The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
A podcast where you come for the ultimate makeover for your life. We talk all things healing and manifestation.
The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
🤑 Your energy is expensive so act like it (boundaries)
What if treating your energy as a precious commodity could transform your life? Join me, Christina Modaffari, as we explore the profound impact of valuing personal energy and the art of appreciation. This episode promises to reveal how your energy is only as valuable as you decide it to be. We discuss the importance of self-care and establishing boundaries to reflect that value, illustrating how self-appreciation and gratitude set the stage for a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Through powerful anecdotes, we delve into the idea that your inner world mirrors your external reality, and by appreciating yourself and others, you can manifest the life you truly desire.
Have you ever wondered how appreciation can elevate everything around you, from financial assets to personal growth? Drawing on real-life examples, including a personal story about a Toyota Echo, we challenge conventional wisdom to show how care and gratitude can enhance the value of what you possess. By embracing a mindset of appreciation, we can enrich our relationships and boost our self-worth, leading to greater fulfillment and satisfaction in all areas of life. The episode highlights that appreciation is not just a concept limited to material possessions but a universal key to unlocking wealth and happiness.
Establishing healthy boundaries is crucial for personal growth and emotional maturity. We discuss the power of personal energy management, emphasizing the role of self-awareness and self-acceptance in setting boundaries without judgment. We explore how to handle relationships gracefully, even when others don't meet our emotional standards, and how practicing discernment and open dialogue can lead to constructive communication. Listeners are encouraged to balance self-care with compassion, understanding that maintaining authenticity and respect in all interactions is vital for personal growth and fulfilling relationships. Tune in for insights into making your energy valuable and fostering a life of abundance and appreciation.
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You're listening to the Hot Genius Guide to Manifesting. I'm your host, kristina Modafari, and this episode is called your Energy is Expensive, so Act Like it bracket boundaries. So this episode is going to be incredibly profound and life-changing. This episode is the right episode for you. If you are ready to increase your income, if you're ready to increase the value of your relationships, your confidence, self-esteem and level of attractiveness. This episode is just I can't even explain. It is packed with so much value in itself. And not only am I going to explain to you how expensive your energy is, but I'm also going to teach you how to apply this into your life right away. And yes, the word boundaries is there, but we're going to go into the nitty gritties of that. Keep it really short and sweet, but effective enough and simple enough for this to make a transformative impact in your life. So really hear me when I say this that, just like every single episode on this show okay, it is not enough to just listen to what I'm here to say that if you were to apply the teachings into your life, even just one freaking sentence of this episode into your life, your life has the power to transform. You have the power to increase your income, wealth, success, beauty and relationships, your success in your business, whatever else, because it is not enough to simply just know in your mind, because you do not know shit until you know it in your body, until you are living proof of that. Okay, so let's get straight into this episode. So, like the title suggests, your energy is expensive. It is so expensive, but it is 100% based on how you price your own energy, and so how you really determine how expensive your energy is is based on the level of boundaries you have within yourself, and the way that that is categorized is really how much attention and love and care and nurturing do you put onto yourself?
Speaker 1:For example, I had this client and when we were first organizing her 12-month manifestation goals, right, one of the things that she had put in there was that she wanted to be appreciated. She has spent her whole life never being appreciated, never being taken seriously, always being misjudged, misunderstood right, she was in relationships that didn't fulfill her all the things. Now, recently, we had gotten to that portion of her self-concept where I had brought to her attention and shout out to that client if you're listening to this, hi, love, ya, um, and it's that she was bringing to my attention that um, no, sorry, let me start again I brought to her attention how she wasn't exactly um appreciating a friend of hers who was like having her back on something and naturally, like the ego you know, has that sort of defense mechanism and sort of like doesn't want to own that sometimes. You know what I mean. But that's normal part of the process to do ego work. And so at first she was like a bit triggered, which is very common and normal. And then essentially what I had said was, like you know, you you weren't appreciating based on, like, your response. Your response to your friend just seemed a little bit blunt.
