The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting

👀 The dream state POV

• Christina Modaffari • Season 5 • Episode 56

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Imagine stepping into the life you've always dreamed of, not tomorrow, but today. Join me, Christina Modaffari, as I guide you through an empowering journey of transformation by adopting the "POV of your dream state." This episode of the Hot Genius Guide to Manifesting is a masterclass in harnessing the power of the law of assumption to embody the version of yourself that already owns your deepest desires. From achieving financial success to securing a dream house or fostering fulfilling relationships, I share a compelling story of a client who shattered their skepticism and resistance to claim their dreams confidently. You’ll discover practical insights that bridge the gap between your current reality and where you aspire to be, by adopting a mindset of abundance and gratitude.

Gain clarity on why waiting for external changes isn't the key to your happiness and how embracing your dream state now can be the catalyst for personal transformation. We unravel the secrets to aligning your perspective with your goals, emphasizing the importance of self-empowerment and simplicity in enhancing your well-being. By learning to be the solution to your perceived problems, you'll find yourself in control of your own life and happiness. Tune in to learn how to shift your mindset, inspire those around you, and realize that you are much closer to your dreams than you might have ever imagined.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to this week's episode of the Hot Genius Guide to Manifesting. As freaking always, I am your host, your homie, christina Modafari, and this episode get ready. You know, whenever I give you like a introduction, I tell you to get ready and I go on to say that you're about to be transformed. You know I deliver, you know I deliver, and today is one of those episodes. As you can see, it is called the POV of your dream state, the point of view of your dream state. Now, this can be understood and interpreted as the law of assumption. It can be interpreted as living in the end, as Neville Goddard says. However, this episode is very practical. It's very practical use of the law of assumption. It's something that you can literally start doing right now, like as you're listening to this episode. This is one of those episodes that will be on rotation on repeat, and so let's get into it. So, just like it says, the POV of your dream state. What does this mean? How does this relate to your manifesting journey? Well, think of it like this when it is about, when you are manifesting something right, you're truly just manifesting the identity, the version of you who already has the thing right, and if you had, let's say, you were manifesting your dream house. Okay, you would have a different outlook on life and your current situation if you had that house. So that's what I mean by the dream state. The dream state is very, ever evolving. It's constantly changing. You can have multiple. So, for now, when I say dream state, what I'm referring to is whatever it is that you desire, whatever is in your heart that you are consciously manifesting. That when you have that thing already, if that's your dream house, if that's, you know, tripling your income, if that's you getting, you know, your dream relationship, whatever it is, it's about living in the end and you live in the end by having the POV of that version of you, and the more that you practice this, the more you are shifting your identity, therefore shifting your reality. As we know, our reality is not external, internal. It's internal. External meaning that the world is a mirror, it is a reflection of us, right, and that is the reason why there might be you know what, there might be one earth, but there's eight billion realities because you get. You ask even a hundred people to describe one thing and you will never hear the exact same answer, because reality is not locally real. Everything is subjective. It is just the way our brains are wired and it is just the way the universe is actually fundamentally put together.

Speaker 1:

You could say, okay, and so, in saying all of that, so let's use the example of your dream house. I find that this is incredibly relatable to a lot of people, which is why I'm choosing to use this example, but also shout out to one of my VIP private clients, because they inspired me to create this. As we were just having conversation, they just took some bold action and they essentially decided that they wanted to manifest the house and a million dollars. And just so we're clear, anyone can say that, anyone can say that. But the reason why this slaps differently is because this client has come such a long way. They had a lot of resistance. They had so much resistance to the point where they couldn't even literally accept what they wanted. They couldn't even speak out loud what they wanted, um, and if they did, instead of it exciting them, it actually just depressed them. So we spent so much time, you know, doing the pre-work, like just getting them on like a clean slate, and to have them just all of a sudden be so out of character in the best way and just be like hey, hey, christina, so I want this house, you know, and I just applied for this competition to win X amount of money, like it doesn't even matter if they get what they want, because to me, the fact that they actually were bold enough to claim what they truly want, something that they've literally struggled with their whole lives, that is already a win. However, that was the inspo shout out to that client. If they if you're listening to this, you know who you are Um, but yeah, so that's why I'm using the analogy I mean not analogy the example of the dream house as well.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, going back to it, so what I was telling my client? I was like, okay, um, in your current situation, in your current home, because their situation, their 3D circumstances, is just not favorable, it's not what they want, it is not it. And so what I told them to do? Right, from a place of just ease and joy. First of all, I said to them, I said listen, you have nothing to lose.

