The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting

🪞The world is your mirror

July 24, 2024 • Christina Modaffari • Season 4 • Episode 41

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Ever wondered why certain negative patterns keep showing up in your life? What if the world around you is just a mirror reflecting your deepest beliefs and thoughts? In our latest episode, "The World is Your Mirror," we unravel the profound idea that our external experiences are shaped by our internal world. Dive into the psychological underpinnings of this concept and discover how early subconscious programming from caregivers can set the stage for our adult experiences. We even tackle tricky subjects like infidelity to illustrate how our belief systems can shape our reality without defining us.

We then shift gears to offer practical tools for transformation, spotlighting the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping. By tapping on specific meridian points, you can lower cortisol levels and regulate your nervous system, making your brain more open to positive affirmations. Learn how this technique can bypass the subconscious mind's security guard, allowing new, empowering beliefs to take root. By transitioning from limiting thoughts to constructive ones, EFT tapping becomes a powerful method for reprogramming your mind, setting the stage for a more fulfilling life.

Finally, take control and become the creator of your reality. While the idea can feel overwhelming, breaking it down into simpler terms helps you regain the driver's seat in your life. Use life's challenges as opportunities for growth and self-awareness, continuously refining your mindset and energy. This episode arms you with the knowledge and tools to start crafting the life you truly desire. If you have questions or need further guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out. Join us for an empowering discussion that can change how you see the world—and yourself.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode. As always, I'm your host, christina Modafari. Today's episode is called the World is your Mirror, so let's actually just get straight into this episode. Let's begin by understanding that when I say that your world is your mirror, I am not being metaphorical, I am being very literal. Am not being metaphorical, I am being very literal, and so what I mean by this is that you are the creator of everything that happens in your life. You create everything based on your beliefs, based on your assumptions, thoughts and what you believe is possible for you.

Speaker 1:

Now, in no way does that mean that if something bad happens to you, like, for example, say, someone cheats on you, uh, it means that you are a bad person who is simply just trying to make yourself go through a really shitty experience. It's not like that. It's not that, I guess straightforward. More so, what I'm saying is that if you've never gone out of your way to reprogram and consciously choose what beliefs you have, what belief systems you have, what thoughts you have, what assumptions you desire in your life, what you believe is possible, if you've never done that work which most people haven't okay, and it's never too late to start then, unfortunately, most people haven't okay, and it's never too late to start then, unfortunately, all of your I guess default settings of your beliefs, your assumptions and your thoughts and what you believe is possible is honestly just based on probably your parents, your caregivers or whoever you were most around between the ages of zero to seven years old, and so whatever happens to you in your life, it's not that it's your fault, it's that well, if we want to get technical, it's probably your parents' fault or whoever was around, but there's no use in putting blame towards anyone.

Speaker 1:

If I say fault, I'm saying that quite literally, meaning that it's literally just not your fault. You didn't choose it. You didn't know any different. However, if you want to go into that train for a moment, if it was your parents' fault, then it was their parents' fault, and then it was their parents' parents' parents' fault, and the list is never ending. It's just this cycle that just goes on and on for several generations, so it doesn't really matter. Do you see why fault literally is the most useless thing to really think about, right?

Speaker 1:

Instead, I'm trying to empower you to understand that it is not your fault that you are currently getting mirrored and reflected back the things you don't want. If that is the case for you, what I'm saying is that it might not be your fault. Fault is irrelevant. However, regardless of where you are at on your journey, it is definitely your responsibility to change it and to choose the beliefs, assumptions, thoughts and expectations that you desire. So, so everything that we create again when it comes to the world as a mirror, it's all based I want you to see it as constant feedback of your subconscious mind.

