The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting

🔮 Embracing your spiritual genius with April’s Hot Genius: Nadia Galie

April 05, 2024 • Christina Modaffari • Season 3 • Episode 34

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When Nadia Galie, a human resources manager turned manifestation coach, graced us with her presence, we knew our listeners were in for an intellectual and spiritual feast. Blending the cosmic insight of her intuition with the grounded wisdom of a coach, Nadia unpacks the journey of aligning one's inner gifts with the art of manifesting dreams in business. Our exchange, ripe with laughter and curiosity, traverses the landscape of manifestation and its impact on personality, business, and the path to self-discovery. 

What does it mean to be a 'hot genius'? This episode peels back the layers of intelligence to uncover the confidence and quirky charm that fuel true self-expression and success. Nadia and I reflect on the dance between ego and intuition, the importance of surrendering to spiritual intelligence, and how to navigate the magnetic pull of aligning one's inner genius with their outward persona. From tackling the practicalities of manifestation and overcoming resistance, especially in wealth and personal goals, to the deeper human experiences of loneliness and the empowering process of self-acceptance, we leave no stone unturned.

As we wrap up our enlightening conversation, profound insights into the intricate relationship with money and understanding our financial mindsets emerge, paving the way to a healthier, abundant life. We're reminded of the significance of gratitude and being present while chasing aspirations. For those fueled by a passion for growth and the unwavering pursuit of their dreams, join us on this transformative journey with our remarkable guest, Nadia, and light up your own path to personal and professional fulfillment.

Nadia’s IG handle: @nadiagalie

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Speaker 1:

Okay, good, welcome, nadia, to the show. You are this month's Hot Genius of the Month. So before I actually give an introduction to the audience, I just wanted you to chime in and say something that's really intuitive where you can introduce yourself. And then, because I like breaking the rules right, I like doing things independently, going doing things yeah, I was like, so why don't you just, yeah, something that's intuitive, just introduce yourself and then I'll share my intro, okay? So, firstly, obviously my name is Nadia and something that like just literally came to my head just then as a way to introduce myself. So I know you're going to go into more detail, but I just wanted to share that, like my zodiac sign that's actually the first thing that like came to me.

Speaker 1:

Not many people like go up and like say that so I am a Gemini. So that's like an intuitive, interesting fact about me. So, like my sun sign is Gemini and my moon sign is Cancer. So a little fun fact. Can you please explain just quickly, because you know me, I always get this shit so confused. I have a sun sign, it's like the normal one, so the one that everyone knows about, but what, what is this other one that you just said. So like I think, so like I'm not I am not someone who is an expert in astrology or anything like that but from like my understanding and sorry to all those who are experts online you're probably like, oh my God, she's getting this wrong. But from like my understanding is like the sun sign is kind of like how others perceive you and it's kind of like it's not really so much as like you put this on a front, but it's kind of like I see it like more like the human self and it's like your personality traits and all those things of how others see you. But the moon sign kind of is like who you are at the core and for me it's like I see it like more like the soul. So it's like I am like really chatty and I'm loud and all of those things and like I've got a big personality. But like at my core, like the cancer sign is really sensitive and nurturing and all of that sort of stuff, and I feel like if I really tap into my soul, I'm like that is like who I feel at the core.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, I know exactly what you mean, cause I, on my end again, I don't know as much as you do about Zodiac signs and astrology and stuff like that, but my quote unquote, normal one, the one that people perceive me as is Capricorn, and I know, by the way, as a side note, capricorns and Geminis get along like a house on fire. But there's this thing. I don't know if it's the same thing as what you said, but there's a sign that's rising or something. Yeah, the rising sign, yeah, mine is Pisces and I find it interesting because I don't know much about them. I just know that they're very intuitive and something else, and I remember reading it ages ago, but I know what you mean. Like it's very interesting. Yeah, I feel like I'm gonna pick your brain about it when we have a coffee. Oh, really, I really. Yeah, I don't know too much, but yeah, my rising sign is Gemini. It's like I don't even I've got to do more research. It's like something I'm trying to get into, like that's my next year, sort of this thing.

Speaker 1:

All right, well, like I said, I like breaking the rules, just just for fun. Why not? Right? Um, and so now I'll come in with the introduction. So I want to. I'm not going to be on script for any anything today, guys. So anyone who's listening to this as well? Um, but for the sake of the introduction and for the series for hot genus of the month, I will be reading out of script. So I'm just being transparent with you and any other yous out there. And so I want to actually dive into why I chose Nadia as this, as, yeah, as April's Hot Genius of the Month. Okay, so this is what I have.

Speaker 1:

So, in getting to know you as a friend, which we met online and just by the way, how funny are we that the first time we see each other's face it's when we're recording a podcast? Anyway I noticed how you have a uniquely awesome gift regarding how you are able to see and explain things in the spiritual perspective, where it just makes complete sense, despite there being so much spiritual literature out there. The way that you explain it. It's very obvious that you embody your work, and I think that it takes an intuitive to really pick up on that, and I'm very intuitive, according to you, and so I definitely pick up on that. And so Nadia Gately is. Actually, she comes from human resources, that's her background, okay, and so she was a human resource manager turned wait for it manifestation coach for business owners.

Speaker 1:

Like come the fuck on, that is so awesome, um, and so, in getting to know her, I've noticed that in her story, in the way that she speaks, she truly aligns with what Hot Genius Society stands for, being that of self-love and connection and boldly going after your dreams in a world that screams conformity. I noticed that you turned your challenges into your life's work and are constantly going after your dreams, and that screams hot genius, if you ask me, um. And so I have also personally been inspired by your own personal journey as a friend. I am so honored to have you in my life. I know you hear it like weekly like, but it can never get too old to give credits where credits due, and I think that, coming from if you're a millennial like us, you know that it's a little bit icky to be emotionally affectionate and it's just. It wasn't part of like our culture and the way we grew up, and so I noticed that, as old as the old that we get, we do feel more aligned to that emotional affection and slowly shifting the way that we connect to our friends and our family and all the things. So I just wanted to thank you for being on this show and I'm so excited that you're April's Hot Genius of the Month, and so, with that huge introduction, introduction, this is where we officially begin the conversation. Nice, thank you for having me. My pleasure, my pleasure. And so we've got a lot of questions that are covered today. Okay, and I promise I'll do my best not to go rogue. Yeah, me too. But at the same time, I think we both can agree that embracing, embracing, wherever the conversation goes.

Speaker 1:

You know, I kind of feel like you know, have a plan, but also know when to throw away the plan. Yeah, love it. That's exactly how I work. Good, all right. So let's do this.

Speaker 1:

Number one, let's keep it easy. What does a typical day of being a manifesting coach for business owner look for you generally? Yeah, so usually it's like I'll get up, so every day for me looks super different, and like the weekends for me look super different. But if we're talking about, like you know, monday to Friday sense, yes, so it's really like the first thing I try to do most days it's not every day, but is some form of movement. So I really like to do some exercise, so that's like kind of where I start my day and then once I've kind of done a bit of a workout, I'll go straight into some sort of kind of mindful mindfulness practice. So, whether that's like meditation, breath work and like this is like super intuitive, like whatever I feel called to do, it's just like about connecting to myself and just like having that moment to ground. And you know I'm a mindset and manifestation coach.

Speaker 1:

So a very regular practice that I do is I connect to my desires. So this is like how I feed my desires energy and, you know, kind of reinforce the reality that I am wanting to create or I am creating I shouldn't say wanting, I am creating. And then, once I've kind of like had that a bit of alone time, I'll go straight into, like you know, coaching clients for the day. A lot of my like one-on-ones are through Boxer, so it's like spending a few hours like responding to clients. And then I kind of go on to doing like whatever admin I have for the day and, like the last couple of weeks it's been about refining some masterclasses that I've done, working on some like projects that I'm doing. But yeah, like that's a like a really typical day in the life for me.

Speaker 1:

I love that and you know, my favorite part of what you just said is actually the embodiment. Once again. See, I didn't even know that. I didn't know what you do typically in a day, but, like I was saying in the introduction of you during this episode, that it's just so obvious that everything that comes out of your mouth you're living it and just about your average general day at work. I love how you actually in a sense include that as a part of your work.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and another thing I wanted to say there um, so a huge part of like the connecting to the desires part, is a lot of the time I'll check in how I'm feeling about like what it is that I'm manifesting, or like mostly around the business, or like I check in with how I'm filled to see if there's any like limiting beliefs coming up. So usually when I'm doing my desire meditation, I check in and say how do I feel about that, and wherever there is a bit of resistance, I will do before I even kind of start my day, I will focus on clearing any resistance. That's there. Yeah, and as well, right, like, and I think that would be the missing link in where a lot of people, solopreneurs or anyone who has their own business we miss out on. And so it's just really nice to have this conversation, because even when I re-listen to this episode, by the way, I totally am guilty of listening to my own show because it's so good. I love that. So I love, you know, being able to know that I can actually check back into this episode and just hear that coming from someone else going. You know what, before I walk into my workday I'm going to check in with, like, my resistance and all the things, because, as you know me, I'm constantly saying reinforcement is everything. Yeah, yeah, we know something Reinforcement, reinforcement, because the deeper you go in it, well we get to embody it and you're living proof of that, of what the results are, yeah, so thanks for sharing that. Embody it and you're living proof of that, of what the results are, yeah, so thanks for sharing that.

