The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting

🪬How to be powerful

• Christina Modaffari • Season 5 • Episode 54

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Have you ever felt trapped by circumstances beyond your control, only to realize that the key to your freedom was in your hands all along? Join me, Christina Modaffari, as we explore this revelation and the journey to empowerment by embracing responsibility. This episode of the Hot Genius Guide to Manifesting is an invitation to reclaim your personal power by shifting focus from external blame to internal empowerment. Through heartfelt personal stories, I share my own experiences with feeling powerless due to a controlling upbringing and how embracing responsibility transformed my life. By understanding that true power comes from owning our choices and responses, we discover how to move from a victim mindset to a life of love and integrity.

Listen in for a powerful discussion on the distinction between blame and responsibility, and how acknowledging our mistakes can lead to transformative healing. Highlighting real-life examples, like overcoming career dissatisfaction, this episode is a guide for harnessing personal responsibility to fulfill dreams and fuel personal growth. By embracing responsibility for both the positive and negative aspects of life, you'll unlock your potential and create the life you desire. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, as we pave the way for a more powerful and fulfilling existence.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to this week's episode. You are listening to the Hot Genius Guide to Manifesting, and I'm your host, christina Modafari. This episode is so juicy because it's called how to Be Powerful. So please do not take this lightly. I'm going to teach you not just what power is and how to be powerful, but I'm going to show you examples and practical ways that you can start living a powerful life, starting from right now. So get your coffees ready. I don't know where you are, but please get comfortable, because we're going to have so much fun.

Speaker 1:

So let's first begin by understanding, like, what is power? You know, and so I'm going to introduce this concept by sharing a cliche that you'll hear in a lot of superhero movies. If you know me, you know I love all things comic books and superheroes. Like hello, look at the Hot Genius brand, the Hot Genius Society brand. The mascot is a comic book character. So, anyway, I digress.

Speaker 1:

So, as you hear in all of the superhero movies is, with great power comes great responsibility. That is the truth, but no one explains what responsibility really is and all the nuances and what that really looks like in real life, you know. So that's where I'm going to come in and I'm going to explain it because, guys, let me tell you something this whole topic, it's really close to my heart, okay, and maybe you relate to me, or maybe you know someone who relates to me, and it's that I spent most of my life feeling powerless. So that's why I'm so obsessed about power, like my entire brand, personal brand, hot Genius, society's brand it is all about showing you your power and how to take it back. Okay, because I know what it's like to feel literally powerless and it's just, it's not it, it's not a vibe, okay, I grew up literally feeling like, no matter what I did, I couldn't control anything in my life, that the more I tried, the more I wanted, the more I felt helpless.

Speaker 1:

You know and this comes from you know, the way I was raised. I didn't really have a say in anything. I felt, you know and again, it's not to throw blame anywhere you know, my parents did the best of what they could and understood at the time, but at the end of the day, factually speaking, you know, I was my, my mother was she. She did like to be controlling, you know, and she never kept her promises growing up, and although we've completely healed and transformed our relationship today because now, like she's amazing and we're so close, but, like, growing up, I, she accidentally taught me and my brain, especially during my developmental years of ages zero to seven, that I was powerless, because if I wanted something, she would say it was going to happen, and then it come down to it and she would change her mind and she didn't really carry much integrity with her words. So I made that mean that I was powerless with her words. So I made that mean that I was powerless, you know.

Speaker 1:

So, if you can relate to you, know, feeling powerless growing up, maybe you know, like myself, you had an over, like a controlling parent, or maybe, like myself, you were bullied. Or maybe, like myself, you came from poverty, like whatever it is for you, like I'm with you, I understand you and I'm here to share this episode with you because it literally has the actual power to completely transform your entire life, because I'm going to teach you how to be powerful, okay, and in a healthy way. No ego, all right, pure love, okay. And so it's going back to what I was saying before. Right, like, with great power comes great responsibility, and so what does that look like? Comes great responsibility, and so what does that look like? That looks like that you need. You can't just take credit for, like, all the good things that happened in your life. It means that to be powerful, you need to take responsibility for everything that's happened in your life up until this moment. You know, and that includes the bad things. That includes the times when someone manipulated you and literally victimized you.

