The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting

⏱️ Get out of the waiting room!

Christina Modaffari Season 4 Episode 45

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Have you ever found yourself stuck in the endless loop of waiting for your dreams to materialise? This episode of the Hot Genius Guide to Manifesting uncovers the secret to breaking free from the "waiting room" of your desires. I share my personal transformation from feeling hopeless and stagnant to living a life brimming with purpose, financial freedom, and true happiness. Discover why staying in a state of waiting only perpetuates more waiting and how actively embodying the change you seek can lead to remarkable shifts in your life.

Learn to differentiate between unconscious and conscious manifestors to harness the full power of manifestation. By adopting a manifestation lifestyle, you can cultivate a proactive approach that not only rejects a victim mindset but also transforms challenges into opportunities for growth. We'll explore why beginners often excel at manifestation and how seasoned manifestors can overcome the "expert trap" by staying committed to personal development and living in the state of wish fulfillment.

Finally, we tackle the art of mastering manifestation by taking full responsibility for your life and understanding the patterns you attract. From unfaithful partners to recurring obstacles, shifting your mindset and embracing a lifestyle of manifestation can break these cycles. Visualize and live your dream life now, not someday. Wake up to your inherent power, dive deep into your spiritual practices, and help our community flourish by sharing this wisdom. Join me for an episode that's all about stepping into your power and transforming your reality today!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode of the Hot Genius Guide to Manifesting. I'm your host, christina Modafari. Today's episode is called Get Out of the Waiting Room. Yep, you heard me. You heard me right, and so let me just be clear about what I mean when I say get out of the waiting room. Obviously, I mean in the context of the waiting room, of your manifestations, of your desires, guys, if you like.

Speaker 1:

I don't know where to start with this, because this concept, this episode, is most likely the most important thing you'll ever hear in your life. And I don't say that lightly, I don't say that in a dramatic way, I say that with every five of my being understanding that what we're going to be talking about today is literally the seed to everything. You could have all the best techniques in the world, you can have the best mindset in the world, you can read the best books, whatever else, but if you don't understand this concept of what we're going to talk about today, then nothing else will matter, nothing else is ever going to change anything. Expect this episode to activate you in a way that you probably haven't been activated in a long time, if not ever, and expect to really feel a shift within yourself during this episode, and I'm giving you a lot of freaking expectations here, and I don't normally do that, and I only do that when I know that I've got the tea and I've got the goods, so let's get into it, okay. So if you are waiting for something, if you are waiting for your desires or your dream life, like, whatever it is that you want the most out of life right now, then you are only going to continue to just manifest more waiting. Like, do you hear that? I'm going to say that again?

Speaker 1:

If you remain in a state of waiting, waiting for someone to come save you, waiting for your life to change, waiting for something miraculous to happen outside of you, if you are in this state of waiting, you are just going to manifest more waiting. So, whatever you've been feeling right now, feeling hopeless, feeling like this sense of maybe stagnancy, maybe you feel stuck in your life, whatever it is for you what, the feeling of your life not actually unfolding the way you want it to, right, that is the state of waiting, and when you are in a state of waiting, you're just. Once again, I'm going to keep repeating this concept over and over again. Right, but if you're in a state of waiting, you're just, once again I'm going to keep repeating this concept over and over again right, but if you're in a state of waiting, you're just going to create more waiting, because we do not attract what we want out of life. We do not attract what we want because we only attract who we are being. And if you are being someone who is constantly waiting, waiting for the next thing, waiting for something to change without you changing, without you realizing that you are the change, you are the one that you've been seeking this whole time.

Speaker 1:

If you don't really understand this important concept, the core, the seed to everything, this is the seed to your life, what we're talking about right now. If you don't fully understand this, then, once again, it does not matter what you do, what action you take, what manifestation techniques you try, what books you read, what friends you. It literally does not matter, because you will just live in a state of waiting for the rest of your life and you will never actually be in the state of receiving. This is, quite literally, the biggest obstacle that everyone goes through. It is so common and it is something that I personally wish I came to my senses sooner about, because I understood this concept as a theory, but I never really heard it deep enough for me to actually embody this. And when I decided to embody this, my whole life completely transformed, and it transformed in a way that it makes no logical sense how I did it Prior to me owning this and prior to me realizing that I'm the one that I've been seeking this whole time, that my life is a reflection of my inner world, that I was actually creating more states of waiting, and I was always waiting to arrive at the future moment. I was always chasing the future.

