The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
A podcast where you come for the ultimate makeover for your life. We talk all things healing and manifestation.
The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
💣 Manifestation = Chaos
What if the chaos in your life is the very thing propelling you towards success? Join me, Christina Modaffari, as I share the unexpected links between universal disorder and manifestation, revealing how the principle of entropy could be your greatest ally. Through my own journey of overcoming OCD, I discovered that releasing the need for control can profoundly enhance mental health and manifesting abilities. We explore how embracing the natural chaos of the universe, from the Big Bang to now, not only aligns us with its flow but also fosters personal and financial growth.
Discover why self-made millionaires and billionaires thrive in uncertainty, using chaos as a tool for wealth creation and authenticity. In this episode, we challenge the myth that life must be perfectly organised, showing that true prosperity arises from embracing life's unpredictability. Finally, I express deep gratitude for your support and encourage feedback, as your insights are vital for our continued growth and connection. Let's uncover the strength within chaos and turn life's messiness into a path for transformation and abundance.
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to the Hot Genius Guide to Manifesting by Christina Modafari, and I miss you. It's been a couple of weeks, my bad Oops. Anyway, you'll forgive me. So today's episode, please listen to me, please listen. This is quite literally the most important thing you'd probably ever learn when it comes to manifesting. If you forget everything, just remember this. And this is just like the title suggests is manifestation equals chaos. Write it down, get it tatted on yourself. I think I'm going to get that tatted on myself, and I'm not even joking, because this is everything.
Speaker 1:And in today's episode, I'm going to not just tell you this, I'm going to back it up with solid science. And if you're not blown away, then I don't know. I don't know, I don't know what to tell you. This is quite like. Okay, look at me, I can't even talk. This is the most important and liberating thing ever, and not just when it comes to your manifesting journey, but for your mental health journey, through your life journey. Yeah, and so let's just get straight into it.
Speaker 1:And what that is is this thing called entropy. Now, entropy is pretty much just a word to describe how the universe, though as the universe expands, the more disordered and chaotic it becomes. Okay, so I'm going to give you an example from, like, a physics perspective, right, and so imagine the big bang, and that took place about 13.8 billion years ago. Okay, and so, before the big bang happened, the way the big bang began that was a tongue twister is that it was perfect. It was pure perfection, it was pure order. Yeah, and remember, entropy is the degree of disorder or uncertainty in a certain system, but in the case of the universe, that's exactly how it works. So the more entropy there is, the more chaotic it becomes, right, and so the universe is. The more that it expands, the more entropy, so, the more disorder and chaotic it begins. So as the universe started to expand, you know, since that 13.8 billion years ago, the more unpredictable everything became in the universe, from the stars to the earth, to the rocks, to the parasites, to whatever, whatever it is like, all the things that that took place between then and now. Okay, and so this is quite literally the flow, the natural flow of the universe. And this is so important because, while manifestation itself, well, it's literally you allowing the universal laws, the universal flows to work with you. It's pretty much learning how to speak the language of the universe. It's learning how to speak the language of the conversation between you and the universe and everything that's made up of said universe.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so most people think that you know the more you grow, the more you manifest, the more successful you become, or whatever else like it means you're going to be more perfect or you're going to be more ordered and things that'd be more organized. And so when they start to grow and then the opposite takes place and the natural flow of the universe of disorder is being experienced by that person, they freak out and they do everything they can to either control that chaos and try to get rid of it not realizing that, actually getting rid of expansion and abundance and whatever else but they end up, I guess, calling themselves a failure because they mistakenly believe that the universe is supposed to be perfect and it's not true. Manifestation equals chaos and it's not true. Manifestation equals chaos, life equals chaos, growth equals chaos. It's supposed to be disordered and the only bad thing about disorder and chaos is that you think it is. You know it's your perception, because when you perceive it to be wrong, you're going to act like it's wrong and you're going to miss out on the blessings that come with with the chaos that comes with expansion.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and so so many people, including myself, believe me, like I was OCD is how and I don't mean that as an expression, I mean that like as a diagnosis right I've, I've applied this as a way for me to actually unlearn the OCD mind, because OCD is a type of anxiety right that expresses itself in this need to control their environment, to control everything and to prevent disorder from happening in attempts to keep themselves safe. So when I personally applied this in my life, it transformed my mental health and so disclaimer, this isn't a mental health podcast, so this is a spiritual and manifestation podcast. But I'm just sharing with you my testimonial on how I've applied this into my mental health. You know, if you are concerned about your mental health, please visit your local GP so you can organize support. But my point here is that when it comes down to us manifesting change and, you know, getting what we want we need to get good at riding with the wave of the universe and everything made up of it.
