The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
A podcast where you come for the ultimate makeover for your life. We talk all things healing and manifestation.
The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
🎩 Living in the end- Neville Goddard
Discover how adopting the mindset of "Living in the End" can bring your manifestation journey to life with a transformative new perspective. This episode draws on the profound teachings of Neville Goddard, which have reignited our passion for manifestation and complemented the wisdom of other influential figures like Abraham Hicks, Wayne Dyer, and Joseph Dispenza. We also celebrate a pivotal moment for our podcast—our recent feature in the Great Australian Podcast Directory, a magical sign from the universe affirming our destined rise to the top in Australia.
Immerse yourself in the powerful concept of living as if your desires are already fulfilled. Through practical examples such as manifesting weight loss, we highlight how embodying your desired state now can unveil the happiest and most confident version of yourself. Learn to avoid common pitfalls in manifestation and explore how integrating the manifestation lifestyle into daily routines can lead to lasting fulfillment. The Hot Genius Society is dedicated to making this revolutionary approach both practical and enjoyable.
Finally, we delve into the critical importance of mental strength and detachment. Understand how overcoming the mind's natural resistance and practicing sustained willpower can make you magnetic to your desires. Whether you're transitioning from financial struggle to abundance or seeking personal growth, embodying the feeling of already having what you want is key. Join us as we share personal stories and insights, inspired by Neville Goddard, that reveal how living in the end can make your dreams effortlessly attainable.
Check out The Hot Genius Guide to Manifesting being featured on the Great Australian Podcast Directory
Check out Neville Goddard's work: Feeling is the Secret
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Welcome back to another episode of the Heart Genius Guide to Manifesting. As always, I'm your host, christina Modafari. I don't know why I had an urge to like put on a Spanish accent. As I said, christina, like I don't know, it was really random. I felt like saying Cristina oh wait, that's an Italian accent, that's how my nonna refers to me she goes Cristina. You know, it was just. I had a random urge just then and I had to tell you about it, obviously.
Speaker 1:Anyway, today's episode is going to be very exciting. It's called Living in the End and if you know Neville Goddard, then you're going to especially love this. And if you don't know who he is, consider him as one of the fathers of manifestation. He was really famous, I think around the 1900s, and the knowledge that he had is, like, so advanced for his time period because a lot of the things that he taught he taught it as a philosophy, whereas now, modern day science is pretty much saying the exact same things that neville knew about a very long time ago, like over 100 years ago. So if you don't know who that is, then I'm probably going to link something that you can look into in the show notes of this podcast episode Because I kind of feel like, if you are in the manifestation world like Neville Goddard would just rock it. It would just rock your world Because, if I'm being really honest, like, I've been in the manifestation world for like a little over 10 years and Neville Goddard wasn't the first person I learned from. In fact, I only discovered him honestly, like a year ago, if I'm being honest with you, because I was more so based on, like Abraham Hicks, wayne Dyer was my OG, joseph Dispenza they were the people that I predominantly learned from amongst many other amazing teachers that I can't name from the top of my head. But Neville Goddard came to my life just over a year ago and he pretty much just filled in the gaps to all of my knowledge and he made me like re-fall in love with the whole concept of manifestation. His voice is so comforting, all the things like he's just amazing, and the fact that his work still lives on and he's got this legacy is beyond. It's just beyond magical.
Speaker 1:But before we get into today's episode, I just wanted to share some really exciting news with you. So did you know that this podcast, the Hot Genius Guide to Manifesting? Last week I got a notification that it was put into the Great Australian Podcast Directory. It was such an honour to see that this show was featured on the front page of Australia's podcast. To look out for it, just. It made my heart very happy. I low-key I low-key wasn't that surprised because I've been manifesting for this podcast to be specifically number one in Australia. Yeah, like I'm that bold, right. And so, as you know, if you're new here, then you know if you're new here, then you, if you're new here and you're familiar with manifestation, you know that before you get the ultimate manifestation, you get teased by the universe. You get signs and synchronicities to show you that you are on the right trajectory, and so having this beautiful honour be bestowed on me and us because I couldn't have gotten here without you guys is truly beyond a synchronicity for me. It's something that I'm so grateful for, so I'll even link the website and the directory under the show notes here of this episode as well for you to check it out, so you can check out the other Great Australian, australian podcasts that are also featured on there.