Speaker 1:I just thought I'd bring it to your awareness, since you want to become and manifest a life where you are appreciated at your workplace, you're appreciated by your partner, by your friends and family, whatever, just putting a heads up that you're not necessarily being someone worth appreciating, because we, our whole lives, are manifested based on, like, how we treat ourselves when. So if we treat ourselves with appreciation, we naturally treat other people with appreciation. And when we treat other people with appreciation because it's coming from our own source of appreciation, then the universe and the people in our universe, have no choice but to appreciate us right back, because our reality is literally a mirror to our inner world, right? And so what I was saying to her was like well, you know, respectfully, life in itself is neutral, okay, it's all neutral, and it's also meaningless at the source of it. That's why you always hear that humans, us humans, we give life meaning because we're just that powerful. But that can work in our favor or it could work against us.
Speaker 1:So then I was like okay, so you want to be someone who's appreciated? Right and well, are you someone worth appreciating? Would you want to appreciate you in this situation? And I guess my point here is that I'm asking you now. I'm asking you like you yourself, your energy has the potential to be expensive, and that has nothing to do with getting more money. This has nothing to do with getting more followers. This has nothing to do with getting anything external. No physical, tangible thing ever. The only determining factor that increases your value, the fact that your presence no physical, tangible thing ever the only determining factor that increases your value, the fact that your presence, your energy, who you are as a person, is expensive, okay, is again 100% based on you, on your internal shifts, on your own decision to be expensive and then act like it right. And so I want you to think of this as an analogy. Think of a Ferrari. This is something that is very, I guess, universally understood as being expensive, right and of high value. But now I want you to imagine there's two Ferraris in front of you and there are two different owners of this car. Okay, they're both exactly the same model, the exact same price, whatever else.
Speaker 1:Now, let's say person one takes great care of this Ferrari because they are an expensive person. They don't just have an expensive car, they're an expensive person. So therefore, they clean the car, they make sure they get all the services done. They are always like putting away the trash, like before they go into the house. They, you know, clear away any of the rubbish. They never always like putting away the trash, like before they go into the house. They, you know, clear away any of the rubbish. They never let it pile up. They have expensive habits, right? So, naturally, because they're constantly taking care of the car, they're constantly putting really good attention and nurturing into the car, this Ferrari upholds the expensive status and it's staying high value, whereas person two, this person, is not an expensive person. They just have an expensive car. So, naturally, over time, they're not getting their car serviced and they're also not cleaning it and they're also not putting away any of the rubbish. So the rubbish is piling up and the car starts to smell.
Speaker 1:You tell me which car is more expensive and valuable? Is it the first one, from the first person, who's actually expensive themselves, or the second person, who actually treats the car like it's an old bomb? Work it out, you know. And so this is no different to you. So you, inherently, are the Ferrari. You're born a Ferrari. That's beautiful, that's great. I'm not here to tell you that you're not already so fucking expensive and valuable, but I'm here to say that you're so powerful that you can turn something so beautiful and expensive and you can make it trash, and it's 100% your choice and it's completely based on how you treat yourself.
Speaker 1:How do you treat you as a Ferrari? Are you implementing boundaries? Because boundaries are sexy, baby. When you do it right, it is sexy right. Are you actually putting attention and appreciation into yourself and into your loved ones genuinely? Are you actually prioritizing, regulating your emotions? Or, if you don't know how to do that, is it important to you enough to actually go out of your way to invest in that knowledge and then master it, you know, are you putting attention to your nervous system and healing it? Because, remember, your nervous system is the magic wand to your reality.
Speaker 1:You don't have a good nervous system. I don't care what you do with your manifestation work, I don't care what you do with how hard you work Good luck. Good luck having the life that you want with how hard you work, good luck. Good luck having the life that you want. Good luck, because your nervous system is the CEO of your life. If that's not working in perfect order, then there is no way that your life is in order, and you could literally win the Tats Lotto. You could win $50 million.