Speaker 1:When I say the universe like, I don't just mean that again as jargon, as like spiritual jargon. I mean like literally the universe. So I'm talking about mainstream, cold, hard science, where everything is formed right and the universe is made up of atoms, and we're made up of what stars are made of. We are made up of atoms, like everything we are. The universe is what I'm trying to get at. It's like I don't just mean this as yeah, like the I guess you know expression that most people use when they say universe. I really need you to understand that I mean this so literally and I'm not saying the word literally a million times because it's an expression. I am using that word on purpose, because this is literal. This is not a metaphor, this is not an analogy, this is literal. Okay, so I want to use this example that I got taught when I was, you know, learning about entropy, and so they this actually made. This all made sense.
Speaker 1:So imagine a perfume bottle. So inside the bottle, you've got the liquid of the perfume right, and you can agree with me and the scientists who taught me this that inside the perfume bottle, the particles of the perfume are in perfect order. They are predictable. When something is not chaotic, it means that it's certain. It means that it's predictable, meaning that I know that the perfume liquid is inside that perfume bottle and, no matter what I do. It's there. I can predict that it's there, right, but what happens when we spray the perfume from the perfume bottle?
Speaker 1:Well, that's the equivalent of, say, the Big Bang and the universe expanding the second that we push that cute little thing on the top of the bottle and the perfume comes out, the particles of the liquid come out of the hole of the bottle. Then, if you were to look at the particles, because we can see it dispersed into the air, it is far from perfect, right, it's far from organized. It's pure chaos. We can't really predict where these particles are going. We just look at it and it's just dispersed everywhere. Right, and so that's how it works.
Speaker 1:It's the same thing because, like I was saying earlier, that everything, including me, including perfume, it's all part of the universe. Right, because we all come from that source, and so now we'll get a bit more like we were about it, because that's my favorite language. But, yeah, we come from that source, and so that means, then, that we as humans, as spiritual beings, having the human experience, we need to ride with the same, the same unpredictability that comes with growth, and that's why those people who are terrified of taking risks, who would probably value security and certainty over growth and expansion, are the same people who, quite literally, never get what they want, ever. And that is the reason why, unfortunately, this is now where my opinion, where I'm going to like I guess it's a very educated opinion, where there's a reason why the statistics say that 99% of the world, the population, are not necessarily where they want to be financially. They're not financially free, they don't have their idea of success, they're not part of that tax bracket. Let's say that the 1% of the population are in right, and this is just an analysis that you can take into account.
Speaker 1:Statistics have a point sometimes, especially in this case, because if you look at that top 1%, who are the richest people in the world, the most wealthiest people in the world? There's not one of them besides the ones who inherited it. But just a side note, about 80% of millionaires and billionaires are self-made and came from nothing. Okay, um, only 20% of those people inherited their wealth. I'm not talking about the 20%, I'm talking about the people who created their wealth. These people, they're all about taking risk. They don't give a fuck about fake security. They rather do what they got to do to grow and expand. Take risks, be okay with what Chaos, which people call failure. They're okay with all of that, which is that's the reason why they become millionaires, multimillionaires, billionaires, right, because whether they could be the least spiritual person on the planet, they could have no knowledge on physics, but they themselves are just naturally people who are flowing with the universal energy of chaos, of disorder taking place, of uncertainty, right. And so look at that connection right there.
