The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
A podcast where you come for the ultimate makeover for your life. We talk all things healing and manifestation.
The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
🙈 Believe it to see it
What if the key to your dreams lies not in seeing, but in believing first? In our latest episode of Hot Genius Guide to Manifesting, we challenge the age-old adage of "seeing is believing" and flip it on its head. We promise you'll learn how to harness the transformative power of belief to manifest the life you've always desired. We'll dissect the concept of "Believe it to See it," exploring why our ancient brains resist new ideas and how pushing beyond these limitations can pave the way for happiness and achievement.
Join us as we uncover the science behind manifestation, diving into the workings of the Reticular Activating System (RAS) and the insights of Dr. Wayne Dyer. Through a multidisciplinary approach that spans spirituality, physics, neuroscience, and psychology, we'll reveal how your subconscious beliefs sculpt your reality. Learn to shift your mindset, embrace infinite possibilities, and make magic and miracles a part of your everyday life. This episode is your invitation to break free from doubt and step into a world where believing is the first step to seeing.
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Welcome back to this week's episode of the Hot Genius Guide to Manifesting. As always, I'm your host, christina Modafari, and today's episode is called Believe it to See it. So the important thing here to note is that most people have this backwards. We've been brainwashed to believe that you need to see it before you can believe it, and I say that not lightly. Okay, we really have been brainwashed to believe that you cannot believe in something unless you can see it with your eyes. And it doesn't matter whether you are a seasoned manifesto or you're just simply a beginner.
Speaker 1:This is manifestation 101. Without you fully grasping the concept or mastering believe it to see it, unfortunately you're not going to be able to sustainably be a conscious creator, a master manifester, you could say, because, like I said, this is the, the foundation, and you know a lot of the time when we become seasoned on this journey, we forget to revisit the foundations of the thing that we are experts at, and manifestation is no different. So I really encourage you to remember you know, to practice your humility and to take this as a reminder of something you already know that an expert isn't someone who knows everything. An expert is someone who understands and masters the basics of the thing that they're trying to do. And, like I said, if you can believe in something that you cannot see yet, if you can believe in something in which you have no evidence for yet, then that is the key pillar of being a master manifester. And so, once again, it doesn't matter what part of your journey you're on, this will apply to you, and the best part is is that this is something that you can constantly re-strengthen and get better at, and and master that little bit more and know because there's no end point to our ability to expand. So something as simple as embodying this, I guess, very important rule in manifestation is no different. So let's talk about believing it, to see it, how this can apply to you and how to actually take it to the next level, so it can start being more enjoyable as you are going through this process, because it can be really hard to the human brain to believe in something that it cannot see yet, because we have that analytical part of ourselves and if we don't know how to be in control of it, then it can cause us lots of heartache and unnecessary level of suffering, right, and so we need to first begin with understanding why it's so hard to believe in something that you have no evidence for, because if you don't understand that premise, then you're just going to internalize it and maybe potentially beat yourself up, and that's just really unhelpful. So it's better to right now understand and see it for what it is.
Speaker 1:Like I said, it's just that our brains are just naturally wired to, I guess, believe in things you can see. And why is that the case? Well, our brain is obsessed with conserving energy. Because the brain has evolved in a way to make sure we can survive. Because, going back to the hunter and gatherer days, we didn't have the shelter that we have now. We didn't have the kind of civilization and access to food on demand the way that we did all those years ago. Right, and so, although we live in a modern civilization, our brains are still ancient. Okay, don't forget that. Our brains are still ancient.
Speaker 1:So if you can now see it from that perspective, if our brain is still ancient, then looking around and the luxury of manifesting our dreams and getting the things we want and actually just simply being happy and having some fun is it feels dangerous to the brain, and the brain so then copes through making sure that it can be efficient through really believing in things based on its past experiences. And so, if you can imagine, your brain has like a memory bank, this memory brain, memory brain. This memory bank has files and each file is a collection of all the things that you've experienced. It's a collection of all the things that you've experienced. It's a collection of all of your interpretations of the things you've experienced. It's a collection of beliefs that you hold, opinions that you hold and the way that you were raised between ages 0 to 7. So it's got everything in there and, like I said at the beginning, our brains are designed will have evolved in order for us to survive. Therefore, in order to survive, it makes logical sense.