Speaker 1:

So when I say you create everything based on your beliefs, your assumptions and your thoughts, I'm not saying that right this moment. You say I'm a billionaire and the world isn't mirroring back in your bank account a billion dollars. It doesn't work like that. What I'm a billionaire and the world isn't mirroring back in your bank account a billion dollars doesn't work like that. What I'm saying is that somewhere in your subconscious, which makes up anywhere between 95 to 90 percent of your 99 percent of your mind, is that you have a belief system that you can only create x amount of money. You have a whole, I guess, design towards every area of your life, every single area of our lives, such as money, relationships, success, and once you imagine each area of your life, you have its own unique set of belief systems that work in accordance with each other. Right, and as the famous quote goes, don't ask me who said it, I forgot. But beliefs are simply just thoughts said on repeat that have been said and thought over and over again. That's right, abraham Hicks said that Anyway. So what I'm trying to say is that you have all these subconscious beliefs, assumptions, and then those express themselves as thoughts, and then those thoughts create what you expect out of life and then what you feel and think and experience inside of you, inside of your subconscious mind. Now, that is a mirror, so that you can well, the outer world is a mirror for what's going on inside of you, okay, and so everything you see is actual feedback of what's happening in your subconscious mind.

Speaker 1:

So let's get into like actual examples so that this makes even more sense, right? So say that someone we're going to use, we're going to actually going to use the one where someone cheats on you. I feel like this is a very good example to use. So you might've heard of the manifestation sort of teaching, and it's called everybody is you pushed out? So this is the same thing about the world is your mirror, but it's just focused on people, right? So a lot of the time there's this misconception where they hear everybody's you pushed out.

Speaker 1:

That means that if you've been cheated on or you attract cheaters, that means that you're a cheater. That's not accurate. That's not how it works Sometimes. What cheaters? That means that you're a cheater. That's not accurate. That's not how it works sometimes.

Speaker 1:

What it means that everybody is you pushed out is that you believe that you're someone who gets cheated on. You believe that men or women are not to be trusted. You believe that men or women depend whoever you're into, right, um are people who are disloyal, who are unfaithful. And so if you believe that, which you obviously do, if you're someone who has been cheated on, then that's what I mean when I say the world is your mirror. It's showing you, it's giving you feedback of what you believe to be true. It is what you also expect out of that person or out of romantic relationships of yourself, and there's an assumption there where you're just believing it to be true for you. So you might be wondering then okay, all right, christina, so what if I was cheated on like the first time I was cheated on? How did I create a belief or an assumption that I'm someone who gets cheated on.

Speaker 1:

Cheated on, how did I create a belief or an assumption that I'm someone who gets cheated on if it didn't happen yet? If you think that, good question. So in that situation, then, prior to you being cheated on, you had an underlying belief that you're someone who gets betrayed, because being cheated on is a very specific way of being betrayed. But being betrayed is the underlying issue there. So a lot of people, for example, who grew up as children, who they felt like their parents or their siblings betrayed them, you'll find, if they don't do this work or they don't go out of their way to change this belief, right, that it will express itself. This betrayal will express itself in different ways, in multiple ways, in different areas of life. You know it can start expressing itself through friendships. Maybe your friends just betray you, maybe talking shit about you, I don't know right. And then in romantic situations, in that context, well, betrayal can is very commonly understood and expresses itself as being cheated on. So so I hope that answers your question.

Speaker 1:

If you're wondering, oh, like, how did I create that belief if I was cheated on the first time, that's how. Because if you think, if you remove the behavior of being cheated on, what is the feeling? You have been betrayed, what else? There is a level of distrust. What else? There is a level of disloyalty. You get what I'm saying here.

Speaker 1:

So it's making up the themes of what you believe in your subconscious mind. So everything in your reality, everything in your life that you've experienced, that's what I mean when I say the world is your mirror. Don't take it too literal and black and white where it's like what. Like I said, a lot of people think oh, I attract narcissists. That means I'm a narcissist. You know, not accurate all the time. I attract cheaters. That means I'm a cheater. But no, I'm not. No, like I said, be very clear. You attract into your world what you believe to be true. You attract into your life how you feel about yourself and the assumptions you have towards a group of people, towards a situation or towards an area of your life.