Speaker 1:Like that by you, this is, do you see what I mean? Like, do you see what I mean when I told you, like I wasn't, I wasn't, you know, just getting you hyped up for no reason, like you're seeing this pattern, aren't you? You know? And it's that, like this could literally affect your income, this could literally affect your future wealth, your prosperity, your abundance, your love, your health. Like this is everything, and the more I'm talking about it, the more I'm selling myself on this, even more Like just when I thought that I couldn't be more, you know, blown away by the universe and the concept of how, of how entropy works. But well, here we are. I'm even more blown away than what I was 11 minutes ago, um, and I hope that you feel that. I hope you, I hope I'm rubbing off on you, right, because energy and consciousness is contagious, af. So hope you see this is a good kind of contagious contagiousness that you want, right, because I am.
Speaker 1:This is like the highest energy you could be in. It's it pure acceptance, it's pure flow, and when you look at the vibrational scale, most people think that the highest vibe that we could be in is love or something, and it's not. It's authenticity, and authenticity being the highest vibe. Well, what is authenticity? It is the state of being completely honest and real, right, and actually I'm actually going to look up what the dictionary says. The quality of being authentic. Well, that's bloody shit. Okay, now let's see what it says. Hold on. So the dictionary meaning is of authentic, is of undisputed origin and not a copy. Pure genuineness, right, like it's genuine. I like that. So it's not a copy.
Speaker 1:So, to be not a copy, to be genuine, is to be real, and to be real is to be accepting of what's real, and what's real is that the universe is supposed to be a mess, where our lives are not supposed to feel like it's always in control. Now, this whole episode and this understanding is not, to, you know, give you an excuse to not organize yourself in your life, to never plan anything. I'm not saying that, I'm saying the opposite of that. I'm saying, when you start embracing and understanding that the universe and our human experience is not supposed to be perfect, it's not supposed to be in order, it's not supposed to be predictable, then naturally, with that pure acceptance and awareness, your desire to want to organize things, it's going to come from the highest part of you. It's not going to come from a place of preventing chaos, it's going to come from a place of maximizing the chaos.
Speaker 1:You want to know now how to take advantage of how this works, of how life was always supposed to be lived, because you can't argue with science, you can't argue with what the universe has shown us through us being able to observe where it all began, okay, and so I really hope that this has gotten you not just curious. I hope it's made you, I hope it's transformed you, and I don't know why I'm saying hope. You know what I'm going to be. I'm going to be so real with you.
Speaker 1:Speaking of authenticity, the truth is, I know with every fiber of my being that you know how important this is, and this has blown you away Like I don't need to hope, right, we don't do hoping here, we do, knowing I know that this has transformed you. Yeah, because? Why? Because a real teacher never teaches you anything new. They only awaken what's already inside of you, meaning that you were a part of the universe, which means you come from this disorder. You, your natural state, is the universal state. You're no different to it.
Speaker 1:And so, as I'm speaking to you, assuming you're a part of this universe which I'm going to assume you are, okay You're going to feel like it just makes so much damn sense in your body. No-transcript, don't take my word for it. You don't even have to take science words for it. Take your own word for it, because you can't argue with your own bullshit detector in your body, your own higher knowledge, your own wisdom, okay, and so don't just let this be something you hear. Let this completely penetrate every fiber of your being and penetrate every aspect of your life. And how does that look like on a practical level? Well, let's just spend the last five minutes of today's episode making this real practical so you can integrate this into your life right now.
Speaker 1:It's very simple, you know, I like to make everything as simple as possible, and it's that when shit gets chaotic, when shit gets messy, and it's that when shit gets chaotic, when shit gets messy, all you got to do to apply this is remember that it's supposed to do that. Remember that it means oh, that means I'm growing, oh, that means I'm manifesting. Oh, my God. And remember and remind yourself. Wait a second.
Speaker 1:The people who suck at manifesting are the people who hate chaos. I don't want to be that person. Manifesting are the people who hate chaos. I don't want to be that person. I'm the person who's good at manifesting, so I love chaos. I want you to identify with that.