Speaker 1:

When I stopped this, in the period of 12 months, let's say, I went from being broke, being stuck, being hopeless. I relapsed back into depression. I did not know my life's purpose. I felt just completely sickened by every single aspect of my life. I felt like a freaking loser. I felt like a failure. It didn't look like that on the outside. On the outside, I looked, you know, like she was doing all right, you know, but on the inside I was imploding, absolutely imploding.

Speaker 1:

And in that time, from that moment when I realized what I'm teaching you right now in this episode, right, and I'm not really telling you anything new, because if you've been in the manifestation world. You understand this concept, but it's about really having this discussion on a deeper level. Right, but like this, this concept, everything changed for me and I went from all the things that I just said like literally feeling this the lowest that I could possibly feel with about myself and my life, of being a woman in her late 20s right From that I went from that to being debt-free, to being someone who makes consistent five figures every single month working on a business that she's in love with. I'm aware of my life's purpose. I'm completely, fully expressed in my most authentic self. I have revolutionized my mental health, my physical health, my emotional health. I have never been happier than what I am right now, and that is seriously just like the icing on the cake.

Speaker 1:

This episode is not about me, but I just wanted to give you an example of what you can look forward to if you just apply this concept, because I always say this but people who are on the manifesting journey, the longer you are on the journey, the worse you get at manifestation, assuming you are not, like, fully gotten to that point of being a master manifester. Okay, and I say that with love, okay, um, and the reason for that is because when you've been in the game for so long, you've been a conscious creator for so long, you start to fall into this like expert trap, where your brain and your ego trick you into believing that you're doing better than what you are, because you are aware of manifestation as a concept. Or maybe you've done a couple of techniques here and there and you've gotten some results, and but you've been doing that for like, say, seven years, and so you kind of just go yeah, I believe in manifestation, yeah, I like manifestation Cool, um, but like, at the exact same time, it's not your lifestyle, you're not getting the results that you want. It's like it's cute, it's like that cute feeling. Do you know what I mean? And so the reason why this happens is because you, we, develop a spiritual ego If we're not careful, if we're not, if we're not, if we don't have, let's say, like a guide or someone to mentor us and whatever else we can get in our own way, because as interdependent creatures, it's impossible for us to go through this alone. You know, and it's not like manifestation is this mainstream thing that everyone accepts in society, right? So you go back into society, around your colleagues, around your friends and family and you kind of just forget that this is a thing you don't you. It becomes this luxury that you do when you're at home. It becomes this thing that you do occasionally on the full moon, when someone reminds you on TikTok. Do you know what I mean? And I'm not throwing shade here. I'm just saying that this was me as well, but this happened to so many people not realizing that manifestation is something you can't turn off. You can't turn it off. Everyone's manifesting, whether they believe in it or not, whether they're an atheist or not. It literally doesn't matter, right? The difference here?

Speaker 1:

When I say you've been in the manifestation game, what I'm referring to is that there's two different kinds of manifestors. There's an unconscious manifester and then there's a conscious manifester, and a conscious manifester is someone who is aware, who's going out of their way to create the life that they actually want, as opposed to creating a life based on all the subconscious programming that was given to them by their caregivers between the ages of zero to seven. Right, and so we fall into this trap the expert trap, like I was referring to, where we think we're doing it right. We think that we're doing all the things. We're looking for the new technique. We tell our friends, we tell ourselves, we write cute posts that we're into manifestation, but then we're not actually getting the results we want and we're still in that waiting room of life. We're in the waiting room for that miracle to just drop in our life. We're waiting in that waiting room for our dream life to materialize with sparkles and glitter. And then we're still waiting.