Speaker 1:

And so the good news is is that if the world is your mirror, if you have accidentally, unconsciously manifested the things that you don't want, then this is why I'm saying this is empowering, because if you have the power to create things that you don't want, then you have the power to create things that you do want. Really hear that. I'm going to say it again If you have the power to create the things that you don't want, that means you have the power to create things that you do want. And if the way that you've accidentally created all the things that have led you up until this moment, through the current beliefs, assumptions, thoughts and expectations that you've had, then it makes sense to simply change your beliefs, your assumptions, your thoughts and your expectations of what you believe is possible to be true to you. Everything, everything is feedback. Guys, really hear that everything.

Speaker 1:

And there is nothing that is either good or bad other than your thinking. Thinking makes it so. Think. Shakespeare said that it is truth. Everything in life is truly neutral. Life in itself is pretty meaningless, right? What gives life meaning is humans, it's you, it's me. We are meaning creating machines. Our brain operates on stories, right? So if we aren't in control of the way our actual mind works, then unfortunately you, you are just going to be a victim of all the programming that was passed down to you when you're a child, and I don't want that for you. I want you to be in control of your life. I want you to hear the world as your mirror and get fucking excited. I want you to start looking around you and liking the reflection you see. I want you to look around you and realize that you are a conscious creator, that you are so powerful, so much more powerful than I think you think. Okay, so much more.

Speaker 1:

And so, like I said, people and life circumstances are constantly reflecting back to you your emotional state, and if you're struggling to grasp this, let's really, I guess, go on a more literal analogy, because it's so accurate to how life actually works. So I want you to imagine right now you're looking at yourself in the mirror. Okay, the reflection you see of yourself in the mirror is in this analogy symbolizes your life. So the reflection you see in the mirror represents how much money you have in your bank account, the job that you have, the relationship status you have, how you feel about your relationships, the friends that you have you get my point, so on and so forth. Now let's say you are looking in the mirror right now and we know what the reflection represents it's your life.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you are sad, tell me, tell me somehow, telepathically, tell yourself. If you're sad and you're frowning and you're looking in the mirror, what do you see? You will see someone frowning back at you. We can agree on that. It's like a duh situation, right?

Speaker 1:

The thing is is that most people are waiting for the reflection in the mirror to smile at them before they smile back at that reflection. You hearing me. They are waiting for the reflection to smile at them. Maybe this is you. Maybe you're waiting for your life to be a smile, so to speak, so that you can smile back at your life, and you can understand that that is ridiculous, right, I'm not calling you ridiculous, but the mind played a trick on us, and that's ridiculous that if you want the mirror, the reflection, to smile at you, you got to smile.

Speaker 1:

You go first, you are in control, and every time you need your external circumstances to change and smile at you before you feel like you're allowed to smile at them, then you will never be in control of your life. You will always just be that person frowning at the mirror and wondering why on earth the reflection will never smile. It is pure insanity, right? Instead, when you understand and master manifestation and you master being a conscious creator, essentially, it's you now taking control over your reality, taking control over your life and going wait a second, I'm actually the one creating everything. So if I want my life to smile at me, if I want that reflection of smile at me, if I want to have the relationships that I want, if I want to have the number the right number that I desire in my bank account, I got to go first, I got to change, I got to smile.

Speaker 1:

If I want to smile back, not the other way around, a lot of the time people are waiting once again for the actual freaking mirror to change in order for them to change Again. You can imagine that if you were like staring at yourself in the mirror, a real mirror, imagine you were staring at it for 10 years, going come on, smile, be happy, be rich, have the best relationships, so on, so forth, and then getting angry at the mirror because it just never does anything different. Right, like, really get that you. What happens then? When you smile at the mirror, no matter what, it will always smile back. It will always mirror back to you that smile. Okay, that is how powerful you are.

Speaker 1:

But that is also the reason why a lot of people feel helpless in their lives. It's because they accept this, I guess phrase or this rule the world is your mirror. And they make it a cute, freaking Pinterest quote and never think twice. But no one, not no one. But very rarely do people take those five words for what it really is and leave those five words, because you can just make them five words.

