The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
A podcast where you come for the ultimate makeover for your life. We talk all things healing and manifestation.
The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
💸 Manifest Money Series: Part 1- Release money’s control over you
Imagine transforming your view of money from something that slips through your fingers to an energetic force you can harness. Join me, Christina Modaffari, as I promise to reshape the way you perceive financial abundance forever. In this episode, I share personal stories and insights that will inspire you to break free from society's traditional views of money. You'll discover the immense power of aligning your self-worth with your financial reality, embracing the concept that abundance is your natural state. By understanding that money is merely an exchange of subjective value, you'll learn to view it as an energetic frequency that reflects personal priorities and goals.
We journey through the empowering concept of self-trust and commitment as vital components in transforming financial instability into consistency. Discover how aligning your internal state with the external world can lead to a healthier relationship with money. Get ready to embrace the power of positive affirmations and visualize unexpected financial blessings. This isn't just a conversation about wealth; it's about recognizing the inherent abundance within you and prioritizing self-worth over material gain. Tune in, share the uplifting message, and let's continue this transformative journey together!
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Welcome back to this week's episode of the Hot Genius Guide to Manifesting. I am your host, christina Modafari, and today's episode is called Manifest Money. Very simple, very appealing, all the things. So, you know, get yourself locked in, get comfortable, enjoy this conversation, because it's not just going to be a convo, it's going to be a journey, and a journey that you're going to be able to apply and take action on, because we're going to talk about the frequency of money. We're going to talk about how to actually take tangible, practical steps to manifest and utilize the energetics of money and how that you can bring that abundance into your life.
Speaker 1:So let's get straight into it. Let's begin by the fact that most of us understand money as this, you know, tangible thing of cash, right? Thinking that, well, money is something that I have to work for and that's about it, you know, plain and simple, and this is just society's conditioning, right? Because the way that I like to think about this is that when you go back to before there was a monetary system, there was a bartering system, right? So instead of paying $50 to get a product or service, you would trade in three chickens to get a product or a service, right? That's what it was.
Speaker 1:You might be wondering what this has anything to do with manifesting money. And it has everything to do with it, because how can you truly manifest something you don't properly understand? And so that's why I wanted to start right here. So get excited, because I'm about to explain what this all means and how this can relate to you in your life right away. And it's that well, when you can imagine, pretend right now that you were in those times where there was no monetary system. We still needed currency and we still needed a way to trade things right, and so the way, like I said, we had done that wasn't with dollar bills or digits in your bank account. It was based on the things that you had, and sometimes the barter system also meant a trade in your time, in your energy, and you were pretty much just exchanging value.
Speaker 1:And so when you can see it like that, then something really interesting will happen in your brain, and that's the goal I want for you is that you'll realize that, technically, money isn't as real as you think it is, and it is not this thing that has you in a chokehold, and it's not something that you need to put on a pedestal anymore, and the reason why that this is important is because until you can remove money from that pedestal, well, you will never really be able to manifest more money. From an energetic perspective, from a manifesting perspective, will you be able to literally work more hours so that you can get paid more from your paycheck? Of course you can, but that's not manifestation, is it? That's you working hard for your money? That's very different, and so the first step is, like I said, we need to dissolve money's chokehold on you, and I'm doing that by helping you realize that there was literally a time where humans existed on earth with no actual cash, no money. Money wasn't a thing, because it's man-made, right and so. But there is something that was always there, because, and that was money's frequency, which is again the exchange of value, it is someone's level of abundance, and so, going back to that barter system, you know, in the past, once again, someone would like trade in their services in exchange for another service. Now, value, then you can understand, is completely subjective, because what's valuable to you most likely won't be valuable to me. And so let's use an example for a moment, right, and so I'll show you just how subjective it is.
Speaker 1:I'm curious to know that. Do you think that it is worth, let's say, $18,000, $19,000 to invest into a business coach? If you have a business? Answer that for me. Okay. Now let's say you said it is worth it. Because I think it's worth it, because I literally do that. I've actually paid that for this year. Right Now. I'm going to now ask you if you, whether you said yes or no, I want you to now ask yourself would every one of your friends think that they would spend that's valuable? It's a good way to spend their money again, $18,500, $19,000 onto a business coach yes, no? Now, my guess is that it's probably no, okay, and so the interesting part here is that why is it a yes for me and why is it a no for someone else? Why is it for me? I think it's a no-brainer for me to spend $18,500, $19,000 in one year on a business coach who has.
