's it, like I want to be like him, like this.

Speaker 1:

I said no to the water and he brought it for me anyway. What? Like I love this, Like I feel like he has my back. You know he's given me the choice to start again, and even I mean to choose again and even if that person doesn't think that in their mind, trust me, somewhere in them is going to recognize that you are the king energy and they will automatically respect you, whether they admit it or not. Right? And that's only tiny, tiny example of literally just asking if someone wants water or whatever else, yeah, and so the other. Now let's keep going.

Speaker 1:

So then, when it comes down to any scenario, if you're just an acquaintance of someone or you're just in any social setting, you just don't know someone that well, um, and you and you want to connect with them. You know, offer, okay, offer, offer something right. So again, masculine energy and King energy is actually about giving and initiating right and being okay with rejection. If you want to live your life as King energy, you want to be respected. You want to be powerful, you want to be in control and dominant in a healthy way. You got to get very good at rejection and if you suck at rejection, if you avoid rejection at all costs, that would explain why you are not manifesting king treatment, why you are not attracting the kind of woman or man that you want, depending which way you swing. This is the reason. And if you want to be in the king archetype here and you want to manifest king treatment from everyone in every single dynamic, then you need to get good at rejection.

Speaker 1:

Because I just said, in any scenario, offer, offer, initiate and give right. So what that could look like is if you are at the you know grocery store and you're lining up and you could see someone in front of you sort of struggling or something like offer to help them. If they say no, feel that kick to the gut, because rejection is literally going to register as pain in your brain and fucking be milked by it. Take it as fuel, use it as positive fuel In that moment instead of going ow, rejection sucks, oh my God, this hurts. I want to avoid this. You go, oh that thank you In your mind say thank you, you just made me stronger. Because the more that you expose yourself to rejection, the more desensitized you are from it, the better you get right. Add it Now. This is not to be confused with being a people pleaser, all right and abandoning yourself Very different. So let's quickly talk about that and then we'll wrap up this episode.

Speaker 1:

And so people pleasing would look like this it's now, instead of you initiating. It's someone telling you what to do and ordering you like you're their servant or something, and then you doing the thing, even if you don't want to do. For example, I found in my experience where, where there were the men who actually struggled to manifest king energy, men who struggled to attract the kind of women that they want, men who struggled to feel dominant in a healthy way and to connect to that king energy, are the same men who don't initiate, who don't give right, and so naturally you're going to attract other people who give, but in an unhealthy way, and tell you what to do. So this is when I found that a lot of these people I worked with in the past, they would attract controlling, traumatized women who were too hyper-masculine, and they would treat their partner like the people that I've seen, like they're their children or something, like they're a peasant, almost. And then then that person these men who struggle with connecting their king energy would just please and appease, just literally do whatever that person tells them to do, and every time that happens they feel emasculated, they feel wounded because they're going against their natural current of energy and being right. And so that is the difference right, because that person, every single time I have seen someone who has been in a toxic relationship with like a toxic woman who was really in a hyper masculine, or they would just have friends that would bully them or to like, struggle with getting respected or struggle with making a lot of money, struggle with being a protector or provider whatever are the same people who are terrified of rejection. Are the same people who wait to be spoken to, who only speak when spoken to, who never initiate a conversation, don't initiate a task, don't initiate an idea. They're just living their life as a reactor. Okay, and then and this is literally the opposite of what I'm saying this is why I'm saying that. That's the difference.

Speaker 1:

Being a people pleaser is that you're reacting to everything. You're not taking charge of your life. You're not taking charge of the situation in a healthy way. You are expecting other people to do that for you, and then you sit there and cry yourself to sleep as to why no one respects you and why you feel like you're losing control. Of course you're losing control, yeah, and of course I have empathy for that.

Speaker 1:

I know a lot of people who I care about deeply, who have been in that position, but you got to understand that you are that powerful that you are doing this to yourself, and as much as I can appreciate that it does suck to have an upbringing where you weren't taught these things, and understand and appreciate that it sucks, that you know you feel like it's hard to be rejected but at the end of the day, like manifesting king, treatment requires you to act like a king first, without needing external validation. It's a choice that you got to make that. I understand that you know it would have been easier had you had a parent or a father figure or whatever to teach you these things. Cool, I agree, that would be easier. But you can't.

Speaker 1:

Just because you're victimized by an unfortunate situation doesn't mean you need to have a victim mentality doesn't mean you got to be a victim to your entire life. At the end of the day, we are all dealt with different cards. I was dealt with shit cards too. Right. I have every reason to victimize myself and I choose not to because I have been victimized by multiple scenarios and situations in my upbringing. But I'm not a victim to my life. Absolutely not right. That's a choice you know.

Speaker 1:

And the truth is is that character and power is not built when everything's given to you. It's not built when things are going well in your life. It's literally built in the pressure, in the resistance, just like your actual muscles on your bicep are built through lifting resistance, something that's harder than what you currently can handle, right? Same thing, same thing with life, same thing with discipline, same thing with strength, internally and mentally and literally as well. It's not built when things are easy. So I would actually argue that if you didn't have a father figure, that if you did have a difficult upbringing, that that is your advantage, that is an opportunity, because you have more resistance, more chance and space to build, more power, more muscle of king, energy, more, I guess, strength within yourself. Right, because it is not your fault that you are who you are right now. It is not your fault that you went through what you went through, but it is a hundred percent your responsibility to either heal it or to use it as an advantage and leverage it so that you can turn that and transmute that into something that serves you, because you get to choose, you get to consciously create your life. You are just powerful. It really is just that simple.

Speaker 1:

And just remember that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It can only be transformed. And when I say energy, I don't just mean that on a fantasy level, I mean literal energy, what you will learn in chemistry and physics, right? Energy is everything. Your emotions are energy. How you think is energy. Your bed is energy. Everything is energy. Nothing can be created or transformed. That means that if you are angry, you can't destroy your anger. You can only transform that anger into calmness, into wisdom, into power, into courage. That's what you can do, right, and that's how a king energy archetype thinks. That's how he or she rises to the table.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I hope you enjoyed today's episode. I know I did. I feel like I just accidentally inspired myself and I'm not even trying to, I'm not even trying to manifest king energy, but I think that just got me really excited because I'm like I would love to meet some more of these kings, right? So if you know anyone who would benefit from this episode, please make sure you send this to them. And if you have any feedback, I would love for you to either drop a question down in the show notes. If you're streaming this on Spotify, if you are using a different podcast platform, then if you check the show notes, you can actually send us a text message so we can actually reply to you. No-transcript.

Speaker 1:

You get to download the High Vibe Gym within that app. It is free, you can sign up for it. It's like having a energetics coach in your pocket and it's free. You've got routines to guide you. You've got regulation for anxiety to guide you. And just remember a real king, someone with king energy, who actually attracts the respect, the feminine energy and the love in his life. Trust me, he understands how to take care of his emotions right. He leans into routines and structure, and that's what the High Vibe Gym is for. It's there to share with you the most efficient and most effective way to show up as your highest self through.

Speaker 1:

The morning has a morning routine, a night routine, an evening routine. It has a way for you to regulate your stress, your anxiety, your panic within seconds to minutes. A way to regulate hatred, a way to regulate anger all there at your fingertips, for free. So if you haven't already download the app the Hot Junior Society app available across everything, including Android, google Play Store, as well as the Apple App Store you can see the show notes below at the bottom, and there's a link that will take you straight to it. All right, guys? So much love, and I'll speak to you when I speak to you. I love you, bye.

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