The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting

💅 The bad b*ch mindset

December 23, 2023 • Christina Modaffari • Season 2 • Episode 17

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Here's the vibe: Imagining you having your brain upgrade as you're listening to this episode, and all you have to do is sit back and listen ;)

Welcome to the last episode of 2023!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode of the Hot Genius Podcast. I hope you are enjoying your holiday break. It is Christmas Eve today and I will be dropping this today live or not live, but like straight after this and so today's episode is something that is going to rock your world, and you are going to be either one of two people either the mindset that I'm about to share with you today. You already have this mindset, or you've never heard of this mindset. It's literally one or the other, and if you were the first one, you already have this mindset, let's say, and you don't know what it is yet, but you'll know about it soon. Well, this episode is going to 10X your belief in this mindset and you are going to reinforce the depth of how much you believe this, and it's going to provide you with extra results in your life, because it's one thing to have a mindset and it's another thing for that mindset to actually like, do something in our lives. You know what I mean. So that's that the second kind of person who's listening to this has never heard of this, and your mind is going to be born, and I want to quickly tell you why. When we learn something, it is not enough for it to create actual results in our lives, because the way the brain operates is that it needs to assign meaning towards the thing that we learned, and if it doesn't assign meaning towards it, then it really struggles to turn that theory, you could say, into application. And so let's get into it. We're going to discuss three mindsets, but they do most definitely like interconnect, and so that mindset is no one's coming to save me. That's the first one, and so what that means is that when you have the mindset that no one's coming to save me, that means that you are in complete control over your life. You know, I created an Instagram post on my personal Instagram, and if you're not already following me, what are you doing? It's at Christina Modifari. That's my Instagram handle. And also, if you want to follow Hot Genius Society, same goes at Hot Genius Society, anyway, and it's that the post that I created was called the mindset that turned my depressed brain into a happy one, and so no one's coming to save me. That mindset.

Speaker 1:

Don't underestimate the power of words, but remember, like I was saying to you at the beginning of this, there are words, there is the theory, but we need to assign meaning so that that theory can turn into long term memory and physical application. We want it to hit that unconscious, unconscious level of us, and so that's what this episode is for it's going to truly help propel you, either propel you into that theory, you could say, and for it to turn into application and embodiment, or this is something that's going to, in general, rock your world nonetheless, because you're still going to get the meaning, you're still going to get the benefits of just having this knowledge as you, if you're new here, you're going to know a lot about the way that we operate here, the way I operate, and it's that it's not enough for me to just tell you. I want to show you, I want you to experience these words. Do you know what I mean? It's not just enough to hear things anymore, and so every time I invite you to do something, I just do it, like while you're listening. It doesn't take any effort and it will actually create a result. And if you're a loyal listener hi, thank you for always being here. I appreciate your support more than you know. This show wouldn't exist without you listening to it. So thank you.

Speaker 1:

But, as I was saying, right, it's like the mindset again that turned my depressed brain into a happy one. And I need to be clear that when I say depressed brain, we are talking clinical depression, okay, major depressive disorder, like I spent the first 25, these are my voice, excuse me. I spent the first 25 years of my life pretty much clinically depressed and for five of those years so from age 20 to 25, I would actually recover and then relapse, recover, then relapse, recover then relapse, and it was a never ending cycle, you know. But after about 25, more or less, it stopped being a cycle and it was, and the only difference it was between me recovering and then literally going backwards every single time. Well, there were many things, but this was the core, this was the foundation that created long-term, sustainable change, and I've wanted to record this episode for so long.

Speaker 1:

But again, if you aren't new here and you know me well by now, you know that I don't like sharing things until I have at least anecdotal proof right, at least my own in my body conviction, because I just don't want to say something and find out months later on. It's like shit that wasn't accurate. So I waited patiently for a little over three years, or just under three years, before I could share this. So this is really exciting for me because this has the power to transform your life. And just so be clear, you don't have to have a depressed brain for this mindset to help you. No-transcript is so powerful that you could have a depressed mind and it would still benefit you, but if you have a pretty good mind and you're pretty happy in your life, this will just 10X it. This will just make you a mental athlete, you know, and obviously this is no replacement for professional medical support.

Speaker 1:

This is just me sharing my experience of the mindset that I personally use that quite literally changed my mind, changed my life as well, and I'm gonna share the science behind it and all the things that we can get excited about, right? So, as we were saying, the mindset of no one's coming to save me, how we were talking about that means, then, that when you have this mindset, you are in complete control of your life. So let me share with you the meaning. Why is this even important in the first place? And so the reason for that is because let's say that when you were younger okay, the way the brain works is that if you don't go out of your way to tell your body to communicate to your nervous system that you are safe or that you are an adult, but predominantly that you are safe.

