The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
A podcast where you come for the ultimate makeover for your life. We talk all things healing and manifestation.
The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
🧜🏽♀️ Higher Self VS Anxiety/Ego
What if the key to unlocking your true potential lies in the subtle whispers of your higher self, rather than the loud clamor of daily anxieties? This episode promises to unravel the art of tuning into that internal GPS, your higher self, and distinguishing its quiet guidance from the disruptive voices of self-doubt. Through the uplifting story of a client who embraced their higher self's nudges despite financial doubts, witness the transformative power this inner trust can unleash. With anecdotes from my own journey, I illustrate how the gentle whispers of intuition have led to unexpected triumphs and how failures can serve as fertile ground for personal growth.
Join me as we explore empowering decision-making, focusing on choices that resonate with empowerment rather than fear. Learn to harness the potential of your current circumstances as stepping stones towards achieving your dreams, without the need for drastic life changes. By shifting your energy and perspective, you can unlock a world of unexpected opportunities ready to be seized. The episode concludes with a rallying call to trust in yourself, embrace your journey, and share this empowering message with others, paving the way for a life aligned with your true desires.
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Welcome back to another episode of the Hot Jitters Guide to Manifesting. I'm your host, christina Modafari, and today's episode is called your Higher Self is your Guide. This episode gives me tingles in the best way, okay, because I'm going to teach you how to know when it's your higher self talking to you or it's just pure fucking anxiety and self-sabotage. I'm going to teach you what's going to come from this, why this is important, and I'm also going to give you like really exciting and motivating examples from my clients that they have achieved when they have followed their higher self throughout their lives. So I want you to first understand that your higher self is pretty much like how I see it is like imagine that the universe or God or source, wherever you want to look at it, is like, um, the ocean, okay, and so we are all a piece of that ocean. We are all a drop of that ocean. That means that we are made from God, like we made from source. It doesn't matter if a drop is smaller, literally, compared to an ocean, because if you look at the drop right when it's its own thing, then it's 100% pure source still, and the ocean is still 100% pure source, okay. So I want you to like wrap your head around that first. So, when I say that your higher self is your guide, it's your inbuilt GPS system. Now, I now want you to imagine that, despite that, we are all one. We are all connected to, like, say, the same wifi. We all came from the same source, each, each soul. So you, me and whoever else in the 8 billion other people currently on earth, we all have our own like higher self, which is the the when. When you hear higher self, it means like it's the part of you, quite literally, who can see everything, so it is like equivalent to what God would see, right? The difference is is that it is uniquely yours, though. It has your unique blueprint of all of your potential possibilities that you could experience in this lifetime, and it has all of your unique nooks and crannies and details. Okay, that's how I want you to see it. So your higher self is constantly talking to you, whether you ignore it or not, whether you're in touch with intuition or not.
Speaker 1:Okay, and the thing is, though, your higher self. The reason why most of us struggle to listen to it is because it whispers, and a lot of us confuse our anxiety and self-sabotaging patterns with the higher self for the fact that, once again, like anxiety screams. Anxiety is like nagging at you repeatedly, whereas the higher self is very quiet, it whispers, it doesn't really need it, it's not desperate for your attention, it kind of leaves you in your power because it lets you decide whether you listen to it or not, whereas anxiety is like it's like they're just trying to nag you. It's like throwing a tantrum, whereas, again, your higher self never does that. You, it's like throwing a tantrum, whereas again, your higher self never does that. And so it usually feels like the step that the higher self is is guiding or whispering to you. It's usually telling you to do something that's quite out of character for you, which is why you most people ignore it.
Speaker 1:Um, and so let me give you an example actually. So I had a client, um, not too long ago. They actually wanted to work with me for so long, okay, but their anxiety, their anxiety, was like always saying no, it's not worth the investment, it's not worth the five figure investment, what a waste of money, I can do it myself. Like that was the anxious mind that they thought was their intuition, and their higher self, for literally years, was like whispering at my client saying, like, work with Christina, like this would be amazing. But again it whispered and my client at the time this is prior to them signing on like didn't listen until one day they decided to listen to the higher self and to work with me, right, to sign on as my one-on-one client for 12 months, because I have this really cool 12-month dream life mentorship, right. Anyway, guess what fucking happened? This is wild.