Speaker 1:

And you know, this client is different to my other clients because this client has a lot of skepticism, right, a anxiety, and so the like. There's a different approach, you know, and I'll do like a whole different podcast episode explaining how different you know. People of different history, different past, different, you know, trauma experiences will have to do manifesting differently, because every brain and person has unique needs. However, I'm going to use this person as a good example because I feel like this person is so relatable because, like I relate to this client in the past, right, I was that skeptical person. I was so skeptical, I was skeptical of manifestation and all the things, right.

Speaker 1:

And so, if you are someone who also has had, you know, is guilty of like having that skepticism, maybe you're overanalyzer as well. There's like been anxiety and you're afraid to lose control, whatever, this is really good for you as well, because not everyone is a delusional manifesto, right, like, that's something that I had to learn over the years to just become a delusional manifesto, and that just pretty much means like you don't really need any proof in your reality to prove that it's working. You're just really good at, I guess, being, you know, believing in your vision, but not everyone can do that. So, anyway, as I was saying, I was saying to this client I said, okay, we get it, let's meet you where you're at. Law of detachment, right, like, allow yourself to be exactly who you are, the way you are, without any need to change it. And then I said you literally have nothing to lose to give this a shot. And then I'm like and all you got to do just keep it simple.

Speaker 1:

Right Is like when you're looking around, your current reality, your current room, your current home and, let's say, something's triggering you in that moment, you're going to switch identities and you're going to go into the point of view of what the version of you who has that house and money would see and think in that moment. So I gave an example to her and I'm like all right, so let's say, you know you look around and you see like there's a mess and you're just so exhausted and you can't be bothered like dealing with it. You know you've had a hard day at work and whatever, so usually you'd probably like be discouraged by this mess in the corner of your room. And I was like no, so instead of doing that, you're going to have the point of view of someone who's like already got the house and they're going to move in soon. Right, cause it's realistic to agree that when you buy a house, like you don't move in the day you get it right, like you have to go through all the paperwork, so like I was using that as an opportunity. Anyway, I was like what you could say in that moment to yourself is like, oh, like I'm actually so excited to clean this mess. It doesn't matter how tired I was at work, I'm so grateful because you know how I take care of this house is how I take care of that house, so you know why not. And then I'm like okay, let's say like something else triggers you. Maybe a person triggers you and just usually would spiral and just feel really powerless and hopeless. Right, when you notice that trigger, catch your trigger, regulate your emotions if you have to, you know, release resistance and apply acceptance to how you feel, which my trick is the I'm happy method, which is pretty much how you can regulate any emotion in like a few seconds, and I'll tell you how to do it. So, like if that person so I've even said this is client, I'm like if someone has triggered you and you feel really angry, catch it. So be like okay, recognize that you're triggered in that moment and say to yourself I'm happy that I'm angry right now and like breathe and seriously, instantly that anyone will find they will regulate that emotion instantly, like it. Just, you feel the relief immediately. You can try it right now. If you don't believe me, right, because this method's fucking powerful. It might sound so overly simplistic that it sounds too good to be true, but but try it for yourself.

Speaker 1:

I was a therapist and counselor for almost a decade and I suffered from, you know, lots of different kinds of mental health disorders, anxiety disorders, trauma, all the things right. And so I was really obsessed because no one could help me. No therapist could help me, no doctor could help me. And so when I say that obsessed, I mean I was a mad scientist for 10 years, guys. So you're so welcome and pretty much I found a way to regulate emotion in the most easiest way possible and I guess it was worth it all that 10 years of work and yeah, so you just say I'm happy that I feel whatever you feel. If you feel sad, you say I'm happy that I feel sad. If you're anxious, say I'm happy that I'm anxious right now, like whatever it is right, anyway. So I told my client that's what you're going to do you catch the anger if that person near you is triggering you and you'll regulate instantly, but then straight away, change the thought track, change the POV, go into the dream state POV.

Speaker 1:

How would you think in your mind Because if someone pissed you off right in that moment, you'd be like I don't even care, I don't even need you. Like I'm like so rich right now, I can't wait to move into my house. Like you just don't, you're so irrelevant, goodbye. And like have that fricking sass. Because think about it you would react to your current life so differently if you had what you wanted. I'm telling you right now and so many people get this wrong and they're like oh, you, you know.

Speaker 1:

Like I need to wait till I have the money or the house before I give myself permission to change into this happy person. And like, if a client says that to me, I'll be like you do realize, like you're literally missing the point of manifestation and you'll never get what you want. Like I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry. Like that's just how it is. Because there is no point waiting for money or blessings to come into your life to change yourself. Because even if it did happen to you, on the odd chance that it did, you won't even receive it, you won't recognize it, you'd reject it or you just completely get rid of it because you wouldn't be able to handle it.