Speaker 1:

So the next question I have for you is what would you say is the unglamorous side of having gifts and what would you say your gift is? So I'm gonna say we all have very different gifts. So, like I truly believe, like we've all, all our souls, have come on earth for, like different purposes and with having a different purpose, you have different gifts and, like you know, like not everyone's meant to go into having a business Not everyone's, like you know, some people are for the nine to five and you know they serve really different purposes. So just for like the in terms of the unglamorous side. So for me, I will talk about the unglamorous side with my gifts, because, like I've been able to like fully experience that.

Speaker 1:

So for me, I think my biggest gift has been it's something that you know, when I had my spiritual awakening came like pretty quickly, I would say I mastered this. I don't know, it's like it's kind of always been a part of my DNA and I guess like it got activated when I had my spiritual awakening. But is this ability to like be really neutral and holding many different perspectives, and I think like that's why I've been able to like, why I think I'm such a good coach, because it's like I can actually see not even just in relationships but, you know, through trauma and people's fears and you know their limiting beliefs I can actually hold neutrality in multiple perspectives. And I think that that is like such a gift in itself because it like helps you form healthy relationships, you know, but with saying that, the more unglamorous side to really being able to hold neutrality, hold different perspectives, is the level of responsibility that comes with that. So it's like when you're in relationships, responsibility, um, that comes with that.

Speaker 1:

So it's like when you're in relationships, right, the ego is so fixated on being in victimhood, right, and it really can test the ego. It can really test the ego to be able to kind of not project and not do it like it takes a lot of self-awareness and like that can be. It's I wouldn't say like it's hard, but it can be really challenging to the ego. It can be really uncomfortable. So when someone is like starting their journey to be able to like, have more self-awareness and hold neutrality and look at things from different perspectives, I would say the more unglamorous side is how uncomfortable that can be.

Speaker 1:

When you're taking responsibility for your shit and you're taking responsibility of how many like limitations you put on yourself. You know arguments with your partner like it's like you know I embody this like what I teach in my business, in every area of my life. So I I'd love to say like this has like transformed my life so deeply, but it's also been equally, um, I would say the the pleasure that outweighs the pain, but it's also tested me and it's also and from that I would say, the pleasure that outweighs the pain, but it's also tested me and it's also and from that I think, like the universe has put me in circumstances where it's like you want to like practice being neutral, you want to practice being a leader who can hold like big business, then you know you're going to be put into some uncomfortable circumstances in taking responsibility for my life. Yeah, and I think that gifts to me. Anyway, let me just clarify I don't think it's exclusive to just the literal definition of it being IQ, intellectually, like I truly believe that there is spiritual gifts, there's artistic gifts, musical, intellectual, there's so many different kinds and from what I'm hearing, you're talking a lot about spiritual gifts and this is my thought on it and I would love to know your opinion on this.

Speaker 1:

But I kind of feel like people who have spiritual gifts we don't have the luxury of not doing the work, doesn't have the gifts. If they really wanted to go throughout their whole life never doing the work, they come through life doing that and it just it would just be like whatevs. Yeah, what do you think of that? Like by, do you agree, or yeah, insight on, I guess the luxury element of doing the work, kind of having no choice to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I feel like you know, when someone has a spiritual awakening and it's like a really deep one, like it's like a, it almost feels like you can't unsee what you've seen and like, especially when it comes to manifestation, like when I began manifesting, it was like even if I wanted to go back to the way I wanted to, like I actually couldn't because I can't see life the same way anymore. So it's like it's impossible and I think that can almost be like fuck. Like sometimes it's just like you know why in this life did I do this? But like, obviously, like I'm so grateful for this virtual awakening and I'm happy I've had it and I think like my life is so much better off.

Speaker 1:

Um, but I think I I can agree that you know sometimes like being oblivious to life, although it has its different pain. You know sometimes, like being oblivious to life, although it has its different pain, you know different discomfort. I think, yeah, it definitely has its challenges, because you can't really unsee what you've seen. That's right. Yeah, I agree, and you know, I guess that's why this question is really important to me and why I want the audience of the show to actually hear it from your perspective. Perspective because, at the end of the day, gifts all kinds, the ones that are self-proclaimed or legitimate ones I say legitimate quite literally um are very close to constantly being romanticized and glamorized, and it's like you're not seeing the full picture, bitches, like there's so much more to things, and I think that the more we speak about the unglamorous side to something so grand and you know, something that's usually put on a pedestal, it's actually going to humanise it and also create space for us to see that it's not supposed to be glamour. Only it is definitely glamorous but it's equally painful, um, and because of low polarity. You know, yeah, that's exactly right. Yeah, and it's nice to have these conversations out loud, because it's one thing to to intuitively know that, yeah, hearing like-minded people quite literally admitting that, yeah, you know, you know. So, yeah, I really love your answer.

Speaker 1:

And so the third question I have for you is what does being a hot genius mean to you? Yeah, okay, good, because you said to me so it's like I know you have your definition, but if I were to just like hear you right now like say what does it mean to you. So for me, like I, like I said, um, I believe everyone's come here for a different purpose. Some people are to whatever. Whatever purpose, we won't go into that.

Speaker 1:

But I believe when I hear the word hot genius, I see in a almost like I see it in a business sense, but I know it's not just business. But I see someone who is kind of knows what their purpose is, like, what they're here to do, or if they have multiple purposes, they're so unapologetic about it and they are able to be so embodied in their genius of work or their purpose or whatever that looks like, that it's like they're so confident. So for me, it feels like someone who's super confident in like, who like their authentic self or like their purpose. You know right and like. For me, when I think about this for myself, like I think about it in a business sense, it's like I know what my zone of genius is and like what make would make me a hot genius is someone like the confidence that I have with that, my ability to know how powerful like, know my power in what it is that I'm here to do. Yeah, that's a great answer and I find it really interesting that you have a similar answer to March's hot genius of the month, sakuna, yeah right, and where she said something very similar to that.

Speaker 1:

Um, and I think it's just so amazing to hear how one word can mean or two words in this case. Well, a phrase can mean so many different things to two different people, but at the same time, the spirit of it is the same, if you get what I mean. Yeah, yeah, because if you were to ask me, you know what I, what that means to me. Well, it's two things. It's. I want it to mean whatever it means to you. I want it to be a symbol for you plural, but I want it to be a symbol for someone's, I guess, embodiment of their truest self.

Speaker 1:

I don't say best self, I say truest self. Self, because I don't think our highest self, or the hot genius self, so to speak, needs to be the best. It just needs to be the realest you, yeah, the realest part of us. You know it's kind of flawed, yeah, it's sort of flawed, and I think that's really beautiful. But the second or the main meaning that I have towards it and I would that I think that's really beautiful. Um, but the, the second or the main meaning that I have towards it and I would love to hear your thoughts. So I wanted to tell you it because I did this. I did this, uh, with Sukuna as our last month um, and I wanted you to add to what I'm about to say regarding, I guess, the original intent um of why I birthed that phrase.

Speaker 1:

And so if you separate the two words hot and then genius, right, hot implying what you always hear, meaning sexy and just being beautiful and all the things, and then you look at the second part of the word, genius, you know people think genius on its own, they think smart and Albert Einstein and, yeah, the things you know. To me, I believe that no one has to choose between being hot physically and just being a flat out awesome person who's living up to their full potential. I think that you get to be both and you should, we should be both, and in saying all of that, I think that a lot of the time outcasts in any way. So that's people who are spiritually gifted, that's people who have really high IQs that they literally cannot connect with other people because they see the world differently. That's us, of someone who is, who has unique interests, or someone who's adhd or autistic, it doesn't matter someone who doesn't fit into what we see as as normal, right. And so I believe that a lot of the time, these quote-unquote weirdos or outcasts are actually geniuses, but they just don't realize it.

Speaker 1:

And when you hear again the stereotype of genius, you don't think hot, let's be real, you don't, and that's what I'm trying to say. The short answer is that hot geniuses original intent was to actually show the truth of what it means to to be unique, and that you get to physically own that through your you know the feminine part of us, the sexy hotness, as well as our brains or our spiritual gifts. So I know that was really long, but what do you have to add to that? What's coming through to you? If you wanted to add on the yeah, that meaning yeah, I think like it's like for me, like what's coming to me, it's like I, I agree, um, I think I think it's just because I've been so, um, like I've done so much work and emotional intelligence around what it is like being smart and like you know, and I think I've like woken up to this idea.