Speaker 1:And if your nervous system isn't a priority, if you don't treat yourself like your energy is fucking expensive, you don't treat yourself like you're expensive You'll be part of the statistic of 80% of lottery winners going bankrupt within the first five years. Right, you will become that, and so this is my point. So your energy is expensive. Are you acting like it? And so that brings me to the next part, and so I consider Flora Zivas. If you don't know who she is? Oh my God, what are you doing? And so I consider Flora Zivos. If you don't know who she is, oh my God, what are you doing? She is literally my manifesting mentor. I love her. I've been following her work a lot, I've done a lot of her programs, all the things.
Speaker 1:Anyway, this thing that she taught me, that she brought to my attention about value, and all the things and appreciation that I want to share with you. So, essentially, what it is is this it's like think of the actual concept of money, the concept of money and assets. So when you have an appreciating asset, such as real estate property, investing in a skill, whatever, it means that it increases in value over time. However, if you have a depreciating asset, it's actually a liability and therefore, when something depreciates, which is the opposite of appreciate, then that thing means it loses value over time. The same way as a real life example.
Speaker 1:I'm talking about cars and clothing. So think of a car. The second you buy a brand new car. The second that you drive out of that car yard, your car just depreciated, just dropped in value by thousands of dollars, literally from just exiting the car. I mean the car yard, right, and so she was explaining how the appreciation is the language of wealth.
Speaker 1:So, are you appreciating what you have? Do you appreciate your business success ahead of time, before you literally have this success? Do you appreciate the current money you have? Do you appreciate who you already are? Do you appreciate? Because if you're not appreciating it, if you're being entitled and you're like just not giving yourself or your business or your money any love, then, of course, just like a car driving out a car yard, you're decreasing it in value. And so I would take this a step further and say that well, what you appreciate, the more you increase it in value, and this goes on a literal level. For example, if you started to appreciate your car I don't care if your car is a car that is considered old and just not, you know, valuable I'm telling you right now that you can make this practical and transform every area of your life by applying this to the level of practicality that I'm about to teach you, and it's that you know.
Speaker 1:Going back to that example, yeah, like you could have a Ferrari all you want, and you can have like an older car but I'm telling you right now you would much rather drive your car. That's literally like worth costs like a fraction of the price of the Ferrari, if your car had so much love and appreciation attended to it, for example. You know, let's say, what that looks like is that you get regular services. This looks like you're constantly taking care of, like the paint job, the interior. You clear out the rubbish every time it is in the car. You don't let it pile up, you actually give it love. You know. You spray essential oils on the seats and you thank your car. You clean the car, you don't let it pile up, you actually give it love. You spray essential oils on the seats and you thank your car. You clean the car and you give it all this love and attention and you drive it with love and respect, et cetera, et cetera. That is a practical way to deal with it that your car now increases in literal value and this isn't just as like a metaphor, by the way. This is literal.
Speaker 1:I'll even give you an example in a moment. But then, going back to what I was telling you guys earlier about that Ferrari, honestly, like I would much rather drive a car worth 10 grand if it had so much like love attended to it, it was so well taken care of. I would much rather drive that car than a Ferrari that is leaking engine oil, that is dirty, that smells like dog shit, that has flies coming up inside the interior, that the interior is like rusting and like the car doesn't even drive properly. It doesn't even shift gears properly. It sounds like shit. I don't want the Ferrari being shit to me. I'm going to choose my car every day of the week If my car was worth $10,000 compared to the Ferrari, assuming that this car has has been appreciated on a practical level, where it's been tended to, it's been taken care of, right.
Speaker 1:And so I'm going to give a real life example. So I, I had a Toyota Echo. Okay, and just so we're clear, um, cars, I'm going to remind you they're not an appreciating asset. It's like the worst investment, right, cars lose value. Obviously, there's exceptions to the rule, like vintage cars and all the things, but I'm not talking about the exception, I'm talking about the rule.