Speaker 1:Change your identity, change your life right. You manifest your identity, you manifest your opinions. So you focus on you. You focus on shifting you and how you perceive and react and respond to your mess of life, to the chaos of life, and you will get what you want so much faster that I'm going to get all these bloody testimonials from you and I'm not going to stop you because you're going to tell me. You're going to tell me holy crap, holy crap. Just by embracing the natural flow of the universe and no longer trying to control chaos or mess or disorder, and realizing that it means it's working, that what I want is actually coming into fruition, that my manifestation is is actually unfolding. Just from this. This is how powerful it is, and that's all you really got to do to make this practical is that, when the chaos happens, cause it will, cause it, damn will. I want you to change how you identify with that chaos moving forward. And this is going to like quantum leap. You Okay, if it hasn't already, it's going to shift your entire life because for the first time maybe, but maybe for the first time, it's going to be the first time you align your consciousness with the universe's consciousness of growth, equaling expansion and chaos, of manifestations coming into fruition, being the process looking chaotic as fuck.
Speaker 1:Right, we're supposed to let shit go. We're supposed to have random things pop up. That that's why we always hear about opposite manifestations where someone's calling in more money and then they lose their job. You know, like that chaos of losing your job, it's supposed to happen. The universe, you got to trust the universe. The universe is always trying to trust the universe. The universe is always trying to find the most efficient route for you to get what you want.
Speaker 1:And if you fight these opposite manifestations, if you fight the slingshot effect of the unfolding and the bridge of incidents between you and what you're bringing into your reality, then you won't actually get your manifestation. You'll be stuck in the chaos, you'll get lost in the wave. The same way that the first lesson you'll learn when you learn how to surf on the beach is whatever you do, do not fight against the wave. You will drown, you will fall. You must ride with the wave, and the wave in the ocean is also a part of the universe. Okay, this is everywhere. It is everywhere around us, in nature, and it is no different to your manifestations.
Speaker 1:So if you are calling in more money and then you go and lose your job and you respond with oh my God, see, nothing works for me, I'm bad luck, then that's the equivalent of you surfing that wave, going against that wave, getting angry that the wave is a bit chaotic and trying to control it, and you getting stuck in the wave. It's the same thing and in the manifestation perspective, this is the reason why people actually stay stuck in what they would might call like bad luck or something for like 10 years or something, because manifestation doesn't necessarily take long. It's that it takes long for you to align yourself with the universe's consciousness of of embracing the chaos and the mess and the unpredictability, and surrendering control and having trust in the unknown, having trust in your higher self, having trust in the universe. You know, and so don't be like most people, don't be like the 99% of people who have no idea about basics of physics and don't bother applying it into their lives. And it's not their fault. Okay, it's not something that is just you know, commonly spoken about and whatever. But at the end of the day, you now have a responsibility because you now do know this and I I know that you have a big heart. So please make sure you tell everyone you know, tell everyone you know that life and the universe is supposed to be chaotic and unpredictable, that your job isn't to try to prevent that from happening. But our only job as master manifestors is to learn how to get good at riding the wave of of that chaos. And when you can do that and you can trust and you can get good and build the muscles and skills required to be someone who makes the right assumptions that match what they want, who can identify with the best possible outcome that comes about during the unfolding process, then you have one. You have one. You are a master manifester, and we're all born master manifesters. Unfortunately, though, is that if we don't unlearn all the reasons why we forgot that we are master manifestors, then it doesn't matter that we were born master manifestors. We will be an unconscious reactor to our life's circumstances and not get the life that we want, the life that we deserve. Okay, so thank you for being here today. It was so much fun, as always.
Speaker 1:Please share this episode with someone who you know is going to benefit from this, and if you are listening to this, I would love for you to screenshot it, post it on your Insta stories, tag Hot Genius Society or myself, christina Modafari, that every single time you do that and you share an episode of this show, you are giving someone else an opportunity to change their life, because it takes one post and one person to see what you said, see what you posted, and for them to listen to that episode. That might be the key to completely transforming their lives. So just know that this isn't just to support hot genius and this community. It's not just, you know, for for this, it's for other people as well, because hot genius society has the word society for a reason it's because we all belong together and everyone, everyone's invited, but especially the neurodivergent peeps.
Speaker 1:Okay, so so much love, leave. Leave a comment down below, um, and if you're feeling extra generous, like, I wouldn't say no to a review, you know like, you know, be honest, be honest, but I wouldn't say no to a review. Okay, so much love, and I'll speak to you soon. Bye.