Speaker 1:

And don't confuse this with victim blaming, because that's not what I'm saying here. What I'm saying is, at the end of the day, like it is impossible for someone else to be 100% responsible for something. Right, like, let's say that your ex cheated on you. Okay, a lot of the time, people feel powerless over this because they're like, well, I can't control that behavior, I'm so angry at the world, I'm so angry at my ex. You know, like what are you saying to do? Like, blame myself for them cheating on me. And I'm like, no, don't, you, don't blame yourself for cheating, for them cheating on you, but take responsibility that you were in a relationship with someone who had the potential to cheat. That's it.

Speaker 1:

It's not about blame, it's about empowerment. You know, because even if you're literally like the victim of a situation such as that situation I just gave you. Like if someone cheats on you, that's you're literally victimized by a situation, right, but like it is your choice to stay as a victim afterwards, like that's our choice. That's where the power comes in. And if you and we and me, if we can't take responsibility for that, for the fact that we are accepted to be in a relationship with someone who did this, right Cause, let's be real guys, let's be real. Like, at the end of the day, when we are in a relationship with someone who say cheats on us, the chances are at the beginning of, like, that relationship, we saw some red flags that we chose to ignore. So, do you see what I'm saying here? It's like it's not about blaming yourself. It's about taking responsibility for the partners that you choose. It's taking responsibility for the fact that you didn't, you know, go to therapy. Take responsibility for that Because, for example, people who go to therapy are usually educated on these red flags. You know? Because, let me tell you the alternative If you don't take responsibility for everything that's happening to your life up until this moment, okay, you're going to blame yourself for things that you didn't do.

Speaker 1:

Really, hear that? I'm going to rephrase this. Okay, because I want this to land. If you don't take responsibility for the things that you did do wrong, you'll accidentally take responsibility for the things you didn't do wrong, and this is the irony.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so many people end up blaming themselves for being cheated on, or they blame themselves for hating their life, hating their job and thinking that that's responsibility. But that's not responsibility, because they didn't take responsibility for the things that they did do wrong or could have done better, such as maybe invested in a coach or invested in therapy. Instead of taking responsibility for something that they actually could take responsibility for, they end up not taking responsibility for that, playing the victim game, blaming their ex right. And then what does that lead to? It leads to them now blaming themselves and victim shaming. You know, isn't that ironic. But let me tell you something If you want to make sure and guarantee you never abandon yourself again, that you never betray yourself again, that you never feel yourself again, that you never feel powerless again, you must do the hard thing from the get-go and take responsibility for your current life right now.

Speaker 1:

And the way you're going to do that is to understand the difference between true, healthy empowerment and responsibility, which is power, pure power versus blame and responsibility, which is power, pure power, versus blame. I'm going to make it very simple for you. You feel powerful when you own something, that's true, and you feel light energy in your body. It feels a little bit like ego. Your ego feels a bit defeated, you might feel a little bit icky, but all in all, you feel very powerful, like there's this bittersweet feeling of it hurts so good, whereas blame, it's very heavy, it's filled with shame. You feel helpless, right, that's how you know the difference. And so to be powerful means you must also take responsibility for everything. Okay, and understand that it is not the same as blame, okay, because they are two different energies.

Speaker 1:

Blame is shame and responsibility is power. And this is the thing, right, like so many people that don't they sit there and they complain. Oh, I feel helpless, christina. I'm constantly, you know, betraying myself, christina, blah, blah, blah, like why is this happening to me? Blah, blah, blah, like, why can't I manifest X, y and Z? Why am I struggling with my finances and relationships, et cetera? And I'm like but are you taking responsibility for the fact that you're actually in this position in the first place? And the answer is usually no, you know, and, like I said, you can't take credit for the good things in your life but ignore the bad. Like you're either the creator of everything or you're the creator of nothing, you can't have the best of both worlds, because then it wouldn't be power, right? The reason why power is so powerful is because it requires so much courage to be honest with yourself. Right? Power is taking responsibility, and every time you victimize yourself and you blame your parents for the way you are, you blame your ex for the way you are, or you blame the system, you blame the economy for why you don't have the money you have.