Speaker 1:

Like what the fuck does genius even mean? Like for me, genius is like again like someone who, like really owns their um, you know, owns their purpose and owns their, their power. So it's like, yeah, I feel, I feel like it's just, it's more of this thing of um, the honestly I feel like the more you own your genius, the hotter you are like as random as that is like that's. That's kind of like like to add to what you're saying, like that's kind of like what comes to me. I actually find it like like someone physically attractive and like I find it like, yeah, like quite, yeah, I think like the more someone's in their power and they own their genius it doesn't, it's not about being smart or you know like it's just really, yeah, like that's kind of like how I see it. Yeah, no, I love that. That's so true, right, like, the more you're a genius, the hotter you literally get. Yeah, I was pissing myself because it's reminding me of the conversation we were having yesterday about Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart Tolle, honestly, anyway. So there's that, we'll leave that. No one can know about our secret, anyway.

Speaker 1:

So the next question I have for you is how would you best describe what you do for work? So I know we said that you're a manifestation coach for business owners, but in case for people who actually have no idea what that really entails, yeah, how would you best describe what that is? Yeah, so I, as, like you've said, I am like, I guess, if you go into my bio, I'm a mindset and manifestation coach, primarily for business owners, but I do have offers, like I have a lot of master classes and I do see in the future me creating some programs that just aren't about for business owners. It's like, yeah, so what I primarily do and like what I do in my one-on-one is for those that have businesses. I work on the energetics right, the energetics and the manifestation behind their business. So it's not like so much you know the strategy, although people love to go into like what's my strategy, like what do I need to do, blah, blah, blah, all that sort of stuff, and I'm kind of there to help them apply the energetics to that work.

Speaker 1:

Now, a huge part a huge part because a lot of clients like when they come, it's like they're not new to manifestation, they believe in manifestation and I know, like you know, just from the content that I create, that you know someone coming into my world isn't needing to understand, like, what does manifest? How does manifestation work. They've got an understanding. So a bulk of what I do is actually helping people through their limiting beliefs, their doubt, their fear and like I feel like that's like I can't even put into words the work that actually gets done in this space. It's like we really break down the parts of you that are in resistance towards your dream business, right, and like for some people that's really working on their mindset around money not even mindset, but they're like they're deep trauma and fears, um, that they have with money. And then we like apply, like the energetics of the, you know the universal principles to help them like tap into their desire.

Speaker 1:

So I say, like a big part of what I do is helping people clear up all their doubt, their fear and like their overall resistance to what it is that they're trying to create in their business. Yeah, I love that answer as well. I think that it. I think it's one of those things. Tell me, if you agree, where, even if someone was very new to manifestation principles, that just by hearing your explanation I feel as if, at least intuitively, it would make a lot of sense to them. Yeah, and a lot of like, um, a lot of my work, like I'm a huge believer, people buy in energy.

Speaker 1:

So, like people you know, so it's like again, it's like not even so much about like, I guess, like you'd have to have a like a somewhat of an understanding of manifestation, but like, just from reading a post or whatever, you could probably resonate like you, um, subconsciously, would be able to understand that that's something I'm dealing with and that's something I need support in, regardless of like kind of the level you're at as well, like it's kind of like there's a nuance to that conversation as well, because it's like you know, you can't be opposed to the idea of manifestation because, like, our whole work is going to be based around that, that sort of work. But seeing like a piece of content, you'll be very easily able to be like, oh, that, like I can relate to that. That's something I'm dealing with. Um, yeah, so, yeah, the bulk of my work is around, you know, dealing with that. But we focus on, like, client attraction and like money wounds. Yes, yeah, yeah, don't get me started on money wounds, because I have a full-time job clearing that shit out. Yeah, it's a big dedication of mine, yeah, and so question, so, in case someone in the audience relates to what I'm about to say.

Speaker 1:

I would love to hear some advice that you would give them. And so what would you say to someone who had spent years dabbling into the in the work? So, meaning they they've dabbled in personal development, they understand manifestation principles you'd even say that they're obsessed with it. Um, but no matter what they do, they're not really seeing the results. So what advice would you give them? And this is assuming they've been in it, they've been dabbling for like, let's say, 10 years. Yeah, so I'm gonna straight out say that that that person's not dealing with the resistance properly. Um, and it's gonna start with their core beliefs. So, um, you know, if you're someone that's been like dealing like, it really is so subjective, so it depends, like what level of work you've done around that.

Speaker 1:

And I'm like, if you're honestly not seeing any results for your the, the work that you're putting in, I'm going to say there's, you're not actually cleaning, cause the only reason you know you're not seeing the results of something is like kind of like I see two things. It's like you're not dealing with the resistance at a subconscious level deep enough and you're not entangling with that desire enough and, like for some people, entangling with the desire, it like feels uncomfortable and it feels hard, like you know. And they go into, you know, when they think about, like you know, the million dollar version of them. They have so much resistance there or they can't do it. It's like you need to. You know, dealing with the resistance properly, properly will allow them to entangle with the desire, because it's kind of just like the best way to like.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to communicate this in like a really normal way because I'm like I don't know like every person's so subjective, but it's like now, say it the way you would normally speak about it, like to a client, let's say and then I'll, I'll be able to pick out and and get you to unpack the parts where I feel like the audience wants to understand deeper, so to speak, at it as normal, as if they understand. Yes, so honestly, if I had a client come to me and say that you know they've been doing this work for a while but there's no progress there, the first thing I'm going to check in is like what's, what's the relationship you have Like? Whatever it is they're calling in, how do you currently feel it's? It's like that. We need to unpack the beliefs from there. We need to actually start from that work there, like you need to assess how you're currently feeling about that thing to get an indication of what it is that's stopping it from coming in.

Speaker 1:

Do you get what I mean? Cause it's like that that you know like I've been doing this for years is so broad. It's like you would have to start like unpacking that, and that starts with like let's look at your relationship to money, let's look at your relationship to how much you believe in what it is that you're actually attracting, because I, like I said, the only reason someone doesn't have what they want is they're either stopping it from coming to fruition or they're in the process of it manifesting. Yeah, that's the only two frequencies that we are really embodying. You're either in the process of it and it just hasn't happened yet, and it's like building momentum, or you've, you're just really resistance to it. Okay, I love that.

Speaker 1:

I want that to be reiterated. So you're either in the process of it being manifesting or you're in complete resistance to it. Yeah, right, because, like, how manifestation really works, it's just energy building and building a building, right. So when we think like, oh, this is taking for wrong, we're taking for long, then we're pulled back into resistance and we stop the momentum from building right. But if you kept yourself open to receiving with little to no resistance meaning you know, clean up those little distortions. If the energy is just building a, building right and like that's how our entire reality is created right now, it's like everything we're experiencing up until this point, tell me that you haven't been thinking about in your mind day to day, like you know, like, and even like when I've had moments where money like hasn't come in or whatever I'm like, tell me that I didn't build momentum towards that, that reality happening. So it's, it's, yeah, that's kind of the.

Speaker 1:

The deepest truth I know is you're either in the process of something happening or you're stopping it from coming to fruition because of the beliefs and the stories that are going on. Yeah, I hear you and I agree with that completely and so to that. What I have to ask is that, well, I'm putting myself in their shoes because I've actually been in that position before and so I am getting to that headspace of going. Well, I, for example, back then remembered going okay, cool, I hear you, I understand all that theory. It's just that I don't.

Speaker 1:

This is what I would argue right In my mind. I don't think you'd understand that I have really done the work, like I have done everything I can and I've done everything I can to like release resistance. I've done the mindset blocks, I've gone and like there'll be all these things, and I know that a lot of people in the audience can relate to that state. And so what I would want to ask you what I think they'd want to ask, want me to ask you is that what would be the first, first step? Because if you can really imagine for a moment, can you imagine the pain and hopelessness someone would feel after 10 years or something of the damn thing, and have nothing to show for it? That's it. That's harder than someone who just started out, yeah, yeah, because when you just start out, you don't have all this evidence to support how much you suck yet, but 10 years in, you've got a lot of resistance building and, like I said, a lot of people who listen to this show are in that position. They've done the work for so long that they just don't understand this resistance component. So I would love to hear your perspective in how you can support them in going okay, what can they do tangibly like what's? Where do they begin with that?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I'm gonna just like point out, because something you were saying is I'm been trying to do the work and like that already in itself has just kind of said that like that's not manifestation. Like manifestation is not trying to get something, it's who you are and who you embody, like you know. So I, yeah, as soon as like you were saying that, I was like well, that's why it's who you are and who you embody, like you know. So I, yeah, as soon as like you were saying that I was like well, that's why it's not not like whoever like the person online, like that's a right there, you've got your answer as to why it's happening. Because you're actually doing all this work to get something. And what? What energy is that? That's pressure, and what happens is, when we've got pressure, we actually create separation in the quantum field from our manifestation. So we the work there is being able to really like get this person to really firstly understand that doing this work does not equal manifestation.