Speaker 1:It's not about the fact that, first of all, she's a millionaire, and that's not the only thing that I think is valuable. It's not about the little money, but it's like I. What I find valuable is that my mentor was amazing, like she. This she's a coach and a mentor. Um, because it's who she had to become. I'm paying her because of who she is. I love that she built that herself. I love that she didn't just build it while being money hungry. She built it with integrity, and I want to have integrity in my business.
Speaker 1:I want to know how she is thinking. I want to know her priorities. I want to know her focuses. I want to know how she makes decisions. To know her priorities. I want to know her focuses. I want to know how she makes decisions. That's the value To me. An $18,500 investment. I feel like I'm ripping her off, to be honest, because that is invaluable.
Speaker 1:At the end of the day, there's nowhere I can truly Google or a book that I can actually really read, that can give me answers in real time that apply to me, my unique history, my unique personality, my unique business. That is invaluable. To me, right, but to a lot of people it's not. And then, the reason why I'm wanting you to see this is because I'm wanting you to really understand what's going on here, because, once again, I'm going to go back to the original part, the original thing that I said, like, how can you manifest something you don't fully understand? And we're getting there, aren't we? You're starting to maybe have some bells ring true for you.
Speaker 1:Throughout this conversation so far, I did tell you to get comfortable, because it's good and we are on a journey right now, are we not? Because I'm about to now tell you that there are some people and no judgment, right, but there's some people who would much rather spend $18,000 on, I don't know, a Louis Vuitton bag and no shade, right? I'm sure that one day I would buy that, but right now, for who I am, I do not think that I want to spend. It's not valuable to me to spend $18,000 on a Louis Vuitton bag, right, and maybe you. It doesn't matter whether you think it's valuable or not. I'm trying to say it's subjective, right? What I find valuable really here is what I find valuable, and what you find valuable is completely based on your own accord. It is your own choice, right. And just because I don't want to spend $18,500 on a Louis Vuitton bag doesn't mean that it's not worth that much money to someone else. It just means that I don't see the value in that, right. And same goes when you think about a car. Like some people think it's valuable to spend fifty thousand dollars on a car that works for them. For me, I don't see it like that in the future. I'd be happy to drop fucking seven figures on a car, but who I am today, I actually I think it's very valuable for me to have spent $6,000 on my cute RAV4 that gets me an A to B that I genuinely love. That makes sense for me, okay, and so look at that.
Speaker 1:Look at the fluidity of the exchange of money, cause when you remove money for a moment, right At the end of the day, you're getting a thing, or you're getting a service, or you're getting. You're getting something in exchange for something else, right. And when you start releasing that sort of rigidity and that sort of black and white thinking around money, you start to understand the energetics thinking around money. You start to understand the energetics of it. When you start to understand that wait a second money is, yes, it's real, but it's equally man-made and it's equally not real. It's really just energy.
Speaker 1:And when you start to separate this, when you start to separate your worth from the amount of dollars in your bank account or the amount of cash you can get your hands on and the amount of material things that you can acquire, then guess what the only thing that's left is that you realize that when you remove this, like I said right now, go back. Imagine money doesn't exist. Can we just remove it? What happens? You feel more richer instantly, don't you? Because if money didn't exist, now all that does exist is truly in your control, which is how you feel about yourself, which is the skills that you require, which is the decisions that you make, which is the priorities, which is everything in you. And when you can see that now you have the tools to literally manifest the tangible, real money, because now you are in the frequency of it. Right, because money is always going to be a reflection on us.
Speaker 1:For example, something I always struggled with was that I was very inconsistent with myself, very inconsistent in myself, very inconsistent in my business, very flaky. I was just that person. That was just. You couldn't fully trust me to show up for you because it was very, like I said, flaky. And so, guess what? My money was also very flaky.
Speaker 1:Money in my life was also very inconsistent. It was completely in line with me, with how I treated myself. You know, I would go through phases where I would show up for myself and go ham on my business and then I'd completely drop off the face of the earth and be MIA on myself. It was these extremes high, extreme lows and my money truly reflected that. If you look at my history of my money, I would go through periods in my life where somehow I just got a fuckload of money like not a fuckload, but like like big and bigger amount than average, you could say. And then I go through periods where I have zero and then it just went up and down, up and down and that was exactly a reflection of me and my energy and how I treated myself, how much I trusted myself. Right, if I did get money, good luck to me, because I would just quickly get rid of it because it felt really unsafe to keep it right.