Speaker 1:Okay, so let's get into today's episode. Living in the end. Maybe let's just start with the basics. Let's just make it simple. Let's talk about, like, what is it? Let's talk about how to actually apply this into your life. And let's talk about you know, know why it's important, why, like the, where it sits in the, I guess, on your journey on manifestation, and why it's important. And then, lastly, we're going to go over, you know, the most common mistakes people make while they attempt to live in the end, and so I'm not going to probably do it in that order, but they're the things that I'm going to be covering in today's episode. So, just, you know, pull your seats up. You know, put your ears close to the speaker. I don't know, I don't know where you're at, it doesn't matter where you're at, but just get really excited.
Speaker 1:Okay, so what is what is living in the end? Well, a refresher. Living in the end essentially just means that you're living in the wish fulfilled state. And if you're living in the wish fulfilled state, just like the phrase suggests, it literally just means that you are living your life right now as if the wish that you want is already granted to you, excuse me, so what that could look like is, say, you're manifesting weight loss. Okay, so if you're manifesting weight loss and you were applying living in the end. What that would look like is, quite literally, how would you feel? How would you walk? How would you dress? What would you do with yourself? What does your routine look like If you had already lost that weight? Would you smile more? Would you actually feel confident to be intimate with your partner? Or, if you're single, like would you actually go on dates now? Would you be a gym girly? Would you be a gym boy? Would you be someone who knew a lot about nutrition? Like what's going on? Like what do you do? And so it's really important to actually live in the end, because that's actually what manifestation really is.
Speaker 1:It's not waiting for the wish to be granted I know this is a little bit counterintuitive, but it's not waiting for the wish to be granted before you live the way you truly want to live, because the reason why you want the wish in the first place is because you want to be the version of you that you think you'd become if you had that wish granted. Do you see where I'm going here? And so this is a common theme that you'll find in probably most, or especially, this season's um podcast and all the episodes I'm constantly going over. Like, in some form, living in the end, because that's essentially what hot genius society in general teaches, what we stand for, and it's what I teach in my own personal coaching with my clients, right, right. And so living the end is so important.
Speaker 1:Why is it so important? Because what's the point of getting everything you want if you're not enjoying your life? What's the point? And also, why do you have to wait to get everything you want before you get to be the person you really are? Because if you, let's say, are manifesting weight loss let's go back to that example and what would be different about you if you had that body of your dreams would be that you'd smile more, would be that now you'd actually read a nutrition book, that you'd become a meal prepper, that you would take care of your appearance more.
Speaker 1:Then you do realize that those things that you will now do had you had that weight right now is the real you. But logically and quite understandably, let's say, you're not feeling yourself in your body right now. I understand that that feels almost illegal to do right Like if you're not feeling hot. It feels awkward and, for real, it feels illegal to say, be intimate with your partner or go out on dates or go to the gym or start meal prepping, Like your brain, like, starts telling you that you're an imposter. A brain starts making you feel like there's something wrong with you. Do you know what I mean? So I understand the logic behind it, but that's why I teach the work that I teach and that's why I built Hot Genius Society.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because it shouldn't have to be that way. Like. You deserve to be happy and meal prep and whatever it is that you're after, feel confident. You deserve that right now. You don't have to wait to achieve something before you get to be the real you, before you get to be the most happiest, confident, amazing, most lucky version of you. You can have that yesterday, right, and so it's a simple concept, but simple doesn't always mean easy, which is why I got your back.
Speaker 1:That's why Hot Genius Society is here for you, and so, as you can see, like, this is the reason why it is so important to start applying the manifestation lifestyle, which, once again, is essentially what Hot Genius Society is about. Right, like, the mission of Hot Genius Society is to help, is to support people to heal and manifest through living the manifestation lifestyle, so that healing and manifesting actually becomes practical and fun because there's obviously so much information out there, but information isn't what we don't have enough of. In fact, we have a little bit, not little bit. We have a bit too much information out there, but what we don't have enough of is how do we turn information into integration, into a lifestyle, into a way that it actually works? And so, yeah, like this is why it's so important, right? So, once again, like, why is it important? As I said, because you are living in the end.
Speaker 1:Living in the end sounds a little bit, I guess, dramatic if you don't understand the concept behind it, you know, but it really isn't anything more than you understanding that the way to actually get what you want is to actually act like you already have it. Yes, it is fake it till you make it, but not with the stigma that comes with that. It's really just practice until you get it right, practice until it becomes natural, and that's what Neville Goddard teaches, right? He says that when you are truly living in the end, you have practiced and trained your mind and your body so many times to to be that person who already has their manifestation that eventually, just like with any other muscle, it feels natural. It just feels normal. When something feels normal, when something feels normal, then that means that you already have it and the 3D, your life circumstances, then have no choice but to conform. It's just, it's a law.