Speaker 1:

And so, instead of you thinking that you need something outside of you, like money or a home, to allow permission for yourself to feel happy and free and abundant, you need to be happy, free and abundant as you are, with what you currently have, because we do not manifest what we want. We manifest who we are. It's just that simple, and I know that it's hard to realize that it's easy, but that's it. It's not hard, but it is hard to realize that it's easy because our ego likes to make things complicated and it can't accept that things can be simple. And so I'm inviting you let it be this simple. Let it be this simple, let it be this fun. You are in control. You're in so much more control than you've ever thought.

Speaker 1:

But, like I said, whatever it is that you want, you just in your current reality, what you have, switch your POV, your point of view, into the version of you who has what they want in every moment. You've got nothing to lose, nothing. The worst case scenario is that you're literally just going to feel better and okay, you don't get what you want. Worst case scenario you don't get what you want, but you feel great, cool, get happier, get prettier, your immune system gets better, you have a regulated nervous system right, you feel healthier, you have more energy, your skin clears up, your memory's better, your focus is improved Wow, worst case scenario and best case scenario is that it will feel like your dream state or your manifestation be that your dream house or money just literally like fell in your lap. That's best case scenario.

Speaker 1:

So to me, if you ask me, the smart option here is to do the thing, to do the work, because you're either going to do manifestation work, like conscious creation work, such as you being disciplined in the mind and the emotions. You can do that work, which is very rewarding, or you can continue to do the work that doesn't reward you. You can continue to go to work at a job that you hate, to hang around people that you can't stand and constantly being in fear and feeling like you are in a cycle that never ends. You can do that. They're both. There's going to be work. I can't, you know. I wish I could say that there's no. There's a way to have no work, but this is all work. We can't control that and, honestly, why would we want to control that? I think work is beautiful. It's beautiful, there's nothing wrong with it. But I guess the thing that's more disempowering is that when we do work, that doesn't bring us joy.

Speaker 1:

So who would you be right now? What would you think about? How would you see yourself? What would you be? How would you react to that person who looked at you funny? How would you react to that bill? If you were in the dream state, if you had the money that you want, what would be different about you If you had the house that you want? How would you treat your current house differently? Because whatever you would do differently, because whatever you would do differently, that is your work. You don't let it shame you. You don't have to like, make it mean anything bad about you.

Speaker 1:

Get excited, because now you make sense, now you are in control, because if you realize that you have been the problem, then you have your power back. Because if you were the problem, you are also the solution. Because if you were the problem, you were also the solution. It's that simple. If right now you're manifesting your dream home, let's say, and you're applying this and you start to realize, wait a second.

Speaker 1:

I would feel very differently about my bedroom or the bed that I keep complaining about, that I keep saying isn't good enough. I would feel differently about my bed and my room and my current house if I knew for a fact that I'd already purchased my dream home. Then that again, that is your work. That is the difference between you and your desire. People think that they are years away from their desires or they're a lot of hard work away from their desires, and it's just not true. You are only vibrations away from your desires. And when I say vibrations, that gap that I told you about, the gap between how you'd, how you would perceive your current bed right now, when you feel like you're, you're stuck with this house, versus how you perceive your bed if you already bought your dream house. That gap, that's how far away you are from your desire.

Speaker 1:

Meaning that if you have been looking at your bed with entitlement and you know the bed isn't that bad, like it's, it's a bed you know and you're happy it's, it's okay. But you keep thinking, oh, I want something better, like I want to have like a bigger bed, I want better bedding, I want it to be more modern and like shiny and whatever else you know, if that's how you're thinking about your current bed, instead of being grateful for it, assuming that it is, you know, has all the basic needs that a bed requires, right? I'm not saying if you don't, if you're sleeping on a straw, like. I'm not saying that If that's what you think now, but then as soon as you start thinking, okay, what would I? How would I perceive the exact same bed had I had already purchased my dream home? If, let's say, now, when you ask that question, you look at your current bed and you're like, oh, like I'm cool, it's like I'm so grateful that I have a bed. And cool, like I can't wait, you know, to sleep in this tonight.

Speaker 1:

Look at that difference. The bed stayed the same because you, but you changed, you changed. Or what about? You know your bills, about your bills? If right now, you look at your bills and you get pissed off, you feel entitled, like I shouldn't have to pay this. Oh my God, like inflation's going up, the economy is bad. Let's say that's you right, that's okay, I've been there. But let's say I said all right. But if you had tripled your income right now, what would you? What would you see, ask yourself like the same bill for the same amount of money, what would you think in your mind? I'm guessing there'd be a difference. It'd be something like oh yeah, I can afford that Lol, no big deal. Look at that difference. That's the vibration gap that I was telling you about. Do you see what I'm saying?