Speaker 1:Now this client was like behind on their finances. They had literally no reason, like no logical reason that made sense, for them to have like to sign on with me. But the thing is, I was at the time offering a really amazing, like flexible payment plan option, really, really affordable, Like it's something that I never offer until that time, anyway. So the client had to decide in that moment do I listen to my higher self or do I listen to the anxiety? Because anxiety is logic, right, and our logical mind, our conscious mind, can only tell us what we can lose and it's completely blinded away. But like what we can gain, right, because our brain has a distortion called negative bias. And what negative bias means? Pretty much what it sounds like. We are just biased to being negative, that's pretty much it right, it's a survival mechanism. Therefore, everything positive is usually like just put in our blind spots.
Speaker 1:And so, remember this my client at the time literally it made no sense for them to sign on with me. However, they saw an opportunity. Their higher self was whispering work with her. Trust me, it's not going to make any logical sense. Trust me, work with Christina. She's literally offering you the most once-in-a-lifetime freaking what do you call it? Flexible payment plan that you can literally get started today for like a hundred dollars instead of like thousands, Like what are you doing? Sort of thing.
Speaker 1:And naturally, my client was like tossing and turning and like confused between like higher self, anxious self. You know she didn't know what to do. And then she made a decision and, out of character decision, decided to trust and she trusted in a higher self. She signed on with me. I guess what happened two hours later? Not only was this client able to somehow get creative right, because the hire self fucking delivered and got creative in how she could actually put that $100 deposit down right Number one check. But two hours after this client signed on, they manifested $500 that they were not expecting right. And since then they literally already have like shifted so much around their money, beliefs and whatever else. So that's really like one example of what I mean that your higher self is always guiding you.
Speaker 1:And if you keep listening to your like, your anxious mind, your conscious, logical mind that's there to freaking, protect you, then you're going to miss out on the good side of that, on the good side of taking a risk and taking bold action, because the universe, the universe, favors the bold. It just is what it is. You know, if you listen to my episode a couple episodes ago called Manifestation Equals Chaos, I'm literally talking about pure mainstream physics and science and how I explain, like, the nature of the universe since the big bang and the literal nature of nature. You know, if you want to know more about this, like, go check out that episode out. But essentially, what I'm trying to get you to understand here is that things are supposed to be out of our control. We're supposed to have faith. We're not supposed to know every single step of the way. There needs to be an element of trust in the unknown. We need to take calculated risks, because if you don't risk it, you won't get the biscuit. You know what I mean. Like it just is what it is. It's a cliche, but it is true as hell.
Speaker 1:And so this is, this is your power. You know your higher self is constantly guiding you. You know, like, even for me, my higher self maybe about like I think it was about just under a year ago. I had my dream mentor that I wanted to work with. And you know, I had my higher self whispering at me for so long Ignore that, that's just my reminder. It was whispering at me for so long like work with it, work with it. And I was so afraid, right, I was like I don't know, I can't afford it right now. Blah, blah, blah, blah. And then I just decided that it was going to happen. I was like I don't know how it's going to happen. My higher self says it's going to work out. It's going to work out. And, a very long story short, the universe fucking delivered. I was literally able to win $10,000 out of thin air. So I was able to invest in a payment plan with my coach. I was able to pay off my old debt. That was going to make it easy for me to actually afford this payment plan and get this.
Speaker 1:I made a return on my investment because it was about a five-figure investment all up, get this. I literally have made that all back and then some right, and I made that money back within the first few months, right, and from a business perspective, by the way, to get a return within the first six months is very hard. It's like, it's very good the fact that I made an. I returned on my investment three months in, like, I'm literally defying odds, okay, so that's just another example, and so it's not about, like, just investing in coaches. I'm like, I want you to start thinking about everything. You know, what is it that you want? You know, maybe for you, you want to actually become like a paid artist, maybe you want to be an author, right, but it makes no sense to do so and you're worried about security, you're worried about failing, or you're worried about, like, how's it going to work? How are you going to pay the bills? Right?