Speaker 1:

If you're constantly blaming other things and people, I want you to understand something. Do an exercise with me, if it's safe to do so, so you really get me. I want you to point at something and imagine you're pointing at the person or the situation that you think is responsible for a problem you have. Maybe you are overweight and you struggle to lose weight, and your parents were also overweight and they fed you bad and they didn't teach you about health. Let's say that's your situation. I want you to imagine that your parents are standing in front of you and I want you to point at them. Okay, point at them and let me tell you something Stay there, and I want you to hear these words as you're pointing, wherever I point my blame is also where I point away my power. I'm going to say that again. Say it with me, maybe Wherever I point my blame is where I'm pointing away my power. Really take that in, really take that in. Guys. Now I want you to try something. I now want you to point at yourself and now I want you to say with me where I point my responsibility is where I point my power. Look at that, take a deep breath in, exhale in relief. That's your power, right? And I want you to really understand something.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying it's your fault. It is not your fault that your life is the way it is right now. It is not your fault that your body is the way it is right now. Had you been treated poorly growing up. It is not your fault that you have betrayal trauma because your ex, because your ex was so insecure that he or she had to cheat on you. It is not fault, but it is your 1000% responsibility to heal this, to transform this, to alchemize this into what you want it to be. That is the difference.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and I'm going to end and wrap up this episode by giving real life examples. So a real life example of this, like let's say, then, your your dream, like you you have a dream job. Like maybe you want to be in a full-time content creator and you want to double your income. And let's say you want to make like a hundred K per year. Let's say, that's what you want. But let's say, right now you're working a nine to five that you fucking hate. You feel like you're not living on purpose, you lack creativity. Now you're just bored and you make 60k per year. Let's say Now, to apply what we're learning here, how to be powerful in that situation would look like this it's going okay, my it's acknowledging.

Speaker 1:

Let's say, your parents, like, were immigrants or something and they worked really hard to make money. They sacrificed their creativity, their hobbies. Let's say that's your life. And let's say in school, like your school never taught you about, like financial education, financial literacy, like let's say, that's you Okay. And if this is not, you, please apply this to your own situation. I want you to really think about something that you really want and you feel powerless in, and I want you to actually invite the blame for a moment and see what you had as an odd against you. Okay, but I'm going to use that example of like. Becoming a full-time content creator, I'm wanting to make six figures per year. So in this situation, it's, it's going.

Speaker 1:

It is not my fault that my parents immigrated here and all they knew was struggle and sacrifice. It is not my fault that they taught me from a very young age that I don't deserve to be happy when I make money. That it is not my fault that they didn't teach me how to actually believe in myself. It's not my fault that that happened, but it is my responsibility that I'm still in this position. It is my responsibility that I, let's say, haven't worked on reprogramming my subconscious mind. It is my responsibility that maybe I don't have a coach to teach me how to do this or to keep me accountable. Or maybe it's my responsibility that I actually haven't grabbed my phone and recorded content. Or maybe it's my responsibility that I actually haven't grabbed my phone and recorded content. Or maybe it's my responsibility that I actually, at the end of the day, like no one's holding a gun to my head, like I chose this job. It's my responsibility, and the more that you can start owning that and applying it to your unique situation, everything will fucking change for you. Let me tell you situation. Everything will fucking change for you.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you the core, the core foundational work of being a master manifester, okay, is this is realizing that you are the god of your reality, regardless of your religious beliefs. This has nothing to do with that, okay. It's understanding that beautiful balance that, yes, we have free will, yes, we're powerful, but also there is a higher part of us you can call it the universe, god, your higher self, who's always there with us. But you think that you're waiting on your, on the universe, to help you. But you're not. You're wrong about that. Do you realize that the universe, god and your higher self, has been patiently waiting for you to show up and rise up to your power? You always have this available to you.

Speaker 1:

But the first step is this foundational work of first taking responsibility of everything that has ever happened in your life and simultaneously not blaming yourself and acknowledging and putting the responsibility of where other people have genuinely hurt you, putting it back in their hands in a neutral place and choosing to let go of it and forgiving them, not because you condone their behavior, but because you love yourself too much to hurt yourself. Because when we're angry and resent another person, we think that that other person is getting punished. But they're not. We are. We are getting punished.

Speaker 1:

And when you can relinquish that blame and, at the same time, validate yourself that you went through something difficult and then acknowledge your own responsibility and the role that you played in that situation such as maybe you ignored the red flags or maybe you haven't made an effort to actually read a book, listen to a podcast or, you know, hire a coach when you can take that responsibility, magic can happen. Your whole world changes. Because, as I said, if you're going to take credit for the good in your life and you want to be the person who can create wealth, you want to double your income, you want to have your dream job, you have to also take responsibility for everything else you've already created that you may not like. So I hope you enjoyed today's episode. I cannot wait to get into the next one and I'll see you soon. Love you guys, bye.

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