Speaker 1:

You don't do this work for a result. You do it for the way you live your life right, and everything else is a true, authentic byproduct. Like I don't. I don't do this healing journey, I don't do this personal development so I can get a client or so I can do this. I do this for the quality of my life and, as a result, my manifestations happen right. And another big thing is, like people, um, you know, we have to look at where the pressure is coming from and like, wherever there is pressure, there's a story attached to if I don't get this, this is what it means, blah, blah. But like you know, the the way in which things manifest very quickly is, um, true, authentic desire. That's kind of just like how the universe works, like if you ever had like a thought or a desire to like oh, I want a drink bottle or whatever, and like that's really coming quite easy into your reality and that is truly because there was like a desire, with no resistance there.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to say that we need like two pieces of the work needs to get done. It's like we need to clean up any part of you that is doing this work for a result, because that's I think that alone would be the reason someone's not getting what they want. So we need to detach from any stories that say like this is my line any part of you that is when I get this. This is my line. Any part of you, that is when I get this. This is how I'm going to feel. Or if I don't get this, this equals X, y and Z. So if I don't be a successful business owner, then I failed. Blah, blah, blah. Like when you actually remove those stories and realize that, oh, holy fuck, like the business, the success is actually something I just desire. It's not a need, it's a desire, like actually physically feeling that right, and then people go, oh, but like, this feels like a need and that's where the work is, that's where the work needs to be done. Yeah, yeah, I love that answer and so I just wanted to add to that as well.

Speaker 1:

So I noticed that a lot of people who are attracted to this show and this brand, who are attracted to this show and this brand um, this is also a fun fact as well but people who have the most resistance to any form of manifestation, principles or spirituality, it actually comes believe it or not, this is going to blow your mind from people who have, um, a very high level of the analytical mind. So this could sometimes look like they have a high iq. Um, because what happens is that in the brain, when the the more someone is intellectual which, by the way, doesn't it's not a good or a bad thing I'm speaking about this very like neutrally, right, but the more that an individual's brain is very in their intellect, they're imagining our brain there's like um, like a I don't know a barrier that is in between our conscious mind, our subconscious mind. The barrier is the intellect, and so the more intellectual you are, the chances are, guys, you have high anxiety, right? The second thing is that you're more skeptical, and when you're more skeptical about, I guess, spirituality, because it's completely illogical you're going to have a shitter advantage because of the fact that you are so in your head Because, intellectually speaking, questioning manifestation principles makes sense. It makes sense logically to do that. But that's the biggest mistake, it's also your biggest weakness. And so, just to apply what Nadia was saying, what you were saying is that you got to be aware that you don't do something for the result of it. Cool, that's amazing.

Speaker 1:

I agree with that, um, but as someone who also has like too much in their intellect not, I wasn't enough in my body, right I can vouch for what you're saying because what I had done was I had to completely drop and it sounds weird I dropped my intelligence, intellectually, dropped it. I'm just like I don't know shit. I got to a point where I'm like my ego because that's what it is as well, right like your intellect is where your ego lives, um, and so that's why I'm very careful when I say intelligence, because people always think that that's like a good thing and it's like no, actually, people with high IQs have a lot of suffering because they're they literally cannot access certain parts of their body, like certain parts of their skin. Yeah, and I know that from experience. And so, letting go of your intellect, stop trying, don't realize that you're sometimes being too smart for your own good and true intelligence. The one that you actually want, is spiritual intelligence. It's the shit that you can't see, it's the shit that you can't prove, right, um, and it's your ability to trust in things that you will never fucking prove.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I just wanted to add that as well, only because, um, I know that a lot of people who listen to this show they would probably need that missing, missing link, um of you know they want to, they want to believe you, believe me. I know that they want to believe me, they want to apply what they, what you are saying, but I wanted to vouch that I if you're relating to this, guys, anyone listening to this I was in that position myself. I literally had to drop my ego completely and go. I don don't know shit, I don't care. I've done this for X, y amount of years. I'm going to treat this like. I just studied this today. It's fresh every day and, guys, it changed everything for me. So I want to vouch for what Nadia is saying. Like I couldn't have explained it better than she had.

Speaker 1:

But, yeah, and that is why, like, a big part of the work that I do is ego work, because it's like it is about that and like, believe it or not, like a lot of subconscious rewiring is like it is almost like when your, your, um subconscious is really fighting something. It's like I just genuinely don't like I. It's a belief, it's a solid belief that I have this and it's like in resistance with what it is that you uh wanting to create or what that that you are creating. You know, we, we do have a logical side where it's like sometimes we need to give the subconscious mind evidence of that being true, right and like sometimes that's through other people and sometimes that's through that, and like we work through those stories. But I think, like a huge part for me as well is because I was, I was the same like my brain.

Speaker 1:

It's like I need to see evidence of this, I need it to be true and like a huge portion of that is like having to realize, like what am I kind of gaining from you know, staying where I am, where I'm, like I need all these like these truths and things like that, and I have to, like you said, like there comes a point where it's like if you want to experience fulfillment that you you want and you actually want to, you know, live out your desires, there needs to be a big part of you that has to be willing to challenge the ego and drop the ego and like that's a blank, straight up truth, because it's like you need to understand that the role of the ego is protecting you. It's not going to get you, like you know it's. It's not designed to to bring in like everything you know it's it's not designed to to bring in like everything you want, like you know that's part of the soul and what it's trying to do. But, yeah, like, that's why, like a huge part of what I do is working with the ego and that's amazing and I'm really happy that you do that, because a lot of people miss that step and you know it doesn't make it any easier that, um, you know, higher the ego, the higher the intellect in, yeah, the IQ. You know, again, I'm not saying that as a praise or an insult, it's completely neutral, because the truth is that's why, if you actually look at statistics of people who have really high IQs, the smarter you are, the more depressed you are. That's not random, that's not circumstantial. There's something going on there, you know. And from the spiritual perspective, it's because your ego is so damn big, the bigger your ego, well, there's not enough room for intuition and higher self to come through.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's a really yeah, I get it because, like I worked in corporate, so like I was, you know, I worked in like corporate. So like moving to this like realm of my reality, where it's like we're following in the we're, like we're trusting in the unknown, we're trusting in, we're not trusting in logic anymore and we're going to make these buck off decisions like leaving a corporate job, with having no plan, because that's what like a part of me says, right, and like that's not saying that's what everyone's path is and what they need to do. But it's like I get it Cause it's just like it's uncomfortable as well. But I think the more you practice it and the more you show yourself that you're safe in, you know, not controlling your life, not like all, like you know those little parts the easier it gets as well. Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

And you know, if you're looking at just the word genius, like you know, on its own, subjectively, objectively, for a moment, the actual, true, the word genius, like you know on its own, subjectively, objectively, for a moment, the actual, true definition of genius, the closest we got academically anyway, is the actual balance between high intellect and high intuition. Like, how crazy is that If someone is just smart, like with numbers or like I't know just any anything at all, that's academic and has no self-awareness, has no ability to navigate the unknown, has, doesn't have an open mind? Did you know that, academically speaking from from most of the papers anyway, you're not actually a genius, you're just a smart person, right, and and it's so annoying because there's so many words that become interchangeable and people use it, for you know different meanings and all the things, but what I'm trying to say here is that isn't that funny and also awesome that, like, essentially, that's what you were saying as well. That's what you were saying without maybe even realizing it. Yeah, I think you understood it intuitively as you were speaking, because that's what it. That's what an actual again literal academic. If you look at the papers of the studies of genius, there's about 10 traits, okay, and most of those traits have something to do with emotional intelligence, communication, and I guess you could say and argue that it's intuition as well. So, guys, if you're acting like you know, you're too smart for your own good and you're above spirituality. Just take a moment, take a step back, because if you want to really embody the hot genius inside of you, you have to welcome the masculine and feminine compartments of your intelligence, and believing in the unknown is a form of intelligence. Yes, I think you know.

Speaker 1:

I remember like when I started getting into the manifestation stuff and I started like hacking, you know energy in, not in terms of like you know just more. So like, oh, if I, you know, hold this frequency. Or if I hold this frequency, I'm like, holy fuck, things are manifesting whatever. I'm like I'm a fucking genius. I'm actually a genius. I've created a reality for myself where I can demand money whenever the fuck I want, like you know what I mean, and like obviously, with that like comes things, because there's like resistance and things as well. But it's like when I started really understanding like, oh, this is you know, for example, playing in the frequency of desire, like just fully being in the, the feel, the feeling of I want something is bringing me so much abundance and it's like that's fucking genius, right, and that's not like you know something that I can. You know you can put on an IQ or anything like that you know. So I think, um, yeah, that's I.