Speaker 1:So, anyway, my point is that I think I had bought my car. This was like maybe, I don't know, six years ago. I had a Toyota Echo. I probably paid like $3,000 and I got a really good price for that, right? Anyway, I took so much care of my car. Like it wasn't perfect, but I took a lot of care. I appreciated my car. Mind you, this Echo had no freaking air conditioning, okay, the power steering was non-existent. So, like I was, like you know, constantly you know building muscle and biceps, know building muscle and biceps, um, but I had so much love and appreciation for my little Echo.
Speaker 1:Okay, now, uh, I drove this Echo for over the course of like maybe four or five years. It was the longest car I'd ever kept. Now, get this, get this. Um, I told you that cars lose value and the only exception to the rule are, like, really beautiful limited edition cars usually, or like usually, manual cars. Even like they, they don't necessarily increase in value, but they hold their value longer. But my car was an automatic, so I had everything against me again. No, like it's an old car, it was a 99 model car, it was um, had no air conditioning, no power steering, um, and it didn't even have like anything fancy whatsoever.
Speaker 1:Yeah, now, when I went to trade in my car, I went back to the same place, even to get a new car, newer car, a different car, whatever, and get this. I literally got, wait for it. I got $2,000 of like the trade in price. I think it was $2,000, if of like the trade in price, I think it was, I think it was 2000,. If not a little bit more, something like that. Right, Um, and honestly, like I would have settled for like $500, to be honest. But I got like four times more than that, if not a bit more than that. And a week later when I spoke to the car yard, they sold my car Right and all I did was make a couple of changes, like they. They did some little um fixes inside, like the engine, nothing, nothing of a big deal. I probably put in a few hundred dollars to to like get it reset, whatever, ready to go for the next buy.
Speaker 1:Mind you, this car, my same car that I paid $3,000 for. I paid $3,000 for it, um, like say, six years ago, drove it for four years, so not only is the car older, it literally would have depreciated in value and guess what? They sold my car for more than what I paid for it five years ago. It got sold for five grand Five thousand dollars. Now, this is not a coincidence. This is not a coincidence. This is not because the car people did a good job. I'm telling you, this is me, it was my energy right. I took, honestly, I could have taken better care of it. I would say that it wasn't even to the degree that I wanted to appreciate it, but I appreciated my car more than the average person, that it literally affected the actual value of the car. Really, take that on board. And that's going against like the actual market.
Speaker 1:Okay, because your energy and the way that you act out of that energy is the most powerful thing. It is stronger and more powerful than the economy. It is more powerful than the market. It is more powerful than any fucking rule. You are that powerful. Now, how do you extend this into your life now, in yourself? Well, it's time that you start recognizing that your energy is expensive and bloody. Act like it. You got to act like it. So this means now having boundaries in a healthy way.
Speaker 1:Now, when I say boundaries, a lot of the time I see on social media people like having toxic boundaries, where they use boundaries as like a cop out to isolate themselves and be fucking rude. Um, to be honest, and it's just so frustrating. And so I'm going to quickly explain to you what boundaries is not and versus like what is healthy boundaries? So what, not what, what is not a boundary, would look like this so like, sometimes, um, let's say someone, um, okay, let's say someone has a friend who's going through like a lot of stress in their lives right now and they are battling, like, maybe, an anxiety disorder, right, um, and let's say that someone who is implying or applying unhealthy boundaries you could say toxic boundaries would look like this it would be where the friend is coming to them and the friend with this anxiety disorder, all the things, is accidentally projecting their stress onto you. And let's say, um, instead of you communicating and say, hey, um, I know that you have a lot on your plate, but I just wanted to let you know that, um, sometimes, when you are expressing what's going on, like you're venting, I feel like I feel a bit lonely because I'm trying to support you, um, and I just feel like sometimes you're just not listening to me and stuff like that. And so I just wanted to talk about this so that, like, we can grow from it together.