Speaker 1:And, by the way, like, manifestation isn't wee-wee anymore, yeah, like it's not At the moment. We've been in the last two years that even the scientific community they're not going to sit there and say manifestation is real. They don't talk about manifestation like that unless it's, like you know, certain outcasts of the community. But science will openly like say that, hey, there is a very high likelihood that we live in parallel realities and that there's many. There's this thing called many worlds theory in physics, right, um, and like they will tell you that time is an illusion. They'll explain the mathematics and how that links to the gravitational pull and how movement affects this, and they'll give you a mathematical equation to explain a lot of the things that the manifestation community have been talking about for several, several years.
Speaker 1:And so it's just really important to understand that it's so much more than getting everything you want. It's so much more than getting your material riches. It's so much more than just losing the weight. It's really about learning to love yourself. It's about learning how to arrive to the present moment. It's coming back home to yourself. It's actually realizing that you don't have to wait for anything. It's it's power. It's realizing you're so powerful that not only do you have the power to feel good right now, no matter of your circumstances, but that by you being so powerful right now, you can alter the life, circumstances in your life, aka the 3D.
Speaker 1:And so, when we know this, you might be thinking all right, but how does this really work? Like, how do I make this practical? So I want to use the the weight loss example again. And so you might. Let's pretend right now, okay, I'm going to use an example where, like, we really easy to relate to in a way. So, in a way. So let's use the weight loss one again. Yeah, and let's say that you are 30 kilos away from the weight that you want. Okay, and obviously, as we're going through this example, I want you to think about your own desire right now, have a think about what you want right now and then apply the same thing that I'm telling you with the example of weight loss.
Speaker 1:Okay, so, to make this practical, if you were manifesting weight loss, and I'm telling you to live as if you already did that. So that means if you want to be more intimate with your partner, or you want to start dating again, or you want to now be a gym person, or now you want to actually be a meal prepper and you're like Christina, but how do I do that like how could I be intimate with my partner when I feel a certain way about my body right now? I want to just be clear. Like I said earlier, I completely understand how that would feel hard, but just because it feels hard and it feels like you're an imposter, it doesn't mean that it's wrong. It doesn't mean that at all. Let's just start there with the emotions. Like I want you to know that it's normal.
Speaker 1:I want you to know that anyone who has created a drastic transformation in their lives, at the beginning, before they had it, they felt just as stupid as you do. Think about all the excuse me, it leaves my voice there, like, for example, I was watching an interview with this billionaire. He wasn't born into wealth and he was actually telling the interviewer he goes yeah, now I'm a brainwashing myself and telling myself I was a billionaire all day, every day, and I felt like stupid at the beginning that's what he was saying. He goes now I'm a billionaire, but it didn't start off with me just waking up and it just fell on my lap Like he had to train himself. He lived in the end, whether he was aware of it or not, and then he became the thing in the end, whether he was aware of it or not, and then he became the thing because, again, when you act, feel, think and behave as if your wish has already come true, it's impossible for it not to come true, and the only time it doesn't come true is only because and really listen to me is only because you didn't live in the end for long enough. You gave up when you didn't see any movement. You gave up when it got a little bit too hard. That's the only reason why it could ever fail, okay.
Speaker 1:And so, going back to the weight loss thing, I just want you to link that and think about your own example. It's normal let's start there. It's normal to feel stupid. It's normal to feel's start there. It's normal to feel stupid. It's normal to feel delusional. It's normal for people to not understand you. Stop needing someone to understand you. They're not supposed to understand you. Do you think anyone who achieved anything extraordinary was understood? Absolutely not. And why do you think most people don't do extraordinary things? We can respect them for it, because it's fucking hard to do something and not feel understood. It's hard to feel like you're a little bit, you know, wacko. You got to get over yourself, you got to get over it. You got to live in the end. So start there.
Speaker 1:Next, ask yourself and be practical about this. Like, what do you have available to you right now? So think about your desire again. I'm going to go back to the example of weight loss. You might not be able to run a fucking marathon tomorrow, but I'm sure you can go for a walk every single day. You might not be able to wear your favorite outfit because maybe your body doesn't just doesn't match it it not flattering but you can start taking care of your appearance. You can start having your proper grooming routine. You can start having good posture. You can do that. You know things you can do that you are waiting to. You're waiting to do it in the future, which, by the way, you will never do it in the future. If you're not willing to do it now, you'll never do it in the future, which, by the way, you will never do it in the future. If you're not willing to do it now, you'll never do it in the future.