Speaker 1:

I love that we're speaking about the word genius because, like, my perception of it's transformed so much over time. Yeah, yeah, exactly me too. And you know, it's crazy because to some degree, we can sort of measure it. Measure it, just not not to the extent that it deserves, because you can go on the other end of the extreme, where there's actually some people who are so intelligent that on the IQ test they will look not intelligent, but they can really like I'll give you a random example um, they could look at a city from a bird's eye view and then for like three seconds and paint it. Just paint it. Yeah, that's wild, you know, there's some savants who do that. There's so many different ways of like different levels and like that's what I'm saying Like we're not all here to have the same, like you know, levels of intelligence. It's like it looks so different for every person, absolutely, um, okay, so that brings me to the next question.

Speaker 1:

So what actually made you fall in love with doing the work that you do? My own journey, my own, yeah, so when I wanted to do a business like this wasn't even when I decided to do a business, when I wanted to start one um, I had so much doubt, like it actually makes me emotional to think about, like the thoughts and the beliefs more so, not even just the thought, because the thought can be just a thought and it doesn't like have energy to it, but the beliefs I had around myself and I had so much fear and doubt and the liberating feeling I have gotten from realizing all of that is, you know, that's all that's crap, right, and it's not true. And the work that I've done to like do. That is like I just want that for everyone else. That's like truly what's kept me going. It's like I want everyone to understand, like, how limitless they are and how, once you've worked through the drama and the self, you know the worthiness wounds towards like getting what you want in life Right and like creating your dream business and all of that sort of stuff. It's like that's that's truly what's kept me going, like that's where my passion lies. It's like thinking about how I felt and who I've become has. Just, I want that for everyone. I want that for my clients. Yeah, that's really sweet.

Speaker 1:

And as much as I know and appreciate the fact that, I think a lot of the time when we figure out and identify something that means a lot to us. It is a bit of an unfolding. It does happen quite gradually. I appreciate that. However, I think that at the exact same time, there is at least one or two, maybe three visceral moments where we literally felt in our body for whatever experience you were having, where you had that knowing where you're like, fuck, I'm so in love with what I do. I want to do this so badly. In saying all that, can you think of a memory where you did have something like a visceral experience where you did know that to be your truth. I feel like to be honest, I'm going to be really honest. I feel it every day in my bones. There doesn't even feel like a particular moment where I'm like oh my god, this is like what he, it's I'm here to do.

Speaker 1:

I think like at the start it didn't probably like when I was navigating my own things. It didn't feel like that because I was in so much doubt and fear. But when I realized, like you know, especially when, like clients are saying like, oh, this has helped me so much, blah, blah, like, or they've received their manifestations, it's like I can't explain it. It feels like in knowing that this is what I'm here to do and I feel that every day my bones like there doesn't, it doesn't. You know how people like um, you know, if I don't, if I start this business or whatever, and if in five years time it doesn't work, like that doesn't even come into my vocabulary. It's like I'll keep going if I'm still in the same position in 10 years time and that. That's like.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, like I feel like that's just like the depths of the soul, like and what I'm here to do and like that's. I truly, truly, truly believe that this is like what I'm here to do and like, look, that might change in the capacity I do it in, but in some way, shape or form, I'm here to to, to help people and like, right now, like this is the work that I'm doing, to do that, but yeah, it's just like a deep, fucking knowing, like, uh, even if you wanted to shut me up about this work, even if there was a moment where I felt like I wanted to give up, this deep soul feeling of like I can't, it's what I'm here to do, like I hear you, I hear you and I relate to that as well. But I wouldn't be a very good journalist if I didn't dig deeper a little bit more. Because, yeah, yeah, you're alive, nadia.

Speaker 1:

We didn't know what a manifestation coach was, right, like in the words and could you? Are you sure you can't pinpoint? At least, maybe you actually saw a manifestation coach, maybe online, and you felt this feeling in your body. We're just like, oh, my god, like I need to be doing. That was there. Oh, yeah, of course, of course. So, yeah, so. Sorry, I probably didn't understand the depths of that, yeah. So I think when was it? Oh, I think I don't know which particular code. Okay, so I feel like there's two incidences where I was like I fucking want to do this and I want to do it. Good, right, but I think it just like.

Speaker 1:

Actually, the first thing has come from, like seeing how I can't remember the particular master class, like, if I'm being super honest, but there was a master class where I genuinely thought like I could teach this myself, I could teach this myself and I I'm equally as good and I have the nuggets to do it. But this is when I was in myself doubt and I that was a visceral, it was actually on um, it was the topic was about imposter syndrome, and I was in that, that moment where I was like this is not, it wasn't so much this is what I'm here to do, but it was like this is yeah, like I could do this myself, yeah, and that that urge to, to want to get up and to be honest, like always unmute myself and like run the class. Like that's how I felt in that moment and like that's how you know something's for, like that's how you know something's for you, that's how you know something's for you, absolutely. And so when? When was that? Can you remember? A year and a half ago, two years. Yeah, I had COVID. I was sick and I was still willing to get up there. I was in the middle of COVID. I was like I, like it was. It's like this urge to be like I could do this myself. That's it myself. I have the like, the, the experience, the knowledge, but I was just, I was just too much in there who would join and who, you know, who's going to sign up, and I was too busy entertaining that. But, deep down, what's kept me going is that, that burning desire. Yeah, that's awesome and that's the juice that we're looking for, you know.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, I think I misunderstood like the depths of that question. I think people do, because it's a very broad question. Let's be real, and a lot of the time when that same question is asked, the way that you answered it is usually the expected version, whereas I really really took it literally, like I wanted a literal answer to you and your body, where you just went, like it wasn't even your mind anymore taking charge of who your body was communicating to you. Um, I think that that's very. I think it's very valuable to hear people's visceral moments of when they knew something or when their higher self was communicating to them, because no one fucking talks about it, yeah, and so people who want to do it they don't have anything to reference. They just kind of see it the way social media has portrayed it, which is like, oh, is this a smooth sale? And it just came as a little package you know I bought it on eBay Like it's not that right, we can't go and buy our higher selves. You know I bought it on eBay. Like, yeah, it's not that right, we can't go and buy our higher selves. You know wisdom on eBay. But I feel like everyone makes it out like that's what's going on, and so hearing how you were able to communicate with yourself on a deep level, I have a feeling is going to be really, really, I guess, inspiring to to the audience of hot genius. Yeah, now that we're even talking about that, every single person has a moment where, yeah, some people's um moments are like a build-up of moment. I feel like everyone's is.

Speaker 1:

Actually, even before I even had my spiritual awakening, my like my life was building me up to this, like even when I the type of work I did in my HR was very much like in learning and development. It was like creating courses and things like that and I fucking hated doing it like in that sense. But then I like started. It's like kind of just like, it's not. Yeah, it's like everyone has that visceral moment where it's like the the lead up has been to like, oh, this is what I want to do, yeah, this is what I'm here to do. Yeah, I agree, um, okay.

Speaker 1:

So my next question I've gone through the easy ones. I'll be deeper. Um, and so have you ever, or still, feel either lonely or outcasted, being so unique? So for me, I have been super yes and no. So I have been like super lucky. So I had, when I had my spiritual awakening, my my best friend kind of had hers and I kind of went along with her. So I've always had someone in my and we used to run a podcast together. Her name's Shalee Um, but I've always had her in my corner through this.

Speaker 1:

So I've never felt the depths of like doing this work alone, right, but that doesn't mean that other people in my life like they haven't, whilst other people in my life, including my partner, haven't understood it, I have always had a sounding ground. I'm like so grateful that for that um. So in that sense, like no, I like, for the most part of like this spiritual journey, no, but I'm gonna say the the moments that I have felt lonely, not because of my uniqueness, it's more so from yeah, not so much like from who I am. Like I feel like I've had someone to be like kind of almost valid not validate but like support me and who I am and like love me for who I am and like what I'm here to do, and you know, go through that journey with. But I will say, like, support me in who I am and like love me for who I am and like what I'm here to do and you know, go through that journey with.

Speaker 1:

But I will say, like not in regards to my uniqueness, but I have felt super alone when I've gone through my health anxiety. Like that's a moment I can think of where I genuinely felt alone, because it's like that felt like a really dark moment where I just felt like a lot of people couldn't understand what I was feeling, and like I don't want to give that power as well, because a fear is a fear at the end of the day and like I'm not giving power, but like I just have those moments from back. When I was going through it, I felt pretty outcast and I felt like a lot of people in my life were just thinking I was mad. Um, but yeah, I, from the uniqueness of who I am, like, like I said, I've been, I've been pretty lucky. Yeah, no, that's amazing and I'm happy for you. This is a a good thing, cause it is quite uncommon for in any way to not feel lonely Very, very rare. Um.