Speaker 1:

The world is your mirror. The world is my mirror. Good, that's cute, doesn't change anything, but remember humans and meaning creators. It's up to you to be like wait a second, let me actually process that for a moment. The world is my fucking mirror. I'm in control. Okay, gonna study this, I'm gonna apply these five words. I'm gonna make it mean something by doing something about it, by no longer waiting for my life to change before I give myself permission to be happy, to be satisfied and to change. And so you might be wondering okay, christina, christina, cool, you've sold me on the fact that I am creating everything. Cool, thanks, but how do I change my beliefs, my assumptions, my thoughts and what I expect to be possible for me? It's all about subconscious reprogramming. How do we reprogram our subconscious? There are many ways to do this. In my opinion, the most effective way that helps most people and the most diverse amount of people is EFT, tapping your way through, dissolving any shitty beliefs that you have. And when I say that, I'll get even more specific about it. So, eft, I won't go into it because that's not what this episode's about. It just stands for emotional freedom technique.

Speaker 1:

This is a somatic therapy that is based and drawn on Chinese medicine, neuroscience and psychology. Okay, so it blends, you know, ancient traditions, eastern traditions, along with modern day science. Essentially, you've got different tapping points, different meridians across your body. You've got the crown of your head, you've got in between your eyebrows, the side of your eyes, so your temple area, underneath your eyes, above your lip, chin area, chest, under your armpit, your wrist and your karate chop section of your hand right. These are the main tapping points, and these tapping points, when tapped right, just literally tapped, will lower someone's cortisol levels and regulate the nervous system.

Speaker 1:

Now, what happens when the human body is relaxed to that degree at all? Well, that's where our brain waves change. Instead of being in the beta state, which is where most people are living in, that's when you would feel conscious. You just that's what you are in in your everyday life, right, you are shifting in a different state, so you might be in alpha brainwaves, you might be in theta, you might be in delta, you know whatever. So, for example, when you're having a shower, you'll go from alpha to delta, you know whatever. And when you're in this state, you're more. Your mind is easier to be changed right? It's the reason why people feel like they get brainwashed while watching TV, and this is why hypnosis works as well, because when you're watching TV, your brain goes into an alpha brain state, and so you are easier to be manipulated, so it can work, you know, in the any direction you want, and so, with hip, you know being hypnotized. Well, same thing like your brain waves are slowing down, you're exiting out of beta waves, you're going into alpha, etc. Which is why, if someone gives you a suggestion, you are more prone to listening to it. It's all the same thing.

Speaker 1:

Essentially, what I want you to understand here is that it doesn't really matter the technique. What matters is that you understand how subconscious reprogramming works in the first place, and those techniques are just different ways to do the same thing, which essentially is accessing different brainwaves, which we actually access throughout the whole day. We shift in different brain states all the time, like when you are in a flow state, for example, you are in alpha brainwaves. That brain state is very similar to the, not very similar. It's the exact same as when you're entering the first stage of sleep. It's the same stage of when you are meditating, even right, and meditation can go deeper than that. But you're seeing what I'm saying here.

Speaker 1:

When the brain and the body is relaxed and you now say something like I am loved, your brain actually listens to that. But if you're not in that state and you say I am loved or I am rich or whatever, your brain rejects it because it's not true. Because your security guard of your mind, who is very protective of your subconscious mind which makes sense, right? Your security guard in your brain, when you are awake, it's protecting the 99% of things in your mind. It will reject everything that is heard or said, even by you, if it doesn't match the current belief systems that are already locked behind that wall in the 99% of your mind. And that's why, once again, like, if you're saying an affirmation and you feel like you're talking shit, that's the security guard in your mind rejecting it Because it means well, it's trying to serve you, it's your private bodyguard. Does that make sense. It doesn't understand what's good for you or not. It's just your blind servant. It just goes on what's in the basement of your mind. It assumes that everything in your subconscious is fucked and it protects it. It literally it just protects it. That's its job to protect that information. It doesn't want it to change. Do you get what I'm saying?