Speaker 1:

And that's because you have fallen into that expert trap which is why I always bring this up, because beginners are usually the best at manifesting because they don't have any manifestation failure yet. Right, it's still new and fresh to them. They have a student mindset. This means that they don't have a spiritual ego yet. They're not sitting there pretending to be, you know, experts on the matter. They're so open-minded, they've got fresh eyes, they're full of excitement and because they're in that state of being, they hear a technique, they hear the basics, they're learning the basics, they're applying the basics and they get you know, master advanced results. Some people stay in that state forever and that's amazing. That definitely was not me.

Speaker 1:

However, some people fall into the trap of what I just referred to and you know you've fallen into this trap through being radically honest with yourself and checking in with yourself and going am I low key? In the waiting room? Like, am I? Am I low key? Like seriously just sort of trying to wait for my dream life to like just to pee up before my eyes with me remaining the same, to like just appear before my eyes with me remaining the same. And the way that you can really tell if this is you is if someone were to ask you right now, are you living your dream life? And you were to tell them yes, if you feel like you're a liar, then you're probably in the waiting room. If you feel like you're telling the truth, then you're not in the waiting room. If you feel like you're telling the truth, then you're not in the waiting room. And this and this podcast episode is obviously not for you, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it, because who doesn't want this reminder?

Speaker 1:

And so the reason why, again, when, when you're on this journey for a long time and you're, you don't realize that you've developed all of these, I guess self-doubt You've become the person who's like, hmm, like I need evidence, like I believe a manifestation, but I also low-key, don't? I believe a manifestation, but also it's not as like miraculous as everyone makes it out to be, all these things right, it's because you're a dabbler and you didn't go all in and what. Another way to know if you're a dabbler or not, okay, is to ask yourself this question is manifestation to me a lifestyle, or is it something I do once a week or once a month and I say this with love? I say this with complete love okay, but if this isn't your lifestyle and I'll explain what I mean by lifestyle then you're going to find that you're going to get very low to average results and, if anything, you're going to start resenting the whole concept of manifestation. Now, when I say lifestyle, I want to define this, okay. Manifestation. Now, when I say lifestyle, I want to define this okay.

Speaker 1:

And so the lifestyle, the manifestation lifestyle, when you're all in it looks different for everyone. However, every single person who's fully committed to being a conscious creator of their life, we all have two main things in common, these two common foundations. The first foundation is that the manifestation lifestyle is about someone who's committed to their growth, someone who is empowered, someone who the victim mindset is just completely, just not a part of your reality. And so, as an example of what this could look like. Say, someone cuts you off the road, you get a parking ticket and then your partner says something that gets you really angry. Let's say that happens in the course of an hour, you know that you're someone who actually is living the manifestation lifestyle. If you respond to those three shitty situations with oh, I created that. Cool, what an opportunity, excuse me. What an opportunity for me to grow, what an opportunity for me to adjust myself. Cool, that's the attitude.

Speaker 1:

Someone who isn't living the manifestation lifestyle would see that as life is always happening to me, poor me. Look at these circumstances why this person cut me off the road and you feel very disempowered, right? This is why I'm very passionate about manifestation and I want to take it outside of this like cute thing and help people see that it's actually a beautiful lifestyle. It gets to be this beautiful way of being altogether. That it's not a destination, that it's not a means to an end. It's a way to truly enjoy your entire life, regardless of what part of the journey you are on.

Speaker 1:

The second part that people who live the manifestation lifestyle, people who are conscious creators, that we all have in common is this we live in the wished, fulfilled state, aka we're not in the waiting room. And if we get into the waiting room sometimes because we're human, it can happen. As soon as we recognize that we're in that state of we're chasing again and we're losing touch with the present moment, we come straight back because we know that life is happening right now, that a future moment will eventually become a now moment, that there's no point creating any level of success or any level of, you know, money or fame or love, if you don't actually get to fucking enjoy it, right? So they're the two that when I say that, you know, are you living that manifestation lifestyle? I'm really just asking you, are you those two? Do you have those two pillars in your life? Because that's the only thing you need and it looks different for everyone.