Speaker 1:

As for the health anxiety, as you already know, like as I've told you about, like just when we're chatting, you're the first person I've ever met who had health anxiety the way I did because I felt so alone. You know, no one understands it. People think that you're just exaggerating, you're a soup or I don't know. They have their own opinion, understandably, because it's invisible, right, but I thought it was very interesting that I wanted to point out as well I did mention earlier that unfortunately, people don't realize this because people think that IQ or intelligence, is all about being good in school and all these things.

Speaker 1:

And I'm trying to raise awareness and break the taboo-ness of it, because I think that we should be able to talk about it neutrally, right, but high anxiety, anxiety, high intellect, it's not. Yeah, this is not a random thing. And so I think that, although because I would google all the fucking answers and the more I knew, the more well, say that last part again yeah, I would google all the answers and I almost, like when I was going through the really deepness of it a couple of years ago, it's like the more I knew, the worse I felt, because I yeah, because I would know all the symptoms of every fucking illness. You had the awareness of all the possibilities. Yeah, right, and it's not, again, about praising anyone who's more intellectual than someone. That's not about that. So fucking neutral, like I can't stress that enough.

Speaker 1:

But at the end of the day, it is the dark side of having a high intellect, um, which is why I don't call this show the hot intelligence show. It's a hot show because of the fact that, to be a genius, you are owning both sides, because what happens when you're just intelligent and you don't have anything else going for you is you're just miserable and you're not a genius, and you're definitely not feeling very hot. And, unfortunately, one of the ways that that can express itself is through going through certain conditions or anxiety, experiences, certain phobias. It can express itself in so many different ways, um, and it's just one of those things where it's like, if you can be aware and like, tell me your opinion. But if we can be more aware and own our intellect, as opposed to kind of falling into the tall poppy syndrome vibes, right, um, if you can just own that, you do see the world in a different way. You see it, you see a lot more possibility than maybe your neighbor.

Speaker 1:

That that's okay, but at the same time, the the dark side of that can result in it kind of being, I guess, excessive, that it manifests itself into like health, anxiety, or yeah, or yeah, I think like, yeah, I think the realm of like, because everything in this universe is like the realm of possibility, right, because everything and every anything can exist. Like you think about it, it will exist, right, I think that can you know, whilst it has its benefit, because it's like, well, that means my desire is a possibility of happening, right, um, but that also can really scare people because it's like, yeah, and I think the point of that is, um, yeah, to kind of yeah, I agree with what you're saying because it's like, yeah, I think it's the concept of the pos, it's the concept of being in possibility that really scares people. Yeah, absolutely. And and I guess that's also really you know, I guess intertwining what we were saying earlier, where with the advice that you're giving to the hypothetical audience listener, um, about you know doing the ego work and just admitting that you know you're in resistance, and then how I was adding to it, like I could vouch for what you're saying, because the day that I dropped my intelligence, intellectually, I'm like I don't know shit. I know so much and I know I don't know shit, like I'm dropping um, completely, not only did I become a master manifester, like seriously, but I also found so much peace and I became my, the real version of me, and I guess you could say that I embodied my version of a hot genius. You know it all intertwines. Do you know what I mean like manifestation? You know as well as um, the way we perceive ourselves and our intelligence, because it's so facitated. It's not this one layer that most people think it is, you know. So, yeah, thanks for sharing that. I know it's very like vulnerable sometimes, but yeah, like I think it's really awesome, as you were saying, that you had your best friend in your corner. Shout out to your bestie. That's cool because, like I said, it's very uncommon for people to have that. I know, I didn't have that can't relate at all.

Speaker 1:

But underneath all of that, when you actually get to a point where it's beyond the work, okay, so just ignore the work for a moment, ignore even the work that you do professionally. When you just kind of look at yourself objectively for a moment and you were to, I guess, not compare in a bad way, just literally for perspective, were to compare yourself, just the way that you see the world, your open-mindedness, your, your ability to just, uh, be intuitive or whatever it is that you see within yourself objectively, compare that version of you with society itself. If you were to look from that bird's eye view and you were to observe yourself, do you see any other layers or levels of a sense of not loneliness where you feel like you're fully depressed about it? But is there some sort of a yeah, like feeling of rejection or outcastedness or oh, like why can't people just get me, or why can't I just fit in, or whatever? Is something like that? Is that something at all. If I'm being super honest. No, the reason why is because I've this is I've done so much work on that. Okay, that was like the huge part of my healing. At the start of it was like how I was perceived by others and how like I was upset, like it was like this addiction to how people saw me and like I can say like, look, there are going to be moments I'm going to be honest, where it's not so much like I feel lonely or outcasted, but it's more like if I've had a client, like an experience where you know, not that I haven't had an experience where a client has like full disagreed or like wanted a refund. I haven't had that experience and I know if I did, I'd be able to hold myself through that. But like there has been moments where someone's perception of me in terms of a client relationship has triggered me. You know what I mean. Like a while ago, it has triggered me, so like, and I've done more work around that, but from a bird's eye view, from more of that like lens, no, because I've done like so much work and understanding that. Like yeah, that's amazing and, honestly, like if you were to ask me that same question, I'd have the same answer, because today, because of the work.

Speaker 1:

So let me rephrase that, prior to doing the work, was that something you felt? Oh, absolutely, I always felt like an outsider. I was told that I was too much or, um, you know, they were, you know, and a lot of that was my ego as well and how I was perceiving that. You know like and that's a whole different conversation that's all about emotional intelligence and like that's what I mean by I've done the work around that. But, yeah, like, growing up, um, definitely felt like an outsider, an outcast, and that's why I'm like such an advocate for doing this work, cause it's like that's gotten me to understand where, where have I won, um, you know, kind of being the person that's created a little bit of that in my relationships and I've taken things the wrong way and like you know, and then the other part to that is like, um, understanding, like, just because I'm different, it doesn't mean that it's a bad thing. Yes, right, people are going to be magnetized to me and, you know, friendships, clients, all of that they're going to love me for who I am and like what I'm here to do and like what I, yeah, so, absolutely Before, before this work. Yeah, yeah, I should be more specific, but yeah, that's me, like, I think that you know, like I said I would have today, me today after the work.

Speaker 1:

Yes, absolutely, I love my uniqueness. I'm quite neutral about it. I can obviously sleep and I'm quite different to like society, you know. Yeah, we are. There's no emotion to it, like it's just like cool. There's no emotion to it, yeah, like it's neutral.

Speaker 1:

But when I were, if I were to reflect on prior to the work, oh my God, it was my entire identity, right, personality, and I think as well that it's so important to have these conversations. Let me know if you agree, because, well, somewhere someone out there is in the before the work situation age. Yeah, right, and hearing people say, oh no, I feel great, everything's perfect. That's what we usually get, which is great, it's amazing, but it's a picture, right, and so I hope that hearing Nadia's experience of where she was to where she is right now including my own as well, that's extra evidence can give you guys some some hope that there's actually a way to be completely owning who you are, whilst remaining neutral about the fact that you might literally be different. Yeah, in that, you know and the work isn't.

Speaker 1:

Uh, you know, if you are feeling different or you are feeling like a little bit outcasted, it's because you, you're meant to right and like the moment you do the work to embrace, like your who you are here to be and like you'll put. You know, something I used to do at the start was like, whenever I get like made front of for, like you know, being loud or talking a lot or whatever, it's like I would try, like I genuinely had these feelings of trying to fix it, like I had something wrong with me, like, oh, I was annoying, and then the freedom really came from, like I can't, like I'm not going to change that about myself, like that's who I am and like that that feels, you know, that feels more authentic to be able to be like this is just who I am, you know and own that Right. So it's like, yeah, it's like it can feel really uncomfortable, but don't go into the pattern of feeling like if you're feeling different, there's something wrong with you. It's more about you feel that way because you haven't accepted who you are. And when you do, your reality will change. The people you attract will change, people will see you differently, and it's not about people seeing you differently. It's about internally changing how you feel about yourself, and your reality will get reflected back to you. I couldn't agree more, and it's like you know, for me, though, on my in my personal opinion, like regarding my own self, like I've just personally see things where it's like I'm to be real with you and to all the listeners out there like I still have my moments where I feel very different and I genuinely feel lonely.