Speaker 1:

And if you can use this to your advantage and start living in the dream state, meaning you have the point of view of the person who has that thing. That is manifestation work. That is law of assumption. That's what it is. As Neville Goddard says, don't think about your manifestations, think from them. That's what he meant. Think from them meaning all right, you already have what you want. Now what? From that meaning all right, you already have what you want. Now what? You already have your dream life, now what. You already have your dream house, now what? What are you doing differently? Do you sit differently? Do you dress differently? Do you actually put in effort into your hair? Now? Do you actually go to bed on time? Did you actually order a meal prepping service? Now, what is different about you if, right now, you had what you wanted?

Speaker 1:

Whatever the answer is is your work, that is your work and if you can actually allow yourself to embrace and surrender to this, I can't even tell you when I say that magic will happen. Magic, it will be illogical, absolutely illogical, because you are that powerful, you are the shiniest object in the universe, in your universe, and I am the shiniest object in my universe. Right, it is just that simple. That means, then, that you are more shiny, more important than any dream house, than any amount of money, and if you have thought anything differently, then that is also your work. You are the most powerful, valuable thing in your personal reality, and if you can start embracing the point of view of who you'd be had you already had what you wanted, then that is how you can get what you want, but do it from a place of joy and fun. Because it is fun, right? Because if you have conditional gratitude, if you have like a hidden agenda and you're only doing this to get the dream house, then it won't happen, because that's just not how it works. You can't manipulate the universe like that. All right, can you manipulate energy Literally? Of course you can, but you can't. You can't lie, if that makes sense, meaning that you need to understand for real what I'm saying because the version of you who already had what they wanted be that your dream house, your dream job, dream income right, they did not see their dream job, dream income as the reward.

Speaker 1:

They see how they feel as the reward. That's the difference, the point of view. Or the version of you who has what they want. When they have it, because they have it, they are like whatever I have it cool. They are excited about how they feel. They're excited about who they are because, again, their reward is simply feeling good. Their reward is being a grateful person. Their reward is feeling relaxed. The same way, a real healthy person doesn't see Maccas as a reward. Mcdonald's, if you're not from Australia, right. A healthy person doesn't work out for two hours on a treadmill that they hate and then go reward themselves with Maccas. That's not a healthy person. That's an unhealthy person. Exercising for two hours a day that's very different. A real healthy person does not see junk food as a reward. A healthy person sees literally having a nutritious milkshake or something or having a very nourishing meal. That's the reward. They saw them being on the treadmill as the reward. They saw them being on the treadmill as the reward. They saw that them.

Speaker 1:

Actually getting up and being disciplined right was a highest form of self-love and that was the reward. Not Maccas, not McDonald's, not that steak that you don't want, that you think is junk, that you feel like you now deserve to hurt yourself Like, like no same principle, someone who truly has what you think you want. So you want that dream house. The version of you, believe me, who has their dream house does not necessarily see the house as their reward. They see how free they feel as the reward. And I know this in my own way because when I have manifested things, I realized that I'd learned that lesson deeper and deeper every single time where I was like, holy crap, like I literally could have felt this like more consistently before I got this.

Speaker 1:

And as much as I'm grateful for the thing, I truly love who I am. I love who I am like. That was the reward. Who you are is the reward. There is no greater reward than you feeling so abundant, so relaxed, so relieved, so trusting and so in love with yourself. And until you fully own that, then you will probably still be able to do the dream state POV, but you'll not be able to like uphold it. You'll eventually just be like nah, fuck this, because it can't be about the outcome only. It has to be about the journey of you getting the outcome, because life is not happening in the creation, it's happening in the creating, and the way you feel while you are creating is how you will feel when you get the creation. Really hear that.

Speaker 1:

That means that if you are miserable while you are manifesting something, or even when you're not manifesting something and you're doing an old school and achieving a goal, when you get the goal, however you felt while you were doing the thing, if you felt really annoyed, really angry, really resentful, when you get the thing, you're going to feel very angry, really annoyed and really resentful, but the reverse is true.

Speaker 1:

So, once again, whatever it is that you want, remember you are in control and that the reward is in the moment of how good you feel, how abundant you feel and how in control of yourself you feel. How good you feel, how abundant you feel and how in control of yourself you feel. That all you got to do is recognize that you are more in control than you think, that you are not years away from your desires. You are point of views away from your desires. You are thoughts away from your desires, aka, you are vibrations away from your desires, and if you can start looking at your current reality with the eyes of the person who has what they want, that is when you get what you want. So, as always, if there's someone who you know who would benefit from this episode, make sure you share this with them. Do us all a solid, because you might be the reason that that person completely transforms their life. So I look forward to next week's episode. I love you so much. Bye.

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