Speaker 1:I'm telling you, and I'm going to give you an example to prove this when I was a therapist, I had I remember I was a client they had. They were actually obese and they lost a significant amount of weight and their body type became like mine, just you know, slim, all right, and they looked gorgeous then and now. And obviously, when they were obese, they went through a lot of health issues, whatever, but the way they saw themselves, from them being obese to them becoming um, slim, you could say, and fit, they stayed a fat person in their mind and they just happened to lose the weight. But what happened was that this person developed legitimate body dysmorphia. Like they looked in the mirror and they're like I'm still fat. They couldn't see their real body weight and they weren't happy, they weren't satisfied.
Speaker 1:And when I had asked them, think back to when you were obese and they're like okay, I'm like okay. What did you fantasize you would do? And how did you fantasize you would feel when you had achieved that goal, when you were still fantasizing about it, like before it was an actual reality, that, like, I saw myself being so hot, so free, so comfortable, so confident, feeling good. I'm like, okay, and how do you feel right now? And you've achieved that goal? They're like I don't feel like that. I'm like because it really doesn't matter what you do on the outside, if you don't change your inner world, if you don't change your concept, self-concept, if you don't change your identity, if you don't live in the end, you can't outwork your own perception.
Speaker 1:And then this person, like I said, developed body dysmorphia. Right, they literally achieved their goal. They look amazing. They couldn't see it, they couldn't enjoy it. And the process of achieving it, it wasn't manifestation, it was just typical goal achieving. And nothing is ever enough for them. Nothing is ever enough for them. They were constantly trying to fix themselves. They were constantly critiquing themselves, judging themselves, comparing themselves. They weren't healthy. They might have looked healthy, but they weren't healthy. They were just a fat person with a slim body. So how does that relate to any other manifestation? It's actually the same thing.
Speaker 1:If you become a millionaire and let's say you came from poverty, let's just use that and then it's possible to work your way to becoming a millionaire. But you know what's going to happen if you don't live the end right now in. You know that state of poverty, let's say, or middle class. Well, you're going to get that million dollars, or you're going to be a millionaire, multi-millionaire, whatever, and you're going to still feel like you're in poverty. You're going to be constantly afraid someone's going to take your money. You're going to still be a tired ass. You're still going to be paranoid. Nothing really changed. Nothing changed because you're not living in the end. You're actually living in a reality. You're still going to be paranoid. Nothing really changed. Nothing changed because you're not living in the end. You're actually living in a reality where, yeah, you worked your ass off over a significant amount of time to achieve X outcome, but what the fuck is the point if you're not enjoying it? This is why you need to learn from the mistakes of others.
Speaker 1:Live in the end right now. Live in the end right now. Live in the end right now. It's not only going to make you happy, it's not only going to make you in control of your life. It's quite literally going to get that manifestation, that desire that you want, and instead of you chasing it like everyone else wasting their time it's going to just come to you, it will just, it will feel like magic. And time it's going to just come to you, it will just it will feel like magic and you won't be able to explain it and you're just going to be so chill throughout everything. Live in the end, and you do that by identifying what that end looks like, what that thing it is that you're fantasizing about all the time, asking yourself what you believe you will think, feel, do and act differently. What would change if you had that right now? Do that right now, to the best of your ability, to all that you have available to you. Don't do it literally, and then that's you living in the end.
Speaker 1:You get what I'm saying, what I mean by you don't have to do it too literally. Is that obviously? If, let's say, living the end for you is to be like a multi-millionaire. I'm not sitting there saying you like, fucking, go buy a three million dollar home when you'd have minus 50 in your bank account. I'm not saying that. That's why I said it's very important to do what you can, based on what's available to you, to your fullest capacity with what you have.
Speaker 1:So, with the weight loss one, if you physically just don't have it. You can't, you know, be intimate with your partner in a certain way because it's just too much. That's fine. Do the other things. You said that if you lost that weight you'd love yourself more. Love yourself more right now. You would take better care of your hair. Take better care of your hair right now. You would actually read about nutrition. Read about nutrition right now. You know about nutrition? Well then, obviously, the way to know about nutrition is to read it or to learn it, or to get a coach. You get what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:If for you it's money, it's a certain amount of money, right, let's say, going from middle class to multi-millionaire, like that's the thing for you, well, what can you do right now? Well, what would you know? What would that version of you know? Do think and act like that you don't. I'm guessing that they know about investments. Do you know about investments? No, go read books on investment. Go hire a coach who will they know about investments. Do you know about investments? No, go read books on investment. Go hire a coach who will teach you about investments. Do money mindset work, because that person will. I promise you, the multi-millionaire version of you has a good money mindset. Go learn that right now. What else would they do They'd have? Maybe let's pretend they had three bank accounts Correct, three bank accounts.