Speaker 1:And then it brings me into the present moment the more that I was consistent within myself, the more I started to actually have money become consistent with me. And let me tell you, being a business owner, to have money be consistent is very hard and I've done it. I'm consistent because it's reflecting me. My business blew up when I started to be consistent in my business, when I could trust myself to be able to commit to a 12 month, 14 month fucking contract with a client. I'm that person now, Whereas in the past, it would give me anxiety to commit to a client for three weeks, let alone 14 months. You know? And guess what money I was making then? I was lucky to have made $250 a month in my business, whereas now that is much higher.
Speaker 1:I'll tell you that, right, and so this is already showing you something very important here. I'm not going to give you the fish. I want to teach you how to be a fisherman so you can fish for the rest of your life, and so that means you need to understand, right, this moment, that moving forward, this isn't just going to be a podcast you listen. This isn't just going to be a podcast you listen to. This is going to be a moment in your life that you will never forget, and that moment is when you decide that you are more important than money. You are more important. You are the source of abundance. You are abundance. You were born like that. You're either going to have an abundance of lack and brokenness, or you'd have an abundance of wealth and opportunity and love and health and money, success, whatever, it's all the same shit, right?
Speaker 1:Because you don't believe me that you were born abundant, then, hello, go have a look in nature. Go have a look in nature. Look at how much abundance there are in trees and leaves and oxygen. We don't got to pay for that, not in 2024 anyway. God knows what's going to happen in the future. We might have to pay for oxygen, right. But I'm just saying look at it, you are nature. You do realize that I'm nature, you're nature, your mom's, boyfriend's nature, everything is nature. We are abundant in nature by nature, like nature, and so it is really in our control. What kind of abundance do we have? Do we have an abundance of shit or do we have an abundance of gold? And it's all based and determined on how much do you value yourself.
Speaker 1:And if you tie your self-worth, like I did, to money and let money have you in a chokehold, then you can never truly outwork your money mindset your money wounds. I tried that. You know how hard I worked my whole life. I watched my mom work hard, I watched my friends work hard and, honestly, I don't see anyone having more money than they did a year before, and if they do, they're terrified of losing it. Or somehow they have more debt because they bought shit that they don't need, right.
Speaker 1:And so when you can understand that money, the frequency of money okay, again, frequency of money, because there was a time when money didn't exist and the world still went around, right, there was still services and products this is money is just very efficient, right. And so when you understand that the frequency of money is the equivalent of if you can imagine a river flowing, and it's constantly flowing, right, it's circulation. It's not something we own, it's something we experience and can attune to, then you have your power back, you stop worrying, you stop realizing that everything is hard and instead you choose to realize that you get to choose how hard or easy money is for you, because we are only ever manifesting anything based on the present moment. If you feel abundant and rich and relaxed, even if you have debt and minus $500 in your bank account right in this present moment, but you feel abundant despite that because, remember, money is man-made. There was a time without money, that if money didn't exist, you would feel great right now. So that's really just your natural state, right? I'm not telling you anything weird, like we can agree on that, okay, when you can do that, you manifest more of that. You're manifesting your present moment. At all times, the future was once now. This present moment was once your future. It was yesterday's future for you, but it's the present. Do you see that? And so the practical steps I would love to invite you to practice, to apply?
Speaker 1:What we've learned today, in today's episode, is this I want you to just acknowledge and fully make peace with where you're at. It doesn't matter where you're at, whether you're a millionaire right now, whether you make 50k per year, whether you have 50k debt. I don't care if you came from poverty, I came from poverty. This can apply to anyone. I want you to make peace by accepting where you are. You accept where you are without needing it to change, without needing to make more money in order for you to feel rich. Do you understand me? What I'm saying is that can you, for a moment, just accept where you are financially, accept it. Good. Now that you have accepted it, you've created a very clear foundation for the money tree that you're going to build, moving forward, starting from this moment that you're going to build, moving forward, starting from this moment. Accept that, accept that money doesn't have to have a choke or hold on you anymore because, at the end of the day, even if you are, you know, broke and even if there's a bill coming tomorrow, you being stressed and feeling like shit ain't going to make money come faster. Your stress does not pay the bills. You worrying and beating yourself up for buying the extra ice cream the other night that you didn't really need so you could save seven dollars, that is not going to pay your bill tomorrow. However, when you can see that you get to choose to feel abundant and rich regardless Because remember, worrying isn't going to pay your bills From this place I now want you to imagine how you would feel if you just always had more than enough money.