Speaker 1:

What happens is it's possible that when we are in a stressed state in any way, even if you are 1% stressed, that stress is enough to activate what we can say is the primitive part of us. And when you are stressed I want you to think of it as a really good way to think about the human body is that, once again, when you're stressed, it is sort of like you become more of the animal version of you, you could say. And the animal version of you is where your wounds actually live. So even if you have a wound that's so minor that happened when you were a child you being a little bit stressed as an adult is enough to put you in that state. You can live out of that wound again because your brain is just wanting you to process that situation right and so, going back to no one's coming to save me, what this does is that it actually is a way for you to get mentally and intellectually on board so that you can communicate to your nervous system that you don't have to wait for mom or dad to come and save you. So let's go into this further.

Speaker 1:

When you are a child, it is absolutely normal for you to be quote unquote saved by your parents. It's normal we are supposed to be dependent during our developmental years, right. But if, whatever reason, even if your parents were somewhat emotionally unavailable, if, whatever reason, you never got closure on the most tiniest situation when you're a kid or, let's say, maybe your parents were really hard workers and they weren't able to be around very often all the things then it is very likely that your nervous system, when stressed, is subconsciously waiting for someone to save them. This someone is a parent or a caregiver. And so what this looks like is that when we go unconscious with this and so how this can potentially express itself is that, well, it starts to in a stressed state, and most of the world are actually living in a chronically stressed state is that, instead of waiting for a parent, you could say to save them, they either wait for a random prince charming or princess charming. So it will express itself in a romantic relationship where you have this unconscious belief or instinct you could say, where another partner is gonna save you or solve your problems for you, or feeling the void for you.

Speaker 1:

So there's that, or it starts to express itself in a way where it's sort of your brain, unconsciously, is waiting for just a father figure or a mother figure to come and save you, or to come knock on your door and say, hey, hey, you're worthy, you know, you are enough, you are powerful, you can do whatever you want, go after your dreams, right. And so when we are stressed, we are really prone once again. If you went through anything, it doesn't even matter if it wasn't a big thing in childhood, if your brain didn't get the memo that you were able to be a fully functioning, independent creature with the balance of healthy interdependence, and it's very well possible that your brain, once again, is affected by this phenomenon. So when you have the mindset of no one's coming to save me, it should feel like a sense of awakening, like if you truly say those words and mean them, that it starts to affect you on a visceral level, because it's communicating to the unconscious part of you who is actually waiting for someone to save them, even though on a conscious level you know that no one's coming to save you. But if you don't already know, okay, and it's that we are only aware of about 0.5, zero, actually 0.0005%, up to 5% of what's taking place in our mind. Most people say 5%, but that's actually quite generous, because there is literature in neuroscience that suggests that some people are actually aware of under 1% of what's happening in their fricking mind. So that means that it's possible that that part of your mind that believes on some level that you're waiting for someone to come and save you, because that's a part of the stress response as well and part of the developmental response, because, like I said to you before, when you're a child you are dependent on a caregiver, right? Then this is speaking to that part of you and this part of you is probably holding you back more than you could possibly imagine.

Speaker 1:

So what did I say at the beginning of this episode? I said you're one of those two people, right? That, even if you have the mindset already, you already know consciously, you already know in theory and probably even practically, that no one's coming to save you. You're probably some. I do attract this channel. This show attracts a lot of independent, attracts a lot of the leadership kind of people who already have this mindset.

Speaker 1:

But what I just shared with you was the opportunity for your brain to take that mindset onto the next fucking level Like quantum leap vibes. We're talking here Because of the thing that we just learned, because, remember, you could have had the best parents in the world. They could have loved you unconditionally, but, for whatever reason, if, when you were a child, in some way your attachment connection to a caregiver was injured in every way which is extremely likely because us humans are fucking flawed and love is just sometimes not enough for human development, it just really isn't. And if that, if, whatever reason, that caregiver just literally betrayed you in the slightest way, said that they'd be your piano recital and didn't show up, that is literally enough. That is enough For our brain to be at risk of being stuck in that state of oh, I need to wait for mom and dad to be here, or, you know, I need to wait for them to give me closure and make amends, or I need to. I'm waiting for them to tell me that, even though they couldn't make it to that event, that it didn't, it didn't mean anything about me, that it wasn't personal to me.

Speaker 1:

And when you own and you live by the mindset of no one's coming to save me, please do not underestimate the power that six words can give you, Because what that's those six words has the potential due for you is actually clean up pretty much almost all of those parts of you that you're unaware of, because here at Hot Genius Society and the Hot Genius podcast, we're here to create quality and efficient results. It's not enough anymore to just learn shit. You can learn shit from anyone and anywhere. We have too much information it's about. We're up to the point of history where it's about. What do we do with this information? How can we make it relevant to us and our lives? Oh my God, I'm getting so passionate. It's like bummed my elbow Right and so no one's come to save me.