Speaker 1:That person when they spend money, they don't stress about it, no matter what. Spend money and don't stress about it. You're going to spend that money regardless. You might as well feel good about it. They would tip their waiters when they're at restaurants and be like really happy about it and not freak out about it. Do it now. If you can't tip them out, that you would, if you were a millionaire, give them 50 cents. Do something. Who cares? You have so much available to you right now. It's not even fucking funny and I hope that I'm getting you to see that.
Speaker 1:And it doesn't matter what part of your journey you're on. This applies to everything. This applies to a multi-millionaire who wants to be a billionaire. This applies to someone with a gorgeous body who wants more abs. I don't know, it doesn't matter. It applies to everything. This doesn't have to be a black or white thing, but I do utilize black and white and quite contrasting examples because it's just easy to understand. That's what it is. But this applies to any situation, to any desire and to any part of your journey.
Speaker 1:And so let's also say that one of your desires is you want better relationships and you want you're a partner. Let's say that you're single and you want a partner. Or even let's say that you're in a relationship and you just want a better one. Same thing goes what do you think that you would feel, think and act like if you had that? Would you feel loved? Would you go to bed with a smile on your face? Would you wake up with a smile on your face? Would you actually shave your legs? Would you actually go to the barber? What would you do differently? Go and do that right now. This is how simple it is, guys. But it's not easy, and I'm going to tell you why it's not easy. Not because I'm fear mongering, but because I think it's important that you know the truth so that when it happens, you don't freak out about it and you feel prepared and you know what to do. So it's simple, it's not easy.
Speaker 1:Sometimes most people won't do this because of what we said before. It is. It takes a great deal of mental strength to feel a little bit delusional or to really overpower your mind, your mind's natural reaction to wanting to be right. Okay, it takes a lot of mental willpower, and so the trick here is and please listen to this If you can sustain this for long enough, it will just become natural to you in general, and and when you can do this, you never have to chase again. You know how magnetic you'll become when you become someone who doesn't need everything Because people who don't need anything get everything. It just becomes a desire. But most people they need the weight loss in order to feel beautiful or handsome. They need the money to feel worthy. No, no, I learned so many of these things the hard way. It's not even funny.
Speaker 1:And now you know, even though my, at the time of recording this, my current income. You know, I would say I'm in middle class, right, but for someone who came from poverty, that's the equivalent of someone who was in middle class and became upper, upper middle class, right. Like it is such a success. But I'm not chasing. I know that everything that I want is going to come to me. I know I'm going to get into a tax bracket that I won't be able to understand. It's inevitable for me, but I don't need that to feel amazing right now.
Speaker 1:Like, I feel amazing right now and I'm saying this so that you guys know what I'm really talking about, so you can feel like a real life example, an embodied example, but, like I'm about to tell you, like one of my biggest dreams, one of my biggest dreams, one of my biggest dreams, right, is to create an estate, because I believe in like town living, like village vibes or like modern, and I want, I'm gonna, I'm gonna build a family estate property, like I want it to be, this like amazing place to live for people who are like-minded, and it's going to be vegan and all the things, whatever. Now, the way that I want to build this, we're looking at multi-eight figures, guys. Okay, this is an example. So I have big dreams and because I have a big desire to make an impact for a lot of people. I understand the math of that, you know, but I'm not attached to it. I don't need it to make me feel abundant or rich. I feel rich right now and I would feel and the reason why I actually got to this point, literally with my income, how I quadrupled my fucking income, is literally because I applied this when I had nothing, in fact, when I was in debt, had nothing to show for it. This is how I got here, through living in the end. And now I'm just consistently living in the end because as I grow, as I get to a milestone, in a detached manner, naturally my desires evolve and I'm not. But I'm not chasing.
Speaker 1:So what I'm trying to say is that I always use like if you haven't listened to the episode called the Billionaire Theory, please listen to that. Like that could change a fucking life, like it's so good. Anyway, I use that theory in my own life and I go, okay, well, who would I be if I was a billionaire? To learn who I really am? And I apply that into my life, based on what is available to me right now, to my fullest capacity. And so, for me, I'm a very generous person and like something like money. It's an amplifier. It doesn't people think that money changes people, but money only exposes people. It exposes someone for who they really are. Yeah, and like I'm generous. I was generous when I was broke and I'll be generous when I'm rich as fuck. Like it's just who I am Right. And so now I don't have to wait for a certain outcome or a tax bracket before I get to be me.