Speaker 1:Now, instead of doing that, you instead judge them. You just judge them, but like, I'm just not going to speak to this person, I'm going to ghost them. I'm not going to give them an opportunity to grow because I'm better than them. This is how a lot of people think. So I'm now going to pretty much put a boundary and cut off every single person in my life who's not perfect, right, and what is this doing? Well, this is very toxic because, honestly, the fact that you're that triggered means that you need to do some shadow work. You need to accept that you also aren't perfect and whatever this person is triggering in you, you need to recognize that within yourself which is what shadow work is and integrate that part of you into yourself. Um, and then, from that place of no judgment, can you sit there and actually make a, a powerful decision on how that boundary goes?
Speaker 1:Because sometimes I do understand some people aren't capable of having a mature conversation. Some people wouldn't be able to handle that thing that I just that example I gave you of saying hey, look like I just want to let you know that sometimes when you are venting, it makes me feel a bit lonely because I feel like I'm trying to support you, but I don't feel like you're hearing me. There are genuinely some people who are just emotionally not mature enough to handle that. So, obviously, practice your discernment. But what I'm saying is that, even if that is the kind of person that you're trying to put a boundary in, you still need to be healthy about it, because, in the way you be healthy about it is that you don't fucking just necessarily ghost them if they mean something to you, right. It's about just putting in a boundary. When you spend time with them, well, maybe don't spend as much time with them, right. And when you're in your own space, right.
Speaker 1:You got to make sure you're doing the work, because the truth is, when someone else, when we hate someone else, when we resent someone else or judge another person, it's just a projection on ourselves. So, if you have a judgment about them that they're just so they're such a drainer, right. If you think that your friend is a drainer, then the truth is you think you're a drainer, right. You low-key pretend that you're not a drainer and you're probably a drainer, right. So admit that about yourself. Stop judging them. You're just literally wasting your energy. Instead, use that as a as a fuel source to to heal yourself, because self-acceptance is the best form of healing.
Speaker 1:Except that, fuck, like I actually do this too. Like I, I'm guilty of projecting my shit. I I I've improved a lot, but I'm not better than them. Like I know what it's like to not have that level of emotional maturity. Who am I to judge? Like this is about me. And then shifting that energy. And then when you think about your friend who's being a drainer, you're no longer judging them, it's just an observation. It now becomes this neutral perception, right Of this person. You just neutrally observe that their behavior and you're just saying, oh, this person doesn't really have the emotional maturity to be close to me, so therefore I'm going to put a boundary in and I'm going to spend less time with them. That's a healthy boundary and that is you treating yourself, that you're expensive.
Speaker 1:Now do you see the difference? It's not like what other people do, where I see so often, where it's like you know, putting in a boundary, ghosting the person, but then walking around on their high horse thinking that they're better than them. You're not better than anyone on their high horse, thinking that they're better than them. You're not better than anyone. I'm sorry, if someone is like a drainer, really low EQ, and you go to therapy and you manifest and do your meditations, you're not better than anyone? Right? You're not. Do you have better self-care skills? Absolutely, but you are not better than anyone, and if you think that you are above anyone because you do more than them, then that's just your ego, you know. That just tells me you're insecure and whatever else.
Speaker 1:So please understand this nuance right, because someone who has energy that is expensive and valuable and puts that love and care, attention into themselves, understands this difference, does not judge other people, does not look down on other people, but instead has this beautiful balance of number one self-acceptance, which naturally will help you accept other people and respect where they're at on their journey. You will naturally become someone who doesn't need to rescue them, doesn't need to judge them either and doesn't need them to change in order to satisfy you and your ego. Right, some people in this lifetime guys will never change and you cannot judge them for that. Okay, you understand how hard it is to change. You understand how hard it is to be responsible for your life, to be disciplined, so you know how hard it is. So you can't sit there expecting every single person on earth to do it, because some people just aren't built for it. It's just, and it's okay. You are not better than them. You are just on a different journey and it's all perfect, even when it doesn't look like it to your ego, you know.