Speaker 1:

So what I'm trying to explain here is that to reprogram your beliefs, your assumptions, your thoughts, your brain needs to pretty much get that bodyguard in your mind to fall asleep so that you can feed it new programming, so that you can dissolve things that don't work for you and I am in my personal experience. I use this for my clients as well. It's just the best. For me is EFT because it's fast, it's convenient, it's practical. Everyone just gets it right away. It's just the best. And you regulate your nervous system at the exact same time. So you're killing two birds with one stone, like you get to heal things as well as reprogram your beliefs, which means that your mirror, so to speak, your life, is going to change before your eyes from literally touching your freaking head and your eyes and whatever else right Now.

Speaker 1:

The reason why I think EFT is the most effective way to reprogram your subconscious mind as well is because, for example, if someone were to choose hypnosis, I love hypnosis, but the reason why if someone were to choose hypnosis, the problem here is that if you're an anxious person or you're highly intelligent or you're highly academic, good luck with hypnosis working. Your mind is, let's's say, the security guard, that bodyguard in your mind while you're awake. It's very strong, and so it is very hard to change, and so you can do hypnosis until the cows come home. It's probably not going to work for each person. Hypnosis only works for people who are really relaxed, who, yes, they can have intelligence too, but they have emotional intelligence as well, whereas a lot of highly intelligent people, they don't necessarily have the most important form of intelligence, which is emotional intelligence, and it's just too much work. Like it's just too much Like it's. It's, in my opinion, like use it as, like supplementary, but don't make it the main thing, because there's too many nuances to it and it's just, in my opinion, as much as it's amazing.

Speaker 1:

I think the most powerful, most effective one that gives you the most benefits in the smallest amount of time, with the most joy and ease, is EFT tapping, tapping through those meridian points and as you're tapping through those points, you are essentially creating a new code by feeding your subconscious mind new beliefs, new stories, new assumptions, new expectations, new thoughts, etc. But you'll find that the best way to do this is not necessarily to just focus on new things. It's about dissolving the old things that you currently believe that are causing that. For example, if you're someone who gets cheated on a lot, you might have a belief that men or women are not to be trusted. When you actually look at that, even when you're in conversation, just look at that and be aware that you think that, and just be like. Like from a relaxed state, it works best, like through EFT tapping, you can tap away and say things like look, even though right this moment, I have a lot of evidence that tells me that men are not to be trusted, however, I'm willing to let this go, and then, just from that, your mind is already going to feel this sense of ease. So then what happens when you, when your mind is at ease, it starts looking for new evidence? You'll find that, as you're saying that to yourself, your mind will start going wait a second. My uncle, he's a man, he's to be trusted. Wait a second.

Speaker 1:

When I was 15 years old, I had this guy best friend and he was to be trusted oh my God. And then, like I actually had, you know, a boyfriend or a girlfriend when I was 21 and they were to be trusted oh my God. And then, like I actually had, you know, a boyfriend or a girlfriend when I was 21 and they were to be trusted. Okay, so maybe my beliefs were wrong, maybe I created this belief from that one experience or whatever, and I'm really glad that I'm letting this go and your mind starts to clean up its perception and it stops being distorted. In reality, it's almost like the equivalent of imagine that you've been wearing like really dirty glasses your whole life or for most of your life, and when you dissolve your past limiting beliefs through being aware of them in the first place and then relaxing your nervous system and really just letting it go consciously, by just simply saying it, you're just willing to let it go and making yourself feel heard then this in itself it's so powerful right, because your mind will just naturally start to yeah, clean away all of those distortions, because you know a lot of the things that you think or anyone thinks.

Speaker 1:

That is what you would say is negative. Believe it or not, they're actually quite inaccurate. A lot of people think that being cynical and being negative makes you a realist, when it's actually the opposite. Being optimistic will make you way more likely to be accurate and see life clearly, as opposed to being a cynic. Cynics actually have the biggest distortions ever. So, yeah, that's how you change your subconscious mind. That's how you shift what you see in your life. That's essentially how you get the mirror to reflect back what you want to see, and that is, again, not just metaphorical.