Speaker 1:If I feel like it. I'll fucking throw $20 in a tip jar and if you're listening to this in Australia got like, you understand that's a lot. If you're from the US, you know you probably be like oh, that's normal. No, guys like in Australia, that's not, that's normal. No, guys like in Australia, that's not. That's not a thing. Like tips are just, we don't even talk about it.
Speaker 1:Okay, but I do it because I want to. I'm telling you that as an example. That is my biggest flex. Not because of like the good deed, to be honest, it's not that, although that's pretty cool, the flex for me is that I could do that and I feel amazing, I feel good that I can do that because I don't feel stressed about it, not because, and honestly, it makes no sense to do it, but it makes me happy. It makes me I get to be that generous person. Cool, it doesn't break the bank all too much. I don't do it every fucking day, but when I feel like it I'll do it. I'm just giving you an example why?
Speaker 1:Because our desires and things that you really want, you don't realize you're not desperate for the actual desire. You're desperate to be the person who has the desire to be them right now, and that's essentially what Neville Goddard has really ever said. And before I even knew who he was, I accidentally tapped into this energy. And before I even knew who he was, I accidentally tapped into this energy. If you listened to maybe eight episodes ago, I think it was you're not years away from your desire, your vibration's away. I talked to you about how I discovered living in the end through my weight loss. If you don't know, I lost 25 kilos. I did it in three months without going to the gym and and it just happened intuitively, but I was actually manifesting it right.
Speaker 1:But it is so crucial to know that this is beyond you getting the thing. It's about you. It's about you right now because you are greater than everything. You are greater than any amount of money you could conceptualize in your mind. You're greater than any amount of money you could conceptualize in your mind. You're greater than any amount of unlimited digits of money. You're greater than you know an unlimited, your perfect level of a dream body. You're greater than the person that you're in love with. You are more than that. You are so much more than that. You just don't know it, or maybe you do know it, but it's nice to be reminded, because I know it and I could be reminded about this every day, because I remind myself every day. You, you gotta know and constantly stay in the energy of realizing you are greater than everything. And I'm gonna leave, I'm gonna end this episode with this, right?
Speaker 1:So do you have any idea, like, how, like, the odds of someone being born and existing, like, do you have any idea that this the ratio, the odds of you being born, is one, no, fuck, 400 trillion to one chance? That's like what? 13 fucking zeros. Like, do you hear me? You have a 1 to 400 trillion chance of existing and you exist. Did you know that throughout the whole course of mankind, there have been 100 billion people who ever existed? There are currently only 8 billion people on Earth right now. So 8 billion people exist and altogether, just really hear me, there's been 100 billion people who exist and most of those and like sorry, all the people who could exist, like genetically scientists looked at it, they saw that those people who could exist, like genetically scientists looked at it. Well, they, they saw that those people who could exist because before we are people, we are code, right, we're genetic information and all the things like they will never exist. There are so many potential lives, souls, personalities, that right, this moment, we have enough of a gene pool, um, to exist, and they won't ever exist. And you exist. You exist like what do you?
Speaker 1:It is so hard for a human to exist. That's why, like I look at every person, probably not when I'm in a bad mood, but when I'm not in a bad mood I look at every person. Probably not when I'm in a bad mood, but when I'm not in a bad mood, I look at every single person like they are one fucking universe, like they are fucking royalty. Because you are, you are so fucking more important. I'm gonna get emotional now. You please, please, understand, like you are so important you are, are so important, and if you don't live like your wishes have already been granted to you right now, then you are missing out. You are missing out and I don't want that for you. And the best part of this is that it's quite literally a manifestation method. So not only do you get the reward from simply loving your life right now, you also get the thing that you want. It is law.
Speaker 1:So hope you enjoyed today's episode. I'd love to hear your thoughts. So, as always, either drop a comment down below if you're streaming this on Spotify and if you're not, please slide into the DMs socials of our yeah, our socials are located at the bottom of the show notes of each episode. If you know someone could benefit from this episode, all these podcasts in general, please share this with them. Please tag myself on Instagram if you are were listening to this. I love to celebrate you. I love to share the rest of the community. I can't grow hot in a society without you. This is going to be a team effort. Okay, so much love and I'll speak to you next week. Bye.