Speaker 1:

What does this actually look like? So? First, it looks like literally just living by it and saying it to yourself and meditating on it, pondering on it and really just exploring it, playing with it. But on a practical sense, what that further looks like is when you have this is how you know when this mindset has actually hit you at a visceral level. It's when you start to support yourself enough to be able to hold the shadow side of happiness, and the shadow side of happiness is actually taking responsibility for every single inch of your life and never giving into the temptation of being entitled to having anything more than you currently do. And so when I say this, I'm talking that this is how you can check yourself, right? Is that? Even if there is one percent of you like really reflect right now, really reflect on this. If there's even one percent of you that has some sort of a you know, shadow entitlement to believing that, based on the hard work and effort that you've put into your life, if there's even one percent of you that believes that you're entitled to more, in a sense of the vibes of like you know what I mean Like when you're a teenager and you're like you deserve more, like you should have, like a better I don't know Tamagotchi or something Right, like that feeling of you should have that a little bit more. Even if there's one percent of that feeling in you, then that's that's information, that's an opportunity for you to be like ooh, I want to clean that up, because that means that there's still that little part of me that isn't taking responsibility for their lives.

Speaker 1:

Because taking responsibility for your lives to this level is not sometimes or mostly being responsible for your lives when it works in your favor, it's taking responsibility for your life when it's really difficult to do so. It's taking responsibility for your life in ways in which you could easily argue isn't even your fault. You see, fault and responsibility, though, are two different things. I'd say, probably all the shitty things that ever happened to you are probably not your fault, but they are a responsibility to either recover from, grow from, evolve out of and or responsibility for how you responded to the situation, or that responsibility could also lie in how you allowed something or someone to treat you in a particular way. It's not about blame, though. You see. Blame creates the entitlement Like write that down that responsibility.

Speaker 1:

This is how you know you're taking actual responsibility and not just blaming yourself. It's when you feel fucking powerful. Afterwards, in a really weird way, it's like powerful with a sense of humility. It's not powerful in the sense of you want to bang on your chest and flip tables. It's a different. It's a more soft power, which is the real kind, the one that lasts, you know.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, in a way, we've told you the importance of this mindset. We told you how this mindset can actually transform your life, why, where it comes from, how it links and how it's relevant and what to do to see if you have it yet and how and to what degree do you have it, and to recognize any blind spots so you can strengthen them. Because now you might be wondering okay, christina, cool, cute. What does it even do for me, though, besides me feeling good? Well, first of all, let's normalize the reward of something, simply just the experience of what that thing gives us in the moment. Let's just recognize that the reward is enough for you to simply just feel in control, to simply feel liberated, but, lucky for you, there's more that comes with it, because in this place, you actually start to change on a chemical level and a physiological level.

Speaker 1:

What this mindset creates remember how I said this is the foundation of how your brain can change literally is because I want you to realize that the human brain is an adaptation machine. It never stops adapting. The thoughts you had yesterday is the reason why your brain is acting the way it is today. Seriously, as little as yesterday. Every single time you learn a new name, you drive a new route to your grocery store, your brain is changing, it's adapting, it's remodeling itself by having the mindset of no one is coming to save me, on a visceral level and then checking yourself which is what causes that visceral level of understanding. What comes from that is that your brain is quite literally molding into a different type of brain. It's becoming happier, its negative bias is decreasing even though that's very hard, because that's our hard wired response as humans and you start to see the world differently. You start to make better decisions. Opportunities start to arise that are probably always there but that you never noticed prior.

Speaker 1:

And the next mindset that links to this is having many triggers and traumas is actually an opportunity to get emotionally ripped. Every single time you feel the feeling that a trigger causes you are putting reps in your emotional fitness. You are depositing wellness in your wellness bank that you literally again on a chemical level, your nervous system is becoming more resilient to any potential and future stresses that come your way. Think about how many hours you've possibly wasted on being pissed off. Think about how many hours you've wasted on being pissed off, that you were pissed off in the first place. I can't even tell you how many fucking. I wouldn't even say all the hours for me. I'd say I spent years being pissed off for being pissed off. But when you not just apply this mindset because it's cute. When you apply this mindset and understand the meaning and that it's actually solid neuroscience, then you save so much time and you quite literally become stronger and more resilient.