Speaker 1:The brain prioritizes energy conservation. So anything that takes the brain energy, it's going to interpret in your body as a lot of discomfort, which a lot of us will call resistance. Right, this is where we procrastinate, this is where we feel stuck and this is where self-doubt comes up, because self-doubt is protecting you, is trying to protect you from thinking in new ways, because our brain doesn't want to think in new ways, because the energy that it takes for the human brain to think in new ways, to change in any way, especially in a positive direction. It requires a lot of energy. And what did I say?
Speaker 1:I said that the brain's prime objective is to conserve the energy, because it is only focused on your survival. It is your brain's job to keep you alive and it's your job to make yourself happy. Write that down, get it tated on you, because if you are not actively creating happiness and raising your happiness baseline, if you're not actively challenging the thoughts in your mind, if you're not actively challenging your limits, you're not actively challenging your limits, your what was that word? Your doubts, then you will not be happy. It doesn't matter how positive you are. What matters is how much do you prioritize the part of you that is happy. Because if you are not actively creating all of that happiness, through the work of manifestation, for instance, then it's going to go into your default setting, aka you're going to go on autopilot, because going on autopilot conserves a lot of energy and your brain loves to conserve energy because it wants to keep you alive and whatever else. You get my point right.
Speaker 1:So if you can understand that and you can appreciate what the brain is trying to do, then you can stop taking it personally every single time you experience self-doubt. Every single time you experience resistance. Every single time you experience procrastination. Every single time you experience procrastination, you can just see it for what it is. You could not take it personally. You'd be like, oh, it's really beautiful that my ancient brain is trying to keep me alive, it's trying to conserve my energy, thank you, your job is not to keep me happy, that's my job. And so this is the important thing, right, like if you aren't in control of your mental fitness thing. Right, like if you aren't in control of your mental fitness, unfortunately, you will be a slave to all of those files in your memory break in memory I can't say memory bank in your memory bank and that memory bank exists in your subconscious and your unconscious mind. Therefore, you are probably not aware of most of the things that is going on in your mind in yourself.
Speaker 1:Okay, so now that we've gotten that out of the way, we can now understand that it is not your fault. Don't take it personally. It's just a natural thing the brain does. Now we can get into the fun stuff and so. But, like I said, if you didn't understand that first component, then the fun stuff wouldn't have really supported you enough, because you will have just resorted back to the default setting, which defeats the purpose of that, and you know that hot genius society is here to make sure that you create lifelong, sustainable shifts in your, in your life so you can go after and manifest everything you fucking want from a place of ease and joy, because it's not just about the outcome in itself, but it's about the quality of your life and enjoying the process of that life.
Speaker 1:And so when you believe something, then you see it, okay, so when I want to talk about where I learned this, so I first heard this when I originally got into manifestation, which was about 10 years ago now, and my original, first ever teacher was Dr Wayne Dyer. God rest his soul, I love him so much. He absolutely changed my life, but he always said you got to believe it, to see it. And what he had meant by this is that if you are constantly saying things like I'll believe it when I see it, then you are going to consistently create self-fulfilling prophecies, and the reason why you will do that is because the brain wants to be right. That's it. The brain wants to be right. And in every single second let's bring in some science now In every single second.
Speaker 1:The human brain picks up on 11 million bits of information per second. Guys, like, did you hear me? Your brain just picked up on 33 million bits of information just from me saying what I just said, and so you can imagine that that's very overwhelming. So the brain evolved in a way that it created a filtration system. It has a filter, and the way that the brain filters is it takes 11 million bits of information that you are picking up every second and it filters it down to 50 to 150 bits of information per second, filters it down to 50 to 150 bits of information per second. Information can look like colors, light waves, which is the same thing. If sound, noise, objects, people, sounds, smells, like literally everything, like it's information is not just literally someone telling you information, it's sensory input. Okay, and so how does the brain actually decide what part of the 11 million bits of information is important? Well, there's a part of a brain that's called the reticular activating system. For sure we're going to call that the RAS. The RAS filters out what you believe is important.
Speaker 1:The way that the brain figures out what you believe is important is based on what you believe in. It's based on your subconscious beliefs. It's based on where your attention is going. It's based on what you're thinking about every day. It's based on your focus. Okay, so that's how the brain created that.