Speaker 1:

But those two foundations is what mean, is what it means to actually, let's just say, living a dream life, living the manifestation lifestyle. Because, in my opinion, if you're living the manifestation lifestyle based on those two foundations, you are living the dream. That's fucking awesome that the first one, um, you are living the dream. That's fucking awesome that the first one, um, you are so empowered that nothing outside of you can rock you, that you will never play the victim, even if you're literally victimized by something. You have the healthy balance of understanding that you contributed to that co-creation, whilst also honoring yourself and responding to that 3D circumstance with so much self-love and respect, upholding your boundaries, responding with maturity, utilizing emotional intelligence.

Speaker 1:

And then the second part of well living in the wish fulfilled state. If your wish, if your ultimate, your big, big, big, big dream is to say, be a billionaire. When I say live in the wish fulfilled state, what I'm saying is that who the fuck would you be if you had a billion dollars right now, because you don't need that money to be that person? Would you walk taller? Would you smile more? Would you dress differently? Would you hang out around the same people? That's what I mean. There are so many things and aspects about your desire, your dream, dream, dream like your ultimate big thing that you don't realize you already have control of right now, even if you have minus $100,000 in your bank account. So that's what I'm referring to. This is why I love this so much, because the manifestation lifestyle doesn't discriminate against anyone's life circumstances, against anyone's appearance or geographic means. It applies to everyone. That's the power.

Speaker 1:

The whole point of manifestation should be about you being your fully expressed self and learning to fall in love with the present moment and not being shaken by the external world, and realizing you are in control. By controlling yourself, it's realizing that you are putting your control on the things that actually matter, such as your mindset, your emotions, your emotional health, your nervous system, whereas people who aren't living the manifestation lifestyle are doing the polar opposite. They are trying to control the outside world, they are trying to control other people's perceptions over them, they are trying to control other people's behavior from the outside, in not realizing that everything comes from within as within. So without right. And you don't even have to look at this from a woo-woo perspective. You can look at the science, because the science says the exact same thing.

Speaker 1:

Our neural pathways completely dictate what we experience in this reality. You do realize, as a human, we only experience one percent of the light spectrum. That literally means that 99% of reality a brain yet is incapable of experiencing, which means that you can't just rely on your senses to believe or to dictate what you think is real. There's so much more to reality, and so when you are in the waiting room, you are missing out on your life and the irony is that when you start to accept that your present moment, regardless of the circumstances, is perfect and enough for you to be in it, for you to feel like you're, enough for you to feel loved, for you to sit the way you want to sit, for you to talk like you want to talk when you can do that, the irony is that that is you manifesting more of that, because you already have every single desire that you want. I know that sounds really strange, but you do.

Speaker 1:

It's an illusion that you think that you don't have it. It's a complete illusion. The reason why you don't literally see the things that you want in your life right now is not because it's waiting for you in the future. It's because of your blocks. Because of your blocks, you think that your manifestations, you think that you're waiting for your manifestations, but your manifestations are waiting for you to show up, to become the person you can handle them, for you to rewire your subconscious limiting beliefs so you can handle them. You do realize that your subconscious mind has only one job and it's to protect you and keep you alive. And if you don't go out of your way to rewire your subconscious mind, you will literally just keep experiencing life based on the programming that you were given between ages zero to seven.

Speaker 1:

It's science, it's literally just how it works. That's why you hear a lot of the time you know things. For example, we tend to like let's say, you're emotionally unavailable, you'll be attracted to people who don't want you because that's reflecting that you're emotionally unavailable. Like. That's science, you know, it's psychology, it's the same thing, it's the same way as like if you look at people, like people's reality and life circumstances and level of success is completely based on their self-image.

Speaker 1:

In psychology, self-image just means that their self-image. In psychology, self-image just means that how does an individual view themselves as a concept? What is that individual's identity? And whatever your identity is within yourself, you will create that life. So if someone's identity like, let's say, a person believes that they can't earn more than $3,000 a month, they could literally have the highest paying job knocking on their door. Their brain cannot fathom it. They literally won't do it because of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind anything at all that is not a part of its programming or beliefs will register anything else as dangerous. So this is why lottery winners right Within the first year of a lottery winner, 80% of them go bankrupt. What do you think that that's a coincidence? No, it's science. So it doesn't matter how you view this, for me personally, I like to view this from both perspectives the spiritual and the science. One Very simple, because the science can explain the things that our logical mind needs to understand, and the spiritual things can confirm what we feel in our bodies from our own inner wisdom. But do you understand now why?