Speaker 1:

I want you to take this literal. I mean, if something doesn't go in your favor, just respond to yourself in that moment. Be like no, this is just reflecting back a belief system that I had. Cool, thank you. Thank you for showing me my limiting beliefs. Thank you for showing me where I'm fucking myself up every single day, with how I'm thinking and how I'm feeling.

Speaker 1:

Cool, I'm going to use this as an opportunity to adjust. You know if that means that I'm going to write it down or I'm feeling cool, I'm going to use this as an opportunity to adjust. You know if that means that I'm going to write it down or I'm just going to have a conversation with myself. I'm going to go to the bathroom and tap. I don't know, you do your thing, you find your way right.

Speaker 1:

But either way, the the point is to gain awareness now, to realize that nothing is good or bad. It is just feedback, and if you're not using this feedback, you are missing out on a literal goldmine. It is a goldmine when something doesn't go your way, for you to look at it and investigate it and be like wait a second. I created that. The world is my mirror. Cool, thank you. Thank you, universe.

Speaker 1:

I get to change this now so it can work out in my favor, and if you're someone who's familiar with my work, you'll know about my method of the clean as you go method. That just means exactly what it sounds like Clean your beliefs as you go, clean your mind and your energy as you go. That is the fastest way to transform your life, the fastest. Just remember that the world, being your mirror, is a tool of empowerment. It's to remind you of who the fuck you are, that you are source, that you are the creator of your reality, that you are so effing powerful and that all you have to do is accept this truth, stop fighting it, because you got to be responsible for all these things that have happened in your life, that are happening in your life and will continue to happen in your life.

Speaker 1:

It is not your fault that you got here. It doesn't matter about fault. We already spoke about fault. We already spoke about fault at the beginning of this episode. It's so irrelevant because if we're going to blame people, we'll be blaming who the fuck do we blame? Because it doesn't end right.

Speaker 1:

So, instead, it's not your fault, but it is your responsibility to change this, because you can't pick and choose what you take credit for in your life. You can't take credit for the good things that happen and then not take credit for the things that aren't good. You're either going to take credit for everything or nothing. And if you take credit for everything in your life, including the unfavorable things in your life, this is where you get to be the conscious creator of your life. This is where power lives. To be the conscious creator of your life. This is where power lives. You cannot be powerful, you cannot be in control of your life if you are only taking responsibility for the good stuff. It's just how it works People who just take responsibility for the good stuff and completely point the finger at everything else and everyone else for the bad stuff. These are the people who are the victims of their lives. They are the victims of their life's circumstances, despite them knowingly or unknowingly creating those circumstances through their beliefs, their assumptions, their thoughts and what they believe is possible for them in their own lives.

Speaker 1:

Just remember that you are so powerful Don't ever forget it that you create every single thing in your life, with no exceptions. That means you also created listening to this episode. You created this episode, you co-created it. You manifested a version of Christina in your mind. You manifested a version of this podcast experience in your mind, because if there are a thousand people who heard this episode and listened to my voice during this episode, there is a thousand different interpretations of this episode. The one that you have taken away from today is unique to you.

Speaker 1:

How you feel about listening to today's episode is 100% based on what you believe to be true about life, what you assume to be true about life, your thoughts and what you believe is possible for you. You created this. Do you understand what I'm saying? Which means that you create everything, and I know that at first it can be overwhelming and you want to run away from it, but remember that if you just let it be this simple, this means it puts you back into the driver's seat of your life and, instead of creating shit you don't want and feeling helpless, you get to create things that you do want and feel incredibly helpful and powerful. Okay, so I hope you enjoyed today's episode. If you have any questions, please put them in the box below or DM me on Instagram at Christina Modafari. So much love and I'll speak to you next week. Bye.

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