Speaker 1:What is your higher self saying? Is it saying to just write the damn book? Is it saying for you to set aside one hour a day after your crappy job to start writing? Is it saying for you to start posting on TikTok and Instagram little snippets of your book? What is it telling you to do Listen to it, because, for all you know, you could make you know three TikToks and someone who's a book agent, who's looking to find the next big thing, finds you and then you're fucking taken care of. They offer you an advance payment, pitch you to a publisher and you literally have become a fucking paid artist. You don't know this right. Possibilities are endless, but what is your higher self whispering at you?
Speaker 1:I encourage you, obviously, to do this within reason. You're responsible for all your decisions, but what I'm saying here is that what can you do that you know you want to do, that you keep being afraid of doing? Because the reason why billionaires are billionaires is because they take risks. They trust themselves so damn much that even when something looks like a quote, unquote failure, they don't see it as a failure. They see it as fast data that they can get, that they can now implement. They get excited with it and, at the end of the day, success is 99% failure.
Speaker 1:Okay, can you trust yourself to be able to handle what's thrown your way? Can you? Because trust is not built when things are easy. Trust is built when everything is all against you, when your back is up against the wall. Who the fuck are you going to be in that moment? Who are you going to show up? As? That's what you need to figure out. That's what you need to decide on. Trust is built in the tough times, not in the easy times.
Speaker 1:What is your higher self trying to say? Because I'm going to end this episode with this your higher self is always talking to you and the good news is it's just like a real GPS when you're driving in your car. If you take the quote unquote wrong turn, if you take a turn that's feeding your anxiety and ego, your higher self loves you so much that it will reroute you back to a new way of getting into that perfect desire for you, right? You're not supposed to know every step of the way, the same way that your GPS system, your car, doesn't tell you all the steps and all the turns, it just tells you the next one. What is your next turn, right? So don't forget this power and trust yourself. And and realize it doesn't have to be extreme.
Speaker 1:You want to be an author who said you had to quit your job. Keep your fucking job, but decide that you could become an author and keep your job. This is not to be extreme. This is not to be impulsive and reckless. This is to be powerful. This is to trust yourself and if anyone tells you to, you know, be extreme, be like, quit your job when you don't feel good about that, then they are not giving you the full picture.
Speaker 1:What I'm saying is that you can make a decision to change your life internally without changing anything externally. You can literally decide to become a six figure paid author and still keep your nine to five. You can do that right now If you really wanted to. You don't have to tell your boss about it either. It's none of their fucking business. You make the decision. You follow the higher self's GPS navigation throughout your day because you only need to know the one next step. And when you feel safe enough, when you feel empowered to leave the job maybe you'll have security, maybe you'll have money by that time to leave the job, maybe you have security, maybe you have money by that time Then do that.
Speaker 1:But who said to make a decision means you have to be extreme and put yourself in scarcity and freak yourself out, because it's not supposed to be like that.
Speaker 1:You're supposed to feel empowered, and I'm going to end this podcast by saying that decisions are made internally before they are made externally.
Speaker 1:All you got to do is decide. You decide, by fully going all in and committing to it, that you burn the bridges, you burn away all your safety nets and you can keep going with your current life, but from a different energy. Now You're going to now go your nine to five, that you don't lie from a place of gratitude because you know that you're just here for now and you're grateful that you have an amazing paying job for you right now, because it's paying you to become a paid author, and that's how I want you to look at it. And when you're ready, the higher self will deliver your next step, and that next step could literally be a check in the mail for 100k for all you know. But you will never know if you never take that leap. Okay, so I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Please send this to someone who you know will appreciate it, and I love you so much and until next time, bye.