Speaker 1:

I said to you at the beginning of this episode that you can expect to be so fucking activated by this episode that you will feel a shift within yourself just from listening, because we're not just having a conversation, you're not just listening to a random podcast. This is embodiment. I'm speaking to you this with like every part of who I am, like. I'm connecting to you right now because I really need you to hear me that your life, your life, is happening now. And if you are constantly waiting for something outside of you to change, that is the equivalent of you staring at yourself in the mirror, crying and getting angry at your reflection for crying and going why the fuck aren't you smiling but you're crying? That's, that's the equivalent of being someone who's waiting for life to change. You're waiting for your reflection to change, when the only way that you can change the reflection in the mirror is if you change. That's how you change your life. You gotta change.

Speaker 1:

Whenever we manifest something, whenever we manifest something, we're not manifesting the thing, we manifest the version of ourselves who have the thing right. That's what we do. I'm going to say that again when we are manifesting something, we are not manifesting a thing, we are manifesting the version of us who has that thing Right. Because even if, for whatever reason, you somehow win the lottery, you will just become a part of the statistic of 80% of those people who go bankrupt in the first year Because your nervous system you might, let's say, you have a nervous system of someone who earns $60,000 per year, because if that's your identity, that's all you can handle. So your brain's going to protect you because in your subconscious mind it's you see yourself as someone who only makes 60K per year. You win $20 million. It freaks your brain out. Your brain doesn't know that $ million dollars is awesome. Your brain registers anything foreign, new or unfamiliar as dangerous. So your brain is going to try and protect you. So how would that brain do that? Well, if you're someone who sees themselves as someone who makes 60k per year and now you have 20 million dollars in your bank account, that's You're going to go and spend it. You want to get rid of it. Do you see what I'm saying? So, even, for whatever reason, you happen to manifest $20 million into your bank account from winning the lottery and it was like luck even though I don't believe in luck, but let's say you do, and that's what happened. You wouldn't be able to keep it If you don't actually take manifestation seriously of those two pillars that I told you.

Speaker 1:

Number one approach life and every moment, like you are the creator of everything, and take responsibility for those situations. And when shit goes bad, don't get cut. You can feel your emotions. That's great. But after you felt your emotions, realize that's great. But after you felt your emotions, realize that you're in control. Go and regulate your nervous system. Go and change your beliefs.

Speaker 1:

You keep attracting cheaters into your life. Hello, every time we attract something, in psychology it says it's because it's just attracting a part of you that you have not healed yet. That's it it. So, instead of getting upset that you keep attracting cheaters, ask yourself why. Ask yourself why? What about someone who's disloyal? Do you need to understand, right? What about that? Ask yourself, what? What does this mean about me? Does it mean that you're? Is that what it means? Because asking yourself these questions is the difference between someone who gets everything they want and someone who doesn't, and that's why 99% of the world are literally unhappy. You might refer to this as people being in the matrix. I don't like that word because it's people have so much bullshit attached to it, but that's what it is Someone who's unconscious, right? Do you see why I'm saying that?

Speaker 1:

You got to get out of the waiting room. You got to live the manifestation lifestyle by approaching every situation like a freaking playground. The universe is giving you cheat codes. It's showing you what's inside of you. It's showing you how you need to change. If you want the most amazing relationship on earth, but you feel like you don't deserve love, how the fuck are you going to have the best relationship on earth? Right, you want $20 million. How on earth can you get $20 million? If $61,000 freaks you out? If you can't even take a compliment, if someone says you're hot and you can't say thank you without getting awkward, how on earth can you get $20 million. Please do the math, because receiving is the same. It doesn't matter what you're receiving receiving love, receiving a compliment, receiving $20 million it's the same shit. It all comes from the same space, right? So get out of the waiting room.