Speaker 1:

Um, but it's, it's different. It's not like I feel lonely and, oh my God, like I defy my whole worth over it. There's something wrong with me. It's not like that. It's just me literally just owning and accepting the fact that I'm human and in certain environments I'm going to feel fucking lonely and it's like there's no meaning, like it. Just it's a fact and I see it factually, if you know what I mean. Like I don't doesn't eat me alive yeah, that's what it is. It's like there's yeah, I get you. It's like it doesn't eat you alive because you know the truth. Yeah, but there's yeah, I get you. It's like it doesn't eat you alive because you know the truth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but there's an acknowledgement of like life is not supposed to be perfect. That just because I feel lonely or I feel a bit outcasted with these certain people, or I still struggle with X, y and Z, it doesn't mean that I haven't done the work. It means I've done the work so fucking good that, even in amongst human pain, I'm completely in control and I still love myself. Yeah, I think I don't know, that's just my opinion. I think that's fucking power, that is power Absolutely, as opposed to waiting for you or you plural to not have certain levels of pain. I think that's yeah.

Speaker 1:

To be honest, I think the best art and the best love comes from our ability to embrace, yeah, parts of us that sometimes hurt, you know, I agree, yeah, and so the next question I wanted to ask you is okay, I love this question. So what is something you wish more people asked about you? And I would love for you to answer that question. So what's something you wish people asked more about you? Not professionally, just you as a like, personally as a person, yeah, more so, more than asked about me, I would like, like, can I have it as a general thing that I wish more people asked me? Yeah, yeah, that's what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I wish more people asked me about where to start when it comes to their relationship with money. To be honest, okay, that makes sense. What I'm saying, like it's not about me, but it's like asking to me, yeah, yeah. So, in general, I wish more people had awareness of, like their current relationship to how they're manifesting money, because the the reason why is because money is, um, it's a massive part of who we are and it's a massive part of, um, people's anxiety around life. Right, it's this money and illness and death like they're pretty up there with, like court, like one of the things that cause the most high anxiety. Right, not for everyone, but like for for people. Right, because it's this thing that it's tied to our survival. So I wish more people would ask how they go about help, like improving their relationship to money, or where to even start with like changing their anxiety and their need for safety with money. All right, I love that.

Speaker 1:

So if someone was to ask you that, what would you say? They'd have to start with their beliefs. Okay, I have to get really honest with what they actually believe about money. That's what's manifesting, yeah, that's what they're feeding energy. So it has to be getting super honest about kind of like. It's like, the way I see it, it's like you're in a relationship with, like your partner and you kind of drop down all the things that trigger you, blah, blah, blah. It's the same concept with money, because it's like you're in a current relationship with money, everyone is, and it's like and you need to firstly identify what beliefs are, whether that's like I believe money runs out, because that that is the underlying currency of what you're creating energy, right. So it's like it's. You know, some people they'll go to the shops and they get triggered by spending, right, and it's like it's not the spending that's doing that, it's the underlying belief that you think it's not going to come back, or that it runs out, right. So then you're saying so that's where we're going to unpack, that's that's where every single person needs to start. Yes, yeah, I agree with you. Actually, it's very true, people want to skip to the end. I know I'm guilty of that a lot, but you want to skip to the end and not actually deal with the stuff underneath the iceberg, you know, and I guess, yeah, yeah, about what's actually really going on, what's causing this thing that we see in the subconscious mind, because that's what they're actually manifesting with. That's what's creating their current reality with money. So we need to be able to unpack that first. Yes, absolutely, um, and I love that. That's a really good thing.

Speaker 1:

Ask, I think it was very useful as well for anyone listening. But if you, if it was to be about you personally, I'll give you an example of someone. If you know, someone was like if you, yeah, what, what do you wish people asked you more about you as a person? That's what I was thinking. Yeah, I'll just give an example for me. Like this is. This is honestly, if I'm being real with you like, this is what I wish people asked me. I wish people asked me. Could you tell me what it's like to be autistic straight up, like when even just saying that out loud, like it's like a feeling of oh, like fuck, like I really do wish people asked me about this, and it doesn't have to be, you know, I guess, as big or as taboo as as whatever. It could even just be about your favorite ice cream.

Speaker 1:

Um, but what is something about you that you wish more people in your personal life asked you about you? I feel I wish more people asked me about my like, see, this is the thing it keeps going back to about. Yeah, it's like a kind of it's like depends what you identify with. So it's like I get that. Yeah, I'm just thinking like maybe this one counts as well. I genuinely wish more people asked me about the journey that I've gone on over the last. Is that does that make? Yeah, like, does that make sense? So I wish people would ask something about me. It's like you know a lot of people like they hear about manifestation and things like that, but I'm like I wish more people would ask about the work that goes behind that and the journey that that's taken to get to to this point. In other words, you wish people, yeah, like were curious enough to want to know how you even became who you are today. Yeah, exactly Not this thing that you just click your fingers and it just came to you.

Speaker 1:

You fucking worked your ass off to become the woman that you are and to become the coach that you are, because then they can see what the you know if I don't know. It kind of gives me this idea. Like you know, people get into these realms and they get into business and things like that and they're surprised that, oh my God, wounds come up, shadows come up. They're like surprised, and it's like, yeah, like just like, whilst desire, and like things don't have to be difficult, they don't. But like they're surprised when, like lessons come up in the journey and they test it not even tested, but like they're initiated into you know a different way of being. And like when things feel uncomfortable, it's like, yeah, it's just like.

Speaker 1:

I wish you would ask those questions more, because then you'd have a deeper understanding of what it means to be all in with something. Yeah, it's to be all in with your desire and your business and your life and your goal, and like who you want to become, and it will stop shocking you and things like that come up that feel uncomfortable, and you'll be able to navigate that a little bit easier. I agree and I feel like tell me, if you agree, that the people who probably should ask that question to you are the same people who might potentially project onto you Absolutely Right. It's the people that are like this has been so hard, I've been doing this for so long. It's like blah, blah, blah and like there's nothing wrong with those feelings come up, because sometimes they come up for me too.

Speaker 1:

I'm not perfect and it's not about those thoughts coming up. Come up for me too. I'm not perfect and it's not about those thoughts coming up, but it's, it's, it's the it's when you don't have a, a better understanding of, I guess, the entrepreneurial journey. Because, like, I feel like there's the entrepreneurial journey and there's like the spiritual journey, because I feel like the entrepreneurship is like it's a, it's like another ballgame, it's like it's another level of resilience, because you can go through this spiritual awakening and, like, go through really uncomfortable things in life, but, like the entrepreneur one in itself, you need a lot of resilience. Yeah, I feel like it's the human side of it. Yeah, right, you've got the spiritual side of it, and then entrepreneurship is literally like can't be human. Yeah, if you're not humaning properly, it's really going to show up in your business, like, yeah, I hear you. That's really a good answer, very interesting answer.

Speaker 1:

And so and I didn't realize, because we're just so chatty, aren't we? It's been an hour and 10 minutes since we've been on the podcast. I can honestly speak to you forever. We sort of speak all the time, but anyway, um, and so we did have a lot more questions in, but I'm just going to actually tell you the questions I had remaining and I want you to choose one of them. Okay, does that sound fun? Yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

So the questions I had left was the first one was what would you say were the top three things you experienced that guided you into the work you do today? I feel like we already answered that. Yeah, we've done that. So, yeah, the other questions were what was the best $50 you ever spent and why? You know what? Actually, I'm sorry for changing this, but how about we do a speed round? I I ask you the remaining questions and it's just speedy, yeah, okay. Yeah, all right, let's make it a game. All right, fuck it. So what was the best 50 you ever spent and why? Or under 50, 50 or under? Yeah, so I decided this I thrift shopping. Through what thrift shopping shopping, that experience showed sorry, if you can hear the noise outside. Okay, so that experience. So I'm not like a huge they're going to be really quick, but I'm not like I've never been like someone into thrift.

Speaker 1:

Um, you know, like going to like a vinyls store or anything like that, but like my best friend took me and it really opened up my eyes to a different way of looking at abundance, because for a while, it was like, you know, abundance is in more money, right, and for me, that experience in itself was like, look at how much. Like this is truly abundance. It's not about the dollar figure, like this is what abundance means, and like that, just it's. It's because of the, the codes I gained from that experience. It's like it's you know, and I'm a big person it's like it's not about like whether you spend it on that or that, right, it's, you know, and I'm a big person. It's like it's not about like whether you spend it on that or that, right, it's, just it's. Abundance is abundance. And that was like good codes came from that experience. Oh, I love that, all right.

Speaker 1:

Next question is 10 years from now, what are you looking forward to achieving or becoming? I would see myself running. I honestly see myself doing the same thing running an online business. Like what that specifically looks like, I don't know, it would just be on a larger scale with more impact. I see myself doing a lot of travel. I see myself extremely like wealthy from a physical perspective, cause, like we're all wealthy. You know, it's not the, it's not the money that makes someone wealthy but, yeah, physically, in that sense, like having a lot of impact. I see myself doing a lot of traveling.