Speaker 1:

You can't unchange that Every single time, and I'm not saying every single time your triggered, you get stronger. No, if every time you get triggered, you avoid the feeling, you escape the feeling that comes with that trigger, it works in reverse. You actually get that little bit quote unquote weaker. You become more sensitive, less resilient to stresses, actually. But remember, everything in the world is full of duality. There's a shadow and there's a light counterparts, everything like we're learning at the beginning with happiness. Happiness is amazing, but what the shadow counterpart of happiness, though, is taking complete responsibility of your life. You can't have a happy brain and be a happy person and also not take responsibility for your life. It's actually impossible. You can't do it. You can be happy-ish, absolutely, but happy will stop probably not, and so having many triggers and traumas are an opportunity to get emotionally ripped is how you can leverage the way your brain works, as opposed to letting it harm you.

Speaker 1:

You see, most of the people in the world accidentally use their triggers as a way to become more sensitive, and all that happens with that is that every single time you don't feel your trigger, the emotion that comes with the trigger, every time you escape the uncomfortable feeling, you are making yourself more sensitive. So do you see that having this mindset again is such a mindset? It is a hack and a tool to get more done, create a better life, become happier, be a better match for wealth, abundance and prosperity and success, happiness, joy, love. By doing less and getting more, and without even receiving any tangible reward, you will already feel better. You'll feel so good that you won't even care if you get that tangible reward. And then, when you do get the tangible reward because you will, you absolutely will it will just feel like the icing on the cake to an already delicious cake that we're going to call you so moral of the story.

Speaker 1:

Well, at the time recording this, it is 2023. We are days away from 2024. But in 2023, the end of 2023, it needs to become normal to understand the updated science of what we know about the mind-body connection and how the human brain and body link together through understanding the sciences of psychoneuroimmunology, neuroplasticity, neurogenesis, epigenetics, that what you think and how you respond to your emotions is no longer some wee-wooh-hee-bee-free love shit. It is fucking real. It is real. You need to like if you're not caught up in this, which you probably are, but if you're not fully up to date, you're missing out. I don't want you to miss out. I want you to enjoy, enjoy the magic and the power that you have because it's free. You don't even have to pay for it.

Speaker 1:

Unlearning emotions that do not benefit you and replacing them with emotions that do is the best investment you could ever put in yourself, with the highest ROI. But to unlearn emotions that do not benefit you in the first place believe it or not is simply through feeling them fully and finishing the emotional cycle of said emotion. When you do this, and only when you do this, can you now replace those you know unhelpful emotions with complete, helpful ones. You can replace disappointment with gratitude with ease, and you can do it without spiritually bypassing, and you can do it without suppressing emotion. It's genius, if you ask me. The actual act of changing your brain is actually fast and simple, and it can be done in seven days if you really wanted to. It's possible. But the hard part of changing your brain is not literally doing it, it's believing it's possible for you, in the first place, to do so.

Speaker 1:

And so, like I said, in days we are heading into 2024, which means this is your chance to upgrade. Let's upgrade. This is called the 2024 upgraded edition. You know what I'm saying. This is your software update that no one's coming to save you and that every single trigger and trauma is literally an opportunity to get ripped, to become an emotional athlete, because emotional health is physical health. You do not have anything without health. But so many case studies about people who have achieved all the fame, success and riches of the world and have no health, have no fulfillment and that money, that fame, it literally causes nothing more than to sovereign and they feel emptier than when they were broke.

Speaker 1:

So in days, like I said, we are heading into 2024 and your software upgrade is to realise that no one's coming to save you, which just really means taking full ownership of your life, that you're not going to blame yourself for anything, not even if you had two sleeves of Oreos, but you are going to take responsibility for you doing that. And how you can tell the difference between blame versus responsibility is blame makes you feel like shit and makes you feel entitled afterwards and responsibility makes you feel whole, grateful, humble and fucking powerful. That's how you know the difference. And we're at the time of history where it's not enough and we don't even need to just live in theory anymore, that we're at the time of history where that theory now gets to be lifestyle application and you, as a leader, you're not just a leader in your family, in your household, in your career, in your industry, in your organisation or business. You are a leader to humans and don't know anyone who ever makes contact with you. That's why you're listening to this show and by you leading by example, through cultivating and living these mindsets, you are impacting people through doing nothing other than you literally just living your best life. You mastering your emotional health, because when you have solid thoughts and solid emotional regulation skills, you can become the most happiest, most optimal version of yourself with ease. All you have to do is believe. So much love guys. Thanks for listening to this.

Speaker 1:

If you feel like someone could benefit from this episode, please share, please spread the word. You know we can't affect the world. I can't do this alone. You are a part of the hot genius society. You are a part of the vision of creating a future, happier and more well future for everyone. But it begins with you, it begins with us. So there's someone who you know will benefit from this episode in this show. I would much appreciate you sending this over to them. Merry Christmas, I hope you have the best beginning to new year. I hope you enjoy your software upgraded 2024 edition, new, and I'll see you next year. Chart for every.

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