Speaker 1:Imagine how you'd feel. I'm guessing you would feel relaxed, relieved, free. I'm guessing you'd feel abundant. I feel like you would feel generous. I feel like you would maybe move your body differently. Would your posture be better? Imagine it right now for me. You'll notice your posture would have just dropped, your shoulders would have went a little bit back, your chest would have popped up a little higher. You would have probably breathed in a little deeper. Look at that. That's proof, right there, that money doesn't control you unless you let it. That's proof. That's you, if you change in any way from imagining it. That's proof that you are greater than money, because if you were not greater than money, then it doesn't matter what I tell you, it would be impossible for you to feel better until you got more money, right? So enjoy that, enjoy that power and really process that proof.
Speaker 1:And then, from this place, I want you to live like this now stay in this energy. Stay in this energy, but like who? It me, the version of me who had 10 times more money than I have now. What does he or she do? What habits does this version of me have? Oh, okay, maybe this version of you who makes 10 times more money than you, actually goes to bed on time, actually reads financial literacy, actually learns about their options on how to invest, actually bothers to understand what superannuation is, maybe bothers to understand some research and work out what is the difference between stocks and this, and that you would be curious, would you not? You would have those skills, believe me. So go and learn those skills while being relaxed and free. You get a bill. Be relaxed and free. What is your worry going to do? Once again, write this down, if you can, if you're safe to write this down. Worrying doesn't pay your bills. It doesn't pay your bills, so give it up.
Speaker 1:Feeling bad and guilting yourself, shaming yourself for the purchase you made, doesn't pay your bills. It doesn't do shit. It will actually make you spend more money, because when you shame yourself, you're dysregulated, and when you're dysregulated and when you're dysregulated, you make impulsive buying decisions that make you more broke, because when you act like a broke person, you will manifest more broke situations in your life, whereas what we're doing right now is we're ripping out the roots, the seed of your apple tree. This apple tree represents you not having the money you want. We're ripping them out from the roots by you accepting those roots, by accepting the tree you currently have, and by doing so, you have no choice now but to create space and to return back to your natural state of abundance and in this analogy, would look like we're us planting pear seeds so that you can now grow your pear tree, which represents the most wealthiest version of yourself. Really hear that? Because let me ask you something If, if you have an apple tree, will that apple tree ever grow pears, yes or no?
Speaker 1:No, no matter what you do right, no matter how hard you work, no matter how much you worry, no matter how much you kick it, no matter how much you scream at this apple tree, nothing will ever make pears grow from an apple tree. It will always just come out with apples. Same goes with wealth. When you plant a pear tree which is wealth, right, no matter what you do. No matter what you do, you're just going to get pears. Keep getting pairs, but these pairs, this analogy how to make it practical and tangible in your life begins with education and awareness understanding what money is and what it isn't, having a beautiful balance in the energetics and the practical things that we need to understand to have an economy in the first place, having balance.
Speaker 1:We can't just be we-we-we, we can't just be practical. We need to be, you know, practically right. We need to merge that and then from that space, we need to learn how to be that person. We need to think differently, we need to incorporate different habits. We need to feel as relaxed as we would feel had we already had that money or financial status we want.
Speaker 1:And from that place we get to call it in, because when you decide that you are the source of your abundance, because you literally are abundance in all forms, including opportunities and money have no choice but to flow to you, because money is circulation and because you don't own money and that you realize that money isn't just about acquiring and hoarding, it's about letting it literally circulate, which means that when you get money, it's okay to spend money for a place of regulation and groundedness, that when you receive money, it's okay to learn how to invest in it so that it can grow. To water your pear tree, to water your money tree and you water it with patience, because you did not expect that seed to become a bloody tree overnight, but you can expect it to eventually grow into a tree over time for as long as you're patient and water it every single day. And for the meantime, regardless of the situation you're in, I really suggest you follow those steps that I've just shared and, just to recap it, wrap it up in a little bow is once again accept where you are no shame, just accept it. Let go of your addiction or worry because it ain't going to pay your bills. Feel as relaxed and relieved and free as if you had all the wealth you desire. Feel those feelings now because we manifest the present moment, not what we project in our mind, and then learn how to be that person and then call in an amount for fun.
Speaker 1:Tell yourself this week, 500 bucks lands in my account. That was unexpected. That came from good and positive places. Thank you, sweet. Move on with your life. See what happens, okay. So if you enjoyed today's episode, please share this with someone who could benefit from it. If you want a part two, let me know, because I could talk about this all day. So much love and I'll speak to you soon. Bye.