Speaker 1:

And then the second thing is the wish fulfilled state. Live in the end. What is the big dream? What is the big, big, big dream? Because your dream is an evolution. It evolves over time. It's a constant unfolding. It's not one end scene. Don't think that you know. Your dream life is like the last end scene of a movie. No, it is the whole movie.

Speaker 1:

But are you watching the dream life movie or are you watching the movie where you don't get anything you want? So when I ask you are you living the dream life? What I'm asking you is what movie are you watching? Do you get what I'm saying? Because you're the main character of your life. You're either watching the movie of your life, in the movie that you don't like, the life that you don't want, or you're living the dream life. It's actually that simple. It's that simple. And how do you switch channels or how do you change the movie?

Speaker 1:

Get out of the waiting room, stop waiting for the movie to change and realize that you are the change. How do you get out of the waiting room Once again? Live the manifestation lifestyle. How do you live the manifestation lifestyle? All you need is the final way to make those two core foundations work for you. Number one be empowered and realize that you are not the victim to anything, even if you literally are. You are in control. Nothing has to define you. That you can change that.

Speaker 1:

When something goes wrong, you get a parking ticket, like I said earlier, cool, opportunity. Opportunity. Instead of saying, oh, here I go again. See, whenever I get money, I lose it. No, in that moment, be like, oh interesting, this is reflecting a new belief. No, in that moment, be like, oh interesting, this is reflecting it in a belief. How would I respond to this if I had all the money in the world? Well, you better believe that you just not give a fuck and you'll just pay it. Who cares? Cool.

Speaker 1:

And then the second part, living in the end. Aka, if you had a billion dollars right now, how would you walk? How would you talk? How would you dress? Who would you talk to? Who would you be friends with? What would you do? Who is that person? You don't need a billion dollars to be that person. You do realize that you do not need a billion dollars to walk the way you want to walk, to dress the way you want to dress. You absolutely don't. That's all within you.

Speaker 1:

It's an illusion that you think that that's going to make you who you want to be, because we're not chasing things, we're chasing feelings. We are not chasing things, we are chasing ourselves. If you are obsessed with being a billionaire, what you really are obsessed with is who you think you'll be if you were a billionaire. Maybe you think you'd be more generous, more free, more relaxed. That's who you're chasing. That's what you're chasing. If you're chasing the perfect dream relationship, what are you really chasing? You're chasing feeling loved, feeling enough, feeling witnessed, feeling seen. You can do that now. And guess what Someone who feels seen within themselves, who feels loved. That's very sexy, it's very attractive. So you're probably most likely I don't want to say most likely, because that's not true you will absolutely attract that kind of relationship. Get out of the waiting room Because, once again, if you're waiting for something, you're just going to manifest more waiting. And when?

Speaker 1:

I learned this and just so we're clear, I learned this in theory, probably about 12 years ago. I've always been into spirituality. I read the Power of Now. Essentially that's the same thing. You know the concept, but it wasn't. I couldn't, it wasn't tangible enough for me to do anything with it. It just felt like a concept. It felt like a theory, you know. But I understood it all those years ago. It didn't mean shit and maybe, for whatever reason if you resonate with that, if you understand the concept in your mind and your brain's tricked you into believing that you're living it, just because you understand it in your head.

Speaker 1:

I hope this has been the medicine that you needed to wake you up, to activate you, to remind you of your power, to remind you of why you even were into this stuff in the first place, and to go all in and stop dabbling and to realize that life is happening now, that the point of manifesting any desire is so that you get to experience a beautiful, unfolding, constant evolution of your dream life, that your dream life is not an end scene, it's not a still picture, it is a entire movie.

Speaker 1:

And that when someone were to ask you, hey, are you living a dream life? I want you now to be able to say yes and not feel like you're lying, and I hope that this episode has given you all of the tools and the awareness that you need to be able to fully embody that. Okay, so I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Let me know your thoughts. I would love to hear your thoughts, as always. If there's someone that you know that will benefit from this episode, please share it with them. Okay, because I can't grow this community on my own. You're a part of the community and let's spread this incredible and amazing information so together we can actually continuously evolve and live our most fully expressed amazing life. So much love, bye.

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