Speaker 1:Now, when Dr Wayne Dyer said, you got to believe it. If you want to see it, he's not just talking about the science, he's also talking about the metaphysical, you could say. But it just happens to be that modern day science is fully confirming this as well. And, like I said, the mind, which is where your ego lives, wants to be right. Because, once again, why? Because it takes less energy for you to be right than it does for you to be wrong, to be wrong. Your brain now uses more energy because you are forced to change, you are forced to grow and, like I said at the beginning of this episode, your brain I'm gonna keep repeating it your brain just wants you to be alive and it thinks it's in the ancient hunter and gatherer days. It has no idea that coals is five minutes away. It doesn't know that you've got a roof over your head. It doesn't know that. So it's constantly gonna do everything it can to make sure you have enough energy to potentially run away from a lion.
Speaker 1:Okay, okay, and so, like I was saying, your brain wants to be right for that reason, and as Wayne Dyer said in his spiritual perspective of this, is that when you believe something, now you have to see it, because there are multiple, unlimited potentials that exist in your reality. Now you might not be able to see it because it's happening so fast that you won't be able to register that it's happening Now. He was referring to quantum physics and at the time of Wayne Dyer teaching this quantum physics was, at that point, perceiving the things he was saying, such as believe it, to see it as simply a theory, whereas two years ago it's now proven as a fact, by the way. Okay, so it's no longer a theory, it's no longer woo, woo, okay, this is some real shit right now. And so Wayne Dyer was like okay, in the quantum field, with all these infinite possibilities, there's a version of you who has what they want and there's a version of you who doesn't. There's a version of you who sort of has what they want and sort of doesn't, like there's endless possibilities.
Speaker 1:Okay, and if you can imagine that the quantum field, I want you to understand that the quantum field is what exists in everything. So if you look at an atom, people think that that's the smallest part we can get to matter to the material world. This is not true. If you look even closer and you look inside the atom, you will find empty space. And in this empty space you will find a string and waves. Okay, and these waves, it actually represents the quantum field. So the quantum field exists in everything and in the manifestation world. We call this source, we call this consciousness, we call this God. Okay, it exists in everything.
Speaker 1:And so, when you can imagine that everything in our reality, okay, it exists as infinite potentials. And the human brain picks up on 11 million bits of information and needs to filter it down to 50. So it filters down what you believe to be true, which means that whatever you already believe to be true if you believe that you're a poor person, or you believe that you're an ugly person, or you believe that good things can't come easy to you, the your reality has no choice but to conform to that, from both a neuroscientific level as well as a quantum physical level. Because inside of that atom which is made up oh sorry, inside of that atom has infinite potentials and the way that these infinite potentials choose which potential it materializes into, is based on observation, on the observer, based on someone making a belief, making a decision. Okay, that's why you hear Neville Godd it talking about the law of assumption. Whatever you believe to be true has to be true. That's why he says that your manifestation it's already done.
Speaker 1:The second that you claim that it's done, that's the reason, because everything exists in infinite potential, but you, as the observer, the second you believe in, if you believe you're going to have a bad day, those infinite possibilities in the grandest scheme of your life, instead of an atom it's the grand scheme of your life then you have collapsed those you know. Let's use as analogy like imagine that, hypothetically, there was a thousand different ways your day could have gone. If you say today's a shit day, today's going to be a bad day, out of those thousand possibilities you've now shrunk, you've collapsed those possibilities from a thousand, you brought that down to one, and so you believe it's a bad day. Now you have no choice but to see a bad day unfold. And a lot of people used to think that this was the placebo effect fault. And a lot of people used to think that this was the placebo effect and look it sort of is, but not really. That's not really all. That's what's going on. What's going on is the same thing that I just said that observation creates reality.
Speaker 1:So whatever you believe, believe to be true, okay is what you will experience in your life. So that's what Wayne Dyer was trying to say when he said it's not. You will believe it when you see it, cause do you understand now how, how that's impossible, that you physically can't do that? You can't believe that you can be a millionaire by first getting a million dollars. Then you'll believe it. Like. That's not how it works. Ask any self-made millionaire that whether that's what they did. No, every single self-made millionaire before they had a million dollars. To everyone else they looked like they were crazy because they believed so deeply in every cell of their body that they were already a millionaire. Thus they became one. That's just the way it is okay.