Speaker 1:

I see myself, um, really um, I could see motherhood, oh good, yes, yeah, that's like really where I see I see a lot of commitment to my business. Yeah, my, my children I think like my children that I don't know about, just see like that being a big. So it's current life on steroids. It's like that's exactly right. So like I'm just like thinking about, I'm like this is like the work I've done around getting to my true, authentic desire. It's like I don't actually feel like there is something that I'm just like oh, there's something different I want to achieve just feels like on a larger scale.

Speaker 1:

I feel like when someone has an answer like you do, which, the way I paraphrased it was where you see yourself in 10 years from now, is your current life on steroids. I feel like when someone can answer like that that's my definition of you've won. Yeah, no, you've literally won. I already feel like I've won. Yeah, that's what I mean. Like I don't even know, that is what I'm trying to say. Like you haven't gone out of your way to say hi, christina, like do you know what I mean it's like, but I can just see it just by you going oh, this life steroids. It's like that's amazing, like that's the dream. So that's very inspiring. Thank you for sharing that, um.

Speaker 1:

Next question is do you consider yourself as either spiritually, intellectually or artistically gifted? All three, oh yeah, I think all three, because I a lot of the work I do, right, like, is connecting to spirituality. It's like a huge part of like manifestation is spirituality. But then the intellectual side is like unpacking the ego and understanding, like actually applying logic, like, like I said, like sometimes, you know, forming new beliefs requires you to build evidence and have a little bit of logic and, you know, to ease the nervous system, to, to, to rewire the subconscious mind. But then I also see my business as um you know, is my, it's my art, it's my creativity and like that's the way, like, like it's like there's so much creativity in my business. It's like it's literally my own creation, like everything I'm doing is my, it's a create, like creative through my desires and like what I actually want to do and how I do it. So I feel like all three are so entangled.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I agree completely and just. I know I said speedy, but I just wanted to add in, um, that, yeah, I agree with the creative part, absolutely, um, but just for the, the listeners who are actually when artistic and taking that word literally in terms of the art, yeah, that's what I thought. Yeah, dancing or writing, like whatever, is there something that you feel like in that arena you are, just when I say, gifted, like you, you feel like you could do it with your eyes closed or you really want to. My storytelling, ooh, yeah, my storytelling, and that's actually something I want to do more of, like in my business and my posts, and like I do a lot of that in my emails, but it's the stories I want to share. I love, love, love that. Ooh, I just learned something. Love that, love, love that. Oh, I just learned something. Love that, okay.

Speaker 1:

So the next question is what's your overall life's philosophy? If, if, yeah, this is always one of mine. If you can't be grateful now for what you have, you won't be grateful tomorrow. Like it's, it's the truest thing I've ever fucking known in my life. Like, if you cannot find gratitude and now, you won't find it in the fucking million dollars that you, it's not, it's not about the money. It's like it's, it's truly your perception. It's, yeah, like this. I'll just leave it there because it's not much more like you get it. You get the point. I embody the point. I've been trying, I've been embodying that point for 10 years and feel like I still haven't fully gotten there. But it's just one of those things that for me, it's like I gotta just really wear that shit in. Yeah, yeah, so all right. The next question? Uh, oh, this is the last question ish, um.

Speaker 1:

So if you could send a message that was guaranteed to reach 8 billion people, what would that one message be? This is something I always say I'll live by, I live by. I know it's my truth. So this is for anyone who has like a big dream or, you know, wants to go down the realms of like a business and things like that. It's honestly what I know for sure you do not like the quote is you never need to know how, you just need to know what will happen. That's all it is. That's all If you can let go of how you think, because that's what stops a lot of people. They don't realize it, but it's like the overwhelming feeling and the doubt is actually coming from. I just don't see how this was going to happen. And if you can really get good at not knowing how something is going to happen and just like be in this present moment with that thing is going to happen and just like be in this present moment with that and you just know that it will, god, watch miracles like happen. Oh, I love that. Um, thank you for that answer, and so the two last questions that I ask everyone at the end is what I plan to going forward as well.

Speaker 1:

Um is number one out of this whole podcast interview. What was your favorite point or favorite part of it? Honestly, when we got delved into the um, the, what was it what we were saying? I feel like all of it, like the whole, like I think all of it like is a compounding effect. I think the I forgot in which what we were talking about, but like I was like, really lit up, we were talking about it for ages. It was the part, the question, in which you asked me about oh, um, where, what would you do if someone started like they were feeling like they were doing this for 10 years? Because I'm like, I really felt like I got to speak my truth on that because it's like once I understand that that's something that people have experienced, it's like I got to speak on, like how I would approach that and like the truth, right, I love that. See, I wouldn't have picked that up like that's why I love this question.

Speaker 1:

I want to know, as you know as a hot genius of the month, like, what did you enjoy from it? Like what was your favorite point? And yeah, and it was crazy, it, it was the favourite part that you had during this podcast interview was the question that I didn't plan on asking. Yeah, wow, there you go, of course, all right, amazing. Last question Okay, so the tradition that I'm starting, or continuing? We're in April. So April, may, may is Hot Genius of the Month.

Speaker 1:

I want you to ask he or she a question that I will be asking them. What would that question be? It could be anything. So the person who was in last month asked this 8 billion people question no, because last month was supposed to be a profile piece and that interview that I actually posted as a podcast was not supposed to go public, so I didn't get a chance to do that, so you're the first who's going to start it going. Oh crap. That would be good. Can I just have a moment thinking about it? Yeah, I know we've got like speed it up, but the question I want to ask them Take your time, because this is going to be juicy.

Speaker 1:

Make it good, make it good, hmm, good, make it good. So it's going to be something about their dreams. It's just the message I love to send. Make sure it's different to what I asked you and because I'm probably gonna ask them too so make it like really juicy, because if it's really like awkward for them, I get to blame you. Oh, my god, this is so hard. I'll give you some ideas. I'll give you some ideas and then maybe that will spark something. So now you're a responder like I am. Yeah, I am, I am okay.

Speaker 1:

So a question could be um, if your, if your current life just went away, what like, how would you start it from scratch? Yeah, just to give you something to play with. I felt like something came through to you when I was asking. Yeah, it did, but it was nothing along those lines. It's super random. Oh, it's fine, I'm tuned. Just make it random. It's so random. I really like this game forward. It was like that thing.

Speaker 1:

I just had this flash with me one time in an interview and they asked me, like if I was stranded on an island, what are three things that I'm taking with me? With me, like, yeah, because I completely got too excited, didn't hear you, but I remember the first part go, if you were stuck on an island. What are the three items you would bring with you, and why, and why you always have to answer, and why I can't wait to ask this for May's happiness of the month. Okay, thank you so much, nadia. I absolutely have loved, loved, loved this interview in this podcast, um, this collaboration, and so if the listeners want to get to know you further, learn more about your work, first of all, how do they find you? How do they? Yeah, how do they find you? Yeah, so I'm predominantly on Instagram and I, yeah, so Nadia Ghali on Instagram, I'll type in the show notes, guys. So if you have a look at the bottom of the episode and the show notes, you'll have all the links that you need. Um, and also Nadia's doing something really cool, um, and so she does one-on-one coaching and, just for the the listeners through this episode, if you dm her hot genius on Instagram, she'll know that you're interested in working one-on-one with her because she's going to offer us a discount, and so do you want to share a little bit about this package and the discount?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I currently, so for this it's more of a like on the longer term packages. So I currently have a, which is because the two days of coaching that I do. So I'll just explain my offers. So at the moment, like a big portion of how people can work with me is my one-on-one coaching right, and this is really tailored to the entrepreneur who's ready to kind of like work through the doubt and the fear and all that resistance that's been building up and they just like need kind of a mindset coach to help them and support them.

Speaker 1:

And I have a two-day Voxer special. So this is really good if you want to get into just like getting a feel of what coaching is like. So that's like $250 that you can do. Otherwise, we're offering the discount on my longer-term packages. So you can get like a one-month intensive for $1,888 and there will be a discount. That that's it's full price, and you'll be able to get a discount as well as the the three month container, which is $4,888 as well. So there'll be discounts applied to those two. Original price is $1,088.

Speaker 1:

What's the discount for the hot geniuses? Um, it's five percent discount. I don't know what. That is right, okay, that's okay. Um, that's 50 something dollars, I think. So that's awesome. Thank you so much for that gift. We feel very special and, guys, I really recommend that. If you're in business and you're looking for someone who has the expertise in both the business side of things as well as the energetic blocks, someone who's embodied in their work, I highly recommend and I'm putting my money with where my mouth is, because I've actually hired nadia as well to help me out with my business so I can get deeper into my energetics, okay, and so I really, really, really recommend it if you feel like you're ready to go all in, because, let's be real, podcasts aren't going to get you implementing shit. Guys, we're just here, all right. We're here for the fun, all right. Nadia, so much love, I had so much fun today and.

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