Speaker 1:And so when you start cultivating this level of self-acceptance, non-judgmentalism, now, every boundary you put in, it really comes from power and it comes from this place of well. Your energy is expensive and now you're re-teaching people how to treat you. Because the truth is, if someone is constantly dumping their shit onto you, if someone's constantly trauma dumping onto you and they're this quote unquote drainer right, then you have taught them that that is okay. Therefore, there has been enough times where you didn't have a boundary, you know, and a boundary in this scenario could even just look like. When that person is trauma dumping onto you, you gently shifting the conversation, you leading the conversation.
Speaker 1:If your friend's like oh my God, I'm so over, like my workplace, everyone's just so fucked, blah, blah, blah. And they're saying this to you in the moment and you realize wait a second, they're just like sort of dumping this on me, like I don't even feel, like they're even hearing what I'm saying, then have you turned around and said, oh, okay, like have you made them feel hurt and said that's, that's no fun, like I wouldn't like it if my my workmates were treating me like that either. What would you say? This situation is trying to teach you anyway? Like you have that power. That's a boundary right. That's a boundary Now.
Speaker 1:How they respond now is up to them. They either have an option to rise to your standards or they have an option to stay where they are. Now, if that person rises to your standards and responds to you with you know what? Actually, what this is teaching me is that I think I'm the problem, because, if I'm being really honest with myself, in every single workplace this actually happens, surely I'm the common denominator. Like I don't know. Is that something you've experienced? Like that's the kind of person in that moment who has chosen to rise to your standard, but not everyone will do that. Here's how the other person might also respond. Maybe they'll actually reply to your question when you say what do you think this situation is teaching you? And now let's say, this person responds with nothing. Everyone's just a fucking asshole. What do you mean? What is it teaching me? What are you trying to say? If they get defensive, you have your answers.
Speaker 1:Now you can see that this person is not able to rise to your new standards. They cannot handle this boundary, and that's further proof. To create more space now, create more space between you and them and leave. Honestly, find a very polite, gentle way from a place of authenticity to leave. If you were planning on hanging out with this person till 9pm and it's still 6pm, just literally say I know I was supposed to hang out with you till 9pm, but I'm actually going to head off now. I would like to go and do some self-care stuff. You don't have to explain your whole life story. You can fuck off whenever you want. That's your responsibility. That's a boundary. That's you acting like your energy is expensive and it's not being judgmental. It's not being someone on a spiritual ego or good person ego where you're living on your high horse. That's complete love and respect for that person.
Speaker 1:In fact, I will give you even more proof that I've done this in many times in my life with multiple people and I will be honest with you roughly about 50, 60% of the people who I've installed a boundary with. When I started to treat myself like I'm expensive, I lost those people and guess what? I'm so fucking glad I did. They don't deserve me. My energy too expensive for them. I don't need some of this K-Mark level fucking friendships, right. I want some high level shit, because I deserve it, because I chose it right, because my vote is the only vote that counts in my reality, and so but then the other half of people I've done this with, guess what.
Speaker 1:Maybe at the beginning the person reacted defensively, just like I gave you in that example. I made space and guess what happened when I waited a few months, this person, these people it wasn't even just one person, multiple people eventually rose to my standard and I gave them an opportunity to now treat themselves to a higher standard, and then our relationship, our friendship, was reborn, reinvented and evolved into this beautiful place. Right, and I gave them for me respecting myself through me treating myself like my energy is expensive and genuinely acting like it. I now gave these people an opportunity to do the exact same for themselves that I saw a domino effect in their lives, where they started to also do the same thing in their relationships, so on and so forth. And just like that, we are adding and creating more value, more, I guess, high level relationships, more conscious creation in our lives, just from me treating myself like, with the respect that I deserve instead, instead of me sitting there playing victim, going oh no one respects me. Everyone just drains my life. No one respects my boundaries. Instead of saying that, I took responsibility for myself and my life and I understood that everyone needs to be where they need to be. I'm not here to play judge. I just got to take care of me, non-judgmentally, accept who and where someone is at on their journey right. I just got to take care of me non-judgmentally, accept who and where someone is at on their journey right and respect my own boundaries right and be okay with the potential of losing some people so that I can tend to myself right. And because I treat myself like this and it's genuine and I know my energy is expensive and I act like it.