Speaker 1:And what about someone who loses a significant amount of weight? And let's say they've never, ever had the body that they dream of having or the goal weight that they're wanting, right? Do you think they sit there going? I'll believe that I will lose weight when I've lost weight. So that means I'm not going to exercise or eat good or take care of myself until I have proof that I'm skinny. Do you see how that makes no sense, guys, right?
Speaker 1:So, even if you look at it from a logical standpoint, from a common sense standpoint, you can start seeing a common pattern that's going on here that you need to believe it in order to see it, because your brain will always make you right. Your brain wants to conserve energy. It conserves energy from being right, so it will only pick up on confirmation bias. All right, and so, and that's the same reason why it filters everything down based on what your attention is on and what you think is important. Cause when you give something attention if you give, you know how much your life sucks attention, okay, your brain thinks that your life sucking is important for you. And your brain goes oh, you want your life to suck. Awesome, out of those 11 million bits of information you pick up every second, I'm going to bring out and filter it down to all the 50 to 100 things that suck in your life, because I want you to be right. I'm here for you, I'm your brain, I'm your slave. You tell me what to do by focusing your awareness and I'm going to deliver. That's how it works.
Speaker 1:So it doesn't matter what angle you want to look this through. What essentially I'm giving you is a very multidisciplinary perspective on this, because it doesn't matter what lens you view this from, be that we were, be that spiritual, be that physics, be that neuroscience, be that psychology, it's all pointing to the same thing, because this is just facts, this is just facts. You get me, so you got to believe it to see it. You got to believe it to see it. It's not. You'll believe it when you see it and and until you drop that fully, and I and I invite you to you to actually take this moment of you listening to this episode as an opportunity to drop it now.
Speaker 1:Stop needing evidence to believe in something that you fucking want. As you can see, I have debunked all of that for you. I did that because your ego needs that. Your ego has needs actual logical evidence and proof to support why you needing evidence is wasting your time. It is the most, I guess, inefficient thing you could do. You will be stuck forever and that light just turned off. Yeah, you'll be stuck forever. And so I'm just currently recording this on live on Instagram and my light just turned off, so let me just use the laptop light for the light. All right, yeah, right.
Speaker 1:So, like I said, you got to believe it, to see it, because observations create reality and it creates reality because the way, the nature of reality, now that we understand this in physics, specifically in the branch of quantum mechanics, that inside an atom, which is the smallest uh building block, you could say it's a subatomic particle. Subatomic just means incredibly small. This, the universe, including including yourself, are made up of many atoms, and inside the atom we used to think that there was nothing there. We thought that the atom was the smallest part that we could, I guess, see or observe. And it's not true. If we look at reality at the most quantum level quantum just means, again, very, very, very, very tiny we see that the universe is made up of waves, waves of potential, right?
Speaker 1:Um, if you're curious about these things, I'm happy to put a couple of like a documentary, maybe a lecture, on youtube that you guys can watch if you're curious about how this works, if you want some further learning, because, like, why not? It's fun? Um, and I'll put it in the show notes below of this episode. Okay, but it is so important to. If you already knew this, I'm sure you did um, I hope that this was the final, the final time. You needed to hear it in order for you to fully embody this.
Speaker 1:All right, and I'm I'm not just telling you, by the way, I'm telling myself this as well this is like a pep talk for the both of us because, just like you, I'm human and I've got a brain that wants to conserve energy. And if you're anything like me, who has really wild dreams, okay, it's inevitable that we're going to stumble across a lot more resistance than the average person, because the greater the dreams well, the greater the stretch, the greater the brain is going to do everything it can to make sure you don't get uncomfortable. And change, because, like I said, change creates so much energy. Okay, so this is your opportunity. Again, even if you're a beginner, it doesn't matter what your seasons that you need to stop waiting for evidence in order for you to believe in your dreams. It's not how it works. You got to believe in your dreams and then you will see the evidence, and when you can truly live by this.
Speaker 1:These, these are this five words. It Today, it could just be five words Believe it to see it, or these five words, has the power to quite literally create magic and miracles in your life. That's on you. That's how powerful you are. You can choose whether those five words mean nothing or mean absolutely everything. So I hope you enjoyed today's episode and I'll speak to you guys next week. I love you so much and, as always, if there's a comment that you would like to leave, if you're streaming this on Spotify, please do, and please share this with someone who could really benefit from the things that we learned today. So much love. See you next week. Bye.