Speaker 1:This didn't just transform my relationships or my confidence. I'm not kidding you guys. I literally became more attractive and it wasn't even like intentional. I could just see my skin looked different, like my beauty improved and my money improved. My business skyrocketed. I went from in the past getting paid like I don't know like $250 a month from one client working my ass off.
Speaker 1:Honestly, feeling so unappreciated. I felt like I was just like working for free. Honestly, I would have rather worked for free, because it was like I was just, you know, giving away my power. I felt really low in value, right. I went from that to now. People pay me, you know, minimum $10,000 a year to work with me and I'm literally I'm doing less work or I'm all the same amount. Look at the fucking price difference. Look at that jump right. That is drastic. And all that changed. Nothing external changed. I had the same knowledge that I had at the time. I had everything the same in terms of information and skill. Realistically, obviously, it evolved over time, but I mean, fundamentally it's the same right. I've been doing, you know, some form of like service work for the last decade, right, but the main thing, the shift, the main adjustment that I'd made was me.
Speaker 1:I realized that I my vote, is the only vote that counts. Why am I sitting here waiting for everyone else to appreciate me, to realize that I'm valuable? No, I'm going to do that for me. I am expensive. I choose that. My vote is the only vote that counts and I'm going to fucking act like it. I'm going to learn how to be this person right, and I'm going to do it from love, not from ego. I'm going to do it from love, not from ego. I'm going to do it from a place where I do not judge another person. I don't give a fuck.
Speaker 1:If someone is the most toxic person on earth, I do not care. I'm not better than them, I'm equally. I'm capable of that toxicity. I've been that toxic person and I accept that version of me. I have compassion for that version of me. Therefore, I have no business to not do the same for everyone else. And if I were to ever judge another human and think that I'm above that human, then honestly, I'd be a very insecure person. I'm not interested in being insecure because my energy is too expensive for that, and so is yours, okay. And so just know this.
Speaker 1:Just know that if you expect yourself to be chosen in your love life, in your money life, in your business life, in your work life, then you cannot wait for the rest of your life waiting for everyone else to choose you, because it's not how it's going to work. So allow me to save you years of heartache, let me save you lots of money, right, and let me completely give you the opportunity to transform your life. You got to choose yourself first. You got to act like and choose that you are the baddest bitch. First you got to choose that you are. You are king shit. First you got to do it from a humble place. You got to own that. You can't wait for someone else to choose you. You choose you, and when you choose you, other people literally have no choice but to choose you. It is choose you, and when you choose you, other people literally have no choice but to choose you. It is law. It is how reality creation works. Okay, you are that powerful and you are. You have the only vote that counts to the value that your life is and who you are as a person is. And if you want other people to appreciate you in the way that I know you deserve to be treated, if you want people to respect you in the way that I know you were born to be respected, then make sure that you respect yourself first, okay, so so much love. And if you know someone who could benefit from this episode, please share this with them. They could benefit from this just from you doing so.
Speaker 1:And I just want to let you know that Hot Genius Society, we have an app. Yes, we do, and it's free. It's available on Google Play Store as well as the Apple Play Store. You literally just type in Hot Genius Society. I'm going to leave a link in the show notes. Make sure you can check that out. We have on there the High Vibe Gym. It is fucking free. You're absolutely welcome In the High Vibe Gym.
Speaker 1:You get to have a personal trainer for your life, for your healing life and for your manifestation. They're to support you in your morning routines. It's there to support you in your evening routines, your night routines. They're to support you to regulate your anxiety. They're to support you to regulate all your triggers, whether you feel betrayed, whether you feel angry, whether you feel violated in your boundaries. Let me tell you, this is the most valuable thing you could get your hands on. And guess what? It is once again $0 and it's not a promotion. It will stay $0 indefinitely. Get your hands on it. You'll be. It will be a really good companionship to this episode to actually start building the daily routines every single day. Um, and is there for you if you want it. So so much love, guys, and I'